The rushing darkness

in #fiction6 years ago

There is something about subways that have always attracted me, I don't know what it is. It isn't like they are overly attractive and they definitely aren't clean. Yet, there is something that draws me into them, something mysterious.

Perhaps it is all of the people, familiar strangers so to speak. The kinds of people that are just like me going about their business, on the way to work or, knocking off for the evening. Others with hands laden with shopping bags, mothers trying to keep their children close and foreigners to the system just getting in the way and staring like vegetables at the screens and numbers they are unable to comprehend.

You know who are locals in a subway, no matter where you are in the world. There is a certain amount of ease that one familiar with it all has, a grace of sorts. No mess or fuss, just efficiency but, it isn't mechanical, it is an organic flow. Perhaps this is part of the attraction down here. An engineered system ruled by chaos and randomness.

The people of the city, living their lives in the electric lights of real life, the grime and crime, the dregs and the dresses. Down here, the law of the jungle means that no one is trusted and that in itself offers a paradox. Above ground these are the people we all rely on to make sure the streets are safe and the bins emptied, the children are educated and the patient gets their meds.

But, drop down a flight of stairs and the reliance is gone, it is survival of the fittest, each is an individual. Yet, when standing on that platform waiting together, all are waiting for the same thing and, all are headed in the same direction. It is a representation of life itself.

So many paths to choose, directions to take, stops and starts to make but, at the end of the day, everyone wants the same thing. A way to get home, a chance to get back to their families, dogs, cats, fish and the comfort of the television or a warm meal to fill the belly. People are simple and similar.

Despite the noise and the the unwillingness to make eye contact, there is not much separating one from the other, down in the dinginess of the subway, all are equals, no matter how they dress. The suited, the floral prints, the black leather or the piercings, the connection between is greater than any care admit.

Time is an illusion in the subway, it is not here nor is it there for when running late, the train will always run on time but, when in a rush, it will be late. And a breakdown takes an eternity, a hold up of a handful of minutes crawls as the discomfort of the strangers beside grows. With each passing moment of stillness, the borders decrease and the risk to discover that you and I are the same increases. The start of movement comes with an audible sigh.

Down here I feel at home, like I belong. Faceless in the crowd but certain of my actions. The walls contain, constrain and enclose but, I feel free and as the air rushes by as the train that is not mine passes on. I feel renewed, invigorated, alive.

I think all secretly love the subway despite the complaints heard about the people or the repressive conditions and the stagnant air. I think the secret of that attraction doesn't lay in what is seen, it lays at either end of the platform.

The black holes of mystery from where the nose of the train emerges and the tail will again disappear. It is there I feel the gravity pull, as it is there where the unknown lays. Assumptions can be made on where they come from and to where they lead but the mind may play tricks and question what lays beyond and what has come before.

The foot leaves the platform to board, the doors close behind and the movement starts. I look around at those faces sitting and standing and think, they all expect to get to where they plan to be. Yet, once we enter into the darkness, all we have is trust in the system and each other if it fails.

We have built those network below the ground to ship the people of common blood, of normalcy and exception. A maze of holes and trails that like ants and rats we negotiate but during that time, as we all aim for the same we cooperate.

Yeah, I love the subway, I love what it represents. It is a utopia of sorts but not the one expected and depicted by frail minds looking for security. Down here it is a perfect world where you can trust that nothing is to be trusted. The platform may be solid but everything else is not.

[ a Steemit original ]


I've always been a bit scared of the subway, as I have this fear of falling down (or getting pushed) on the tracks. But I suppose you're right, there's something different about going down to the subway, something you don't get with any other transportation..

I love them. Some of my favourite photos I have taken are from subways and some very memorable conversations and experiences with strangers. Helped by a non-English speaking Russian couple in St Petersburg get to where we ere going after tunnels were closed, getting to know a French medical student in Paris, Singing with strangers in London after they found out I was Australian, crushed in Tokyo like sardines, Honeymoon adventures in Milan. I have been lucky to travel and subways feel like home.

The funny thing is, where I am from, there is no subway.

Have used subways all my life but the last few years have dodged them like the plague. When I am in London I use the taxi and not the tube. Will rather spend extra knowing I am not trapped like a rat when something goes down. Next time I am back there i may use them again . It all depends on what is happening around the world with the extremist nutters.

I take the 'if it is my time, it is my time' approach. But, I life in Finland where essentially nothing is allowed to kill you by law, accidental or not. Except for drinking, they encourage that.

I don't like subways . I don't like busses . No I will not eat green eggs and ham .
the direction in the subway are ok if your from there but if your new there , and not familiar with public transportation its a 20% chance you will get to your destination .
I hate public transportation .
It is a well designed system to move mass number of people here and there throughout a city . (not me)

Chicago also has the L Trains, which is just an elevated train vs the subway being underground. Just dirty overall, but I can say that about most of Chicago. Glad I'm not in the City directly as it's turning into a dump. Downside to The Democrat Machine in's so corrupt that nothing is left to actually take care of things by the time the politicians have all stolen their share.

I know I don’t comment often, but I really enjoy your writing :)

I’ve never been on a subway, but there is something oddly peaceful about being surrounded by strangers. I have anxiety, and it’s often triggered by being in a crowd of people that I know. But for some reason, I find myself at ease in a crowd of strangers. I enjoy being a “fly on the wall” as opposed to being noticed.

Thank you, it is appreciated.

I have the same feeling. I am a bit of a people watcher and when in a crowd, no one pays attention. In a group of familiars, there is social interaction.

Perhaps that is why photography is interesting? Can hide behind the camera and be the unseen fly.

Most definitely :)

Of course, it represents life. Above all - it is symbol that we aren't much different at all.

Thinking you are a snowflake is an illusion. So it is better to learn from people elder than us. Because chances are we will take the same path, make similar mistakes. And might want the same thing.

So, learn from people ahead. And embrace the sameness of the life.

I am a little neutral with my feelings towards subways. I tend to prefer open, fresh air spaces but a late night ride in subway is thrilling in it's own way :)

Your description of a subway is almost alive. Artistry with words.........I would have called it if not for the fact that Subways and area under the bridges are spaces I try to avoid.

it is worth liking it.

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