Nevendar: The wizard's tale - Long train voyage - part 1

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Introduction - link.
New chapter.


Everyone gathered near the front gate. Luca and Cristabella have packed their belongings in Adely’s self riding carriage. It wasn't very big so they had to put most of their things on the back seat.

"This means goodbye Criss. Who knows when we’ll see each other again.“
"It’s not like we’re going to different worlds, you know. If not during school, we’ll meet during breaks and maybe some holidays and maybe even gatherings.“
"Maybe. What if I get sent to some far away war? Would any of you miss me?“
"Of course we will! Don’t talk like that.“
"Sorry. Feeling morbid this days. You heard stories about the training. They say many don't make it until the end, some even die!“
"With you're abilities, I'd be surprised if something happened to you. And besides, you too dumb to die!"

There are those few who are born with extraordinary abilities, due to various factors. Gerath was born with extraordinary strength, it was actually the only reason he survived when his parents were murdered.

"Ha ha ha, very funny! You know, I'll miss you're teasing."

It was unusual for Gerath to be this emotional, even his boisterous voice mellowed down. It was all the more strange for someone looking from the sides, considering he was noticeable taller and bigger then Crisstabella. At this point, he seamed as if he was a little boy talking to a teacher, or his mother.

"Gerath Norian, I'd never imagined to hear that from you? Will you be missing Emily as well?"
"I may be getting emotional, but not that much!"

They both laughed, as they both knew how Emily can be. She had a temper and was full of insecurities. She had no real friends among the children, as she always tried to hang out with other kids, from school, neighborhood, or Emberly's kids. She always felt that she deserved more, that she was better then the rest.

Cristabella and Gerath embraced each other in a warm and a lengthy hug.

„Take care of Luca. Just try to toughen him up a little. I know you’re going to be frail, weak mages, but he shouldn't let just anyone pushing him around.“

Sarcasm could be clearly heard from his voice. He may not have been good at it, but he tried to tease Cristabella when ever he had chance. She would usually return the favor, but this time she had no desire to continue their usual bickering.

„He first needs to get his head out of the clouds. Luca’s tough enough, he just needs to find motivation to care for something.“

They always acted as big brother and big sister to most kids. Most mature, most logical and rational. Gerath charismatic and inspiring. Cristabella forceful and commanding.
Cristabella sat on the front seat next to Adely and Luca squeezed himself on what was left of the back seat. As Adely started the carriage, engine lightened up and came to life.
Adely speed up the carriage. She did not wanted to be late, not even considering they are whole hour early. The kids did not notice, but there was something else bothering her. There was a sense of urgency in her, that she desperately tried to hide.

The town was slowly preparing for colder weather. Coats were becoming warmer and heavier. There were more gloves and even a few scarfs. A couple of electrician workers were mending street light. It was still early for artificial lights to be turned on, but that should not stop them from making sure nights are not as dark.
They moved as fast as the traffic and their top speed allowed them. It was not much. It was not like her carriage could even go much faster. It was an older model and Adely had no money to buy something made in recent years. She never minded, or cared much about money, newest clothes or jewelry. If she did, she would have never started working in an orphanage. She had what she needed. Enough to get her from home to work and back, or to take her kids where they need to go.

Even if it was a work day, traffic was light. Train station on the other hand was filled with many young aspirants eager to make their mark on the world. Most of them are with parents and friends. A few were with some other legal guardians. Even rarer are young teens waiting alone.

The entrance of the station was not impressive, just like the whole building. Even if they were a successful town, they never had the need to build a bigger, or more spectacular one. Adely parked on a small carriage parking. Even she was surprised it was not taken. Considering how many people were in the area. She took the heaviest language herself, while the twins took a few smaller traveling bags. Adely knew she looked ridiculous, carrying two large suit cases. She could barley walk straight.

“Do you mind opening that door for me?”

Luca immediately jumped in front of her as quickly as he could. Adely walked in first, while the two followed behind. As they navigated through, what looked like a constant torrent of people, all three of them searched for the right train.

“We’ve been through this many times, but just remember to stay close to the entrance of the train station. Don’t get confused, they have something that looks like a front entrance, but it’s not. First one leads to a large shopping center. Made for passengers. Locals usually don’t use it. Too expensive. Try not to spend too much money in that place. My sister will be waiting for you at the entrance. She looks just like in the pictures I showed you. She told me she has a flat prepared for you. Nothing special but it should be enough. Just remember, she’s not a bad person, she really isn’t. She’s just, a little, eccentric.”

What seamed like only a few moments passed and a very loud whistle pierced the air and signaled that passengers should board the train. They all hugged. Adely kissed them. Carrying large suit cases they slowly walked on to the train. After the short time they found a cabin. There was only a single person inside.


Images links: image 1 and image 2.

part 1
part 2
part 3

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Great writing @thewriterguy ! Looking forward to more work :) will be following!

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