Chapter 1 (3 of 5) - Core (The Blockchain Based Fiction Series.)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Chapter 1.1
Chapter 2.1

"Korede! You better wake up already!" Corey heard his father shouting.

"Damn... Did I slept in again?" he thought and checked the clock. Corey did not expect to see that it was already 9 o'clock. He started panicking and thinking about all the possible excuses for skipping the class, but little by little this new thought was finding a way into Corey's head.

"Oh my God! I totally forgot that it is Saturday already!" Corey shouted out loud and heard his dad's laugh from outside of his room.

It was one of those moments that Corey really appreciated. He always thought that it is fascinating how people make themselves stressed for no reason.

"Korede, I know it is Saturday, but you cannot sleep any longer. Don't you remember that we have some plans for today?" his dad shouted somewhere from the kitchen.

Everything was getting better and better with every thought for Corey. It was not just a normal Saturday, but it was THE Saturday. It was Corey's and his dad's vacation day. He knew that it will be just two of them having fun. Since Corey never knew his mother, his father played an enormous role in Corey's life. He really appreciated everything that his dad does for him and wanted to be the best son that he can.

So Corey woke up as fast as he could, went to the bathroom, and put the jersey of Arsenal on. It was a first time that he was wearing this jersey with Mesut Ozil's name on it but there was a serious occasion for that. Corey and his dad were going to an Emirates Stadium today to watch Arsenal playing against Chelsea.

Even though Corey lived in England for many years already, he did not know much about football before a month ago. He still remembers how his father put two tickets on the table and said:

"Korede, I am taking you to see Arsenal's game next month. It might easily be the greatest little trip that we ever had, so start preparing!"

Corey was not very excited at the beginning as he thought that football is a pretty stupid game of 22 men running after one ball. Some kids made fun of him for this kind of attitude as it was not the best idea to be against football in England. You can hate whatever you want, but not football, Queen, or eggs and bacon for the breakfast.

That is the reason why Corey was watching every single game in this last month and he was learning all the best players of Arsenal. Corey could not believe it, but he actually loved watching this game and realized that there is a lot more to it than just running after the ball. So he found his passion for football and was super excited to see the game today.

"Korede! Faster! Those eggs with bacon cannot eat itself!"


Corey could not believe how huge was the Emirates Stadium. He with his father were almost last people to come in, so when they entered, all the seats were filled with people.

"Dad, did you know that were are 60 000 thousand people in this stadium? It is unbelievable!"

"Yes, son. And the best is only to come!"

Corey's father was a fan of football for many years now and he knew everything about Arsenal that there is to know. He also wanted that Corey would become Arsenal's fan and there was no better place for it to become than Emirates Stadium.

So, the game kicked-off. Corey could not believe how passionate all the fans were about this game. After all, it was a derby between two biggest London clubs and winning not only guaranteed 3 extra points in the League's table, but also honor and dignity.

Chelsea scored first in the 64th minute and that silenced whole Emirates Stadium. Corey actually thought that he can hear a fly on the other side of the stadium.

"We will lose, dad. I cannot believe that! It was such a great day..."

"Two things, Korede. Firstly, it is still a perfect day no matter what. You have to learn to appreciate whatever happens. Secondly, don't talk like that in front of this crowd. I might have to pretend that I don't know you. We will lose? Stop kidding me, there is still half an hour to go!"

The game was already in extra time and the score stayed the same. Corey noticed that some people were already leaving their seats and saw how his dad among some other fans started chanting some bad things about them.

"Son, you will soon understand that the biggest responsibility of the fan is staying loyal and close to the team. We might lose today and for upcoming 5 years, I don't care. I will still be close to the team and I will still support it with every little piece of my body. So be free to shout whatever you want at those disrespectful bastards that leave the game before it ends!"

"Also, Korede, always remembers that you can change your car; you can change your house; for, God sake, you can even change your wife, but never ever can you change your club. That is unforgivable."

Corey saw his dad in many different situations over the span of his life, but he cannot remember his father talking so passionately about anything else. Those words sank deep into the mind of Corey and made him think for a while.

"You know what, old man? Even though Arsenal has lost, Sanchez was terrible, Wenger could not control his team, and Ozil was passing that ball to his imaginary friends, I decided that this is going to be my team. I just feel some odd connection to it. I think that your sentimental words might have helped to convince me."

"You cannot imagine how proud of your choice I am, Korede! You can keep living in my house for a little longer if you want," his dad said and started laughing hysterically. So did Corey.

It was probably the most memorable "dad and son" day over the last decade. Everything was perfect, even though, Arsenal has lost the game. Corey knew that they have won the most precious thing - they have won his eternal loyalty.

"Chelsea can have those 3 points, dad, but they will never have my support!"

To be continued...

Please note that you can always be a part of this writing adventure. It's open to all fiction writers on Steemit. Kindly click here for more information.

Chapter 1
1 of 5 @fisteganos - 24th January.
2 of 5 @riskdebonair - 31st January.
3 of 5 @here - 7th February.
4 of 5 @son-of-satire - 14th February.
5 of 5 @dreemit - 21st February.

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