Fiction: "Alexander's Child" Chapter1

in #fiction6 years ago


The crash of the car slamming into a tree reflected through her head. She forced her eyes open, blinking against a warm trickle of liquid that ran down into them of which she couldn't picture the colour. Thick darkness surrounded her, like a swarm of bees stinging it's victim. Her heart pounded in her ears, with adrenaline rush. She was unable to picture images.

Had I become blind? Bella said to herself, as she rolled her head to one side. Twisting her head farther, she saw a red light glowing.
She instantly became aware of the pressure against her shoulders. It then occurred to her why the lights ahead was in an odd position. The car was upside down. The white object at her front was the deflated air-bag. She fought her best to keep her eyes open still help could come.

Her fogy brain got the message of a faint whimper, Her baby. She cried out, struggling to get herself free from the seat belt holding her back but couldn't, the buckle wasn't in it's right position. She couldn't think why, she couldn't move.The smell of raw gasoline stung her nostrils as she tried to lift herself.
Small particles of scattered glass made her groan in pain as she tried to move. Enduring the pain she was able to maneuver one of her hand and immediately she turned down the key, making the red lights to disappear.
She shivered, realizing her clothes were wet as the rain entered through the broken window. A sense of relief ran through her as she knew the rain would reduce the danger of fire out break from the spilling gasoline. Cold seeped into her extremities, causing alarm to her body. Was she going to die? She stirred, fighting to stay awake as her eyelids seems to weigh heavily.

The baby cried again in a plaintive wail. Bella turned her head, tears mixing with blood on cheeks cause by the scattered glasses. She couldn't move, her legs numb and trapped by the crumpled metal of the car.
She tried to say his name but all that came out was a weak moan. She pushed frantically against the restraint of the webbing. She had to resume Cole, she had to save him. She did her best but was unable to reach down to press the seat belt release, release.
Suddenly a bright light came up across the road to the side of the damaged car. Help!!! She tried shouting but it came out in a weak moan as usually. It's stuck in a gorge a husky voice said. Gorge? Bella tried to make meaning out of the words but couldn't, her head was at war inside of her. "My baby," she moaned. "please save my baby".
Don't worry everything will be alright the husky voice said to her. More noises came up but she couldn't make a sense of what they were all saying.
What was wrong, she panicked as she couldn't hear Cole's voice anymore. Is he dead, he should be screaming his head off. She wanted to shout but was unable to as her world turned black and cold.

"No, It can't be. You're lying. It's not true". Bella pounded her aching hands on the edges of the bed. She grabbed the metal at the edges of the bed, and struggled to sit up. The room rotated around her, her head spinning.
Gritting her teeth while trying to sit up, she mistakenly pushed the IV pole to fall, causing the IV in the back of her hand to pull out. She yanked the end of the tape loose and tossed the needle aside, not minding the pain because it wasn't compared to the agony tearing through her hear.
"Issabella dear, you'll hurt yourself," Blake said. He stood by her bed his face pale, hands twisting together as if he wanted to console her but didn't know he would do it. "You don't know what you saying Blake, you're lying." Bella said in a voice like that of a screaming banshee. "He's not dead, my baby is not dead, my son can't be dead." She pounded hard on the bed like it was the reason for her catastrophe. "He's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead." She kept on screaming. A nurse rushed in, a young woman who'd graduated from the prestigious university of Ibadan with Bella too at the same time. "Bella, I'm so sorry. We didn't know how to break the ugly incident to you." Bella stared at her with an accusing look. "So you knew to." She cried.
"Am so sorry Bella", she said as she tried to lift up the IV pole, I think I would get you a sedative, so you would-
"please I don't need any creepy sedative", Bella cuts in. "To hell with it, on less it can bring back my baby then I would need." She collapsed back onto the pillow, gasping for breath.
I know it would be hard now for you Bella but you have to-
"Please for crying out loud, I don't need any sedative shit," she cuts in again.
Exhausted, Bella stared at the ceiling of the hospital made with POP-Screening.
Just go away nurse please, I want to be alone she said. The nurse hovered, making worried looks and noises. Bella wished she would just go. She didn't need any sedative because she had been unconscious long enough. Too long she couldn't remember for how many days or weeks. Blake spoke to the nurse in a low tone saying"nurse please I can take it from here, I do appreciate your concern and I would call if any need or emergency arises".
"Okay then I would leave since you are her family ( brother), and it's seems the best option for her." The nurse said and swished the door closed while she left.
Bella jerked out of Blake's reach as he touched her hands. His face etched with lines of worry and concern as he sat down, laying his hands on his lap.
"Dear Issabella let me help you please, I know how you must feel-"
Bella cuts him off, "How would you know how I feel Blake, just tell me? You have never had any child, not to talk of loosing a child. So tell me how, she choked on the words. "Why did they take the milk from my breast, making me to believe my baby was alive and in another room? why?"
"Bella it was because you were very unconscious that we all feared you might die, if we told you the truth. We needed to tell you something that would give you hope to live that was why." And you agreed Blake? Tell me you agreed, she said. Sighting, Bella took a deep breath, afraid she might throw up as agony, slightly muted by the residue of the painkiller, she was given in the morning. She closed her eyes, holding back the tears. Her heart was gone, gone with the wind, leaving an empty hole in it. First it was Alexander, then her father, and now her baby. They was nothing left. No one matters anymore to her."Please just go", she said.
"If that's what is good for you then I would leave". Oh! please Blake just stop, I want my baby back. That is what would be good for me. "We all do Bella, and you know I would give anything, anything just if this hadn't happened.
Standing up, Blake dusted the bottom of his trouser, straightened his shirt and took an umbrella near by the wall, painted in light grey and mushroom colour. It then occurred to Bella it was still raining. It had been raining when the car crashed, water mixing with the blood on her face that faithful night.
It would go on raining forever, or maybe the sky is weeping for her only child, she said to herself as she dozed off.

Hours later she was woken up by a nurse that came in, a different one from the earlier nusre, older with a comfortable motherly face, someone she didn't recognize. The nurse checked her temperature and blood pressure. While noting down the figure she read on the thermometer on a file, Bella asked with curiosity, "I don't have any broken bones, do I?." "Nothing broken. You were lucky," the nurse said cheerfully.
But my baby wasn't lucky Bella said. She took a deep breath, saying to herself "what were broken bones? I would have given my life, if I could to bring Cole back. The was about taking her leave, when Bella asked if she could get the breast pump. The nurse came back, folded her equipment and perched on the edge of the bed, taking Bella's hand in hers. Her eyes were warm and sympathetic when she smiled. "I know it's hard for you Ms Casey, Mr Blake Casey explained that he told you about the baby. Expressing your milk will only prolong your pain and discomfort. But don't worry I will give you a medication to dry it up. "No." Bella's voice echoed around the walls of the room. "I need to do this, please." The nurse looked down at her "All right, just once more and their would be no more breast pump.
Hours later Bella laid back, exhausted. Her baby was dead, he would never need her milk again. A curly dark head poked into the doorway while Bella was lost in thoughts. "Ms Bella should I bring in your tray," the young student nurse doing her houseman ship asked. "Please do," Bella said even when she hated the smell of food, but she had to eat to keep the milk coming, she had to.
After eating, Bella searched her mind for the nurse's name, remembering clearly that she had helped her with the breast pump a day before. When they had all been lying to her.
Trica- that was it. "Thank you, Trica. Am okay now, you can now leave.
Trica took the plates and left. Reaching the door, she turned back at Bella. Her eyes with concern and pity. "Please wait," Bella called out, "what day is it today." The nurse face gave an expression on amusement. "You don't know," she asked. Bella shook her head, grimacing at the pain. Her brain must have really smashed itself against her skull since she couldn't remember. "No Trica, I don't." "Okay you were brought in on Saturday night or rather, early Sunday morning." The nurse said. Bella tired mind worked to digest the piece of information. Six days. "Was I unconscious all that time?" "No, not all time. She remembered people around her, Blake soothing her, the nurses whispering. "You were unconscious most of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You kept asking about the baby whenever you woke a little starting from on Thursday. I know you can't remember much, "that's the way it is with head injuries." The nurse said, going over to the window to pull down the blind, shutting out the rain. "I'm really sorry dear." "Thank you," Bella said, her voice void of expression. The nurse was about going out when Blake came in, wearing a ralph lauren men's rugby shirt and a prada jeans trouser. "How you feeling dear?" he asked, while placing the umbrella on the wall nearby. "How should I be feeling Blake, tell me how?" She asked.
He taking a deep breath, he rubbed his hand over his trouser, then stuck it into the pocket. "I'm sorry, Bella. I know how much the baby means-
"Oh please his name is Cole. Stop calling the name baby like it was some child I bought with my cash." Bella said, cutting him off.
Blake stepped back, as if she had slapped him. Guilt flooded up in her. She dropped her gaze, pleating the edge of the bed sheet between her trembling fingers. "Oh, Blake I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault. I'm sure you did what you thought was best." "What the doctors thought was best Bella," Blake said. I had to go with their decision because you had a severe concussion. We were afraid that there might be brain damage. Brain damage? maybe that was why she felt numb. "Maybe my mind is completely lost and also dreaming about all this." She said to herself. "Was there?" she asked quietly. "No Bella as far as they can tell. They might be more tests but so far everything looks fine." Blake after explaining drew his armchair closer to the bedside of Bella, crossing one leg over the other. Bella watched him, the thin edge of compassion cutting through her pain.

Blake didn't handle emotions well. When their father had died, he stood stoically at the graveside, his face gloomy and it was like all hope was lost. He must have felt the power of grief on him since he was their father's business partner and they had worked together in the Grey Enterprises for years. He just didn't know how to pretend when it comes to facial expressions. "Thanks Blake for standing by me" she said tentatively. Blake cleared his throat. " oh come on Bella, you are my blood. Am just happy to see you feeling better."
"Have they said when I will be able to go home? She asked. "I spoke with the nurse earlier today, but she said it's up to the doctor." Black replied.
Bella had time to think while she was using the breast pump but for the past few days remained a confused jumble in her mind. She remembered the accident and also her baby crying that night. She remembered hearing voices but tried speaking when she passed out. The rest memories was all out of head because she was unconscious. Until she had woken up in the hospital bed where she lay now.

"Blake, why was I on that road at night in a rainstorm? And in your car? She asked.

To be continued.

Author's note: What do you think might be the reason for Bella in Blake's car at that time of the night?
Could it be she was running away from her husband. Or, She was been told that someone died that night and her presence was needed urgently. Or, her baby became very sick that night and she needed to take him to the hospital since it was an emergency. Or, she was driving to fast that lead to the accident.

Find out in the next chapter of "Alexander's child" on Friday, 4th of May.

Answer And Win Time 🤹🤹🤹.

1.What is the full name of Bella?

2.How many days was Bella unconscious in the hospital?

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  • One entry per one person.
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Thanks For Reading 💛💙💛💙.


A wonderful piece, I will come back for more

Thanks ma you just gave me a reason to continue the story because I thought of dropping it honestly.

Interesting piece
Keep the ink flowing

Thanks @jeaniepearl you also came up when I thought of dropping the story.
Now with this I have to start writing the chapter 2 now because I haven't.

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