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RE: How to Make More Singaporean Writers

in #fiction7 years ago

It's so fascinating to hear your take on the writing scene from a Singaporean perspective. And I think the lessons are the same the world over: the publishing scene has changed so much (with print on demand and kindle publishing) over the past few years that doing things the way they used to be done is suicide. And why should people from a geographically small country do anything to limit themselves to the audience of that country?

Your education system sounds like it is the polar opposite of ours. But while you may think you have it "worse than the west" I think we've gone too far in the other direction. Our education system is such a waste of time, with so much focus on self-esteem and creative expression that actually learning facts is actively discouraged.

And I will lead the way.

I love your confidence and moxie. If you could bottle and sell it, I would order it by the case.


You got me rambling on a post about publishing over here with a link back to this post the top. Thanks for the motivation!

You're welcome!

Singapore is worse than the West in the specific context of encouraging and preparing creatives to develop their talents. When it comes to practical skills, though...

...Well, let me simply say that America uses Singaporean math textbooks.

Haha! I believe it.

If we could just have a happy medium, and maybe a system that fostered the talents of both creative and systematic thinkers... It's a shame that countries seem to pull so hard to each extreme.