A Cruel Game :: Fiftywords Story Contest

Sweat rolled down the old clockmaker’s brow and stung his eyes blurring the tiny spinning gears before him.

“Hurry Joseph, time is running out.” the Schutzstaffel commander jeered from a safe distance.

“Remember, your family will be free if you disarm it.”

Practiced steady hands carefully released the spring.



Image Credit: pavlofox

This is my submission for the #fiftywords series originally by @miniature-tiger, but has been continued by @jayna - click here for more details. I was initially hesitant to post this story because I know there are still some people alive today who lived through these horrid experiences. However, I think it's important that we not forget the atrocities of the past or we will be doomed to repeat them. I pray that we never forget and never repeat. Thank you for reading.


Wow, this is a strong, dark entry. Not something you'd normally see in a 50 word story. I re-read it a couple times, and can feel the anxiety.

Nicely done, and good use of the prompt word!

Yes, it is powerful and dark, but I think it's tremendous. The stories of the past, even the horrific ones, need to be retold so we don't forget the atrocities. The things mankind has done to one another over the centuries are mind-boggling. I think this piece demonstrates the power of the 50-word story. It makes us mindful that we are fortunate not to have to live through that, while also being a richly-told piece of fiction in its own right.

The setting and plot in this and delivered in only 50 words... excellent work @brandonsadventur

A powerful story! I also appreciate your reasons for sharing it. Thanks!

This is a strong 50-word story, congrats.

the first is the season of joy, it changes the mood of the people, makes them more dynamic, happy and creative. We can not let those irreplaceable moments that nature gives us: let's contemplate the sunset, let's capture an image. Listen to the song of the birds in the morning very early. Let's enjoy the breeze that rose the skin. Express the amazement for the colonization of the lapachos in the flowers. Let's enjoy ourselves in the morsel of water that eats in the stream. In every prayer, you demolish thanks to God for the goodness of spring, of life, of nature.

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