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in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

The following communique is an fictionalization of actual real world events that have been recorded or rerecorded and distributed via the exchange of electronics otherwise referred to as the internet. Nothing is to be believed, evidence has been supplied for support.

We can’t keep meeting like this.

Public Use Image Unraveling leaves by ben klocek

If you and I are serious about making these changes last, we will need to develop a more secure communication line.

Our information sharing is being ever limited.

The need for 100% encrypted communication is eminent.

Hold on…

Public Use Image Red Waiting Chairs

Where was I?

Right the communications.

JA“ Bitcoin is something that evolved out of the cypherpunks a couple of years ago, and it is an alternative... it is a stateless currency.”

JA “dealing with Egypt we saw the Mubarak government cut off the internet and we saw only one - there was one ISP that quite few of us were involved in trying to keep its connections open, it had maybe 6% of the market. Eventually they cut.. eventually the Mubarak government also cut off the mobile phone system. And why is it that that can be done?”

JA “So you can throw these things up and make your own networks with conventional mobile phones pretty quickly. In fact this is what is done to spy, to keep spying on mobile phones. You set up a fake base station. And there's vans now, you can buy these in bulk on the commercial spy market, to set up a van and intercept mobile phone calls. During these revolutionary periods the people involved in the revolution need to be able to communicate. They need to be able to communicate in order to plan quickly and also to communicate information about what is happening in their environment quickly so that they can dynamically adapt to it and produce the next strategy. Where you only have the security services being able to do this, and you turn the mobile phone system off, the security services have such an tremendous advantage compared to people that are trying to oppose them. If you have a system where individuals are able to communicate securely and robustly despite what security services are doing, then security services have to give more ground. It's not that the government is necessarily going to be overthrown, but rather they have to make more concessions.”

Transcript Quotes

Don’t believe that nonsense.

Move along.

It's white noise.

"Baseball is a good metaphor for most things in life, and the economy is no exception. As in baseball, value is fundamentally social in nature: it is the collective passion and interest that makes the sport such a valuable institution."

Baseball is a safe topic.

“Baseball” is a safer topic.

Let’s stick to the game.

We are in the top on the 8th right now.

We are down by a run, but gotta man on.

Two outs.

Clean up hitter at the plate.

Would it be better if billionaire owners paid for their own stadiums?,” you ask.

You’re missing the point.

Public Use Image Baseball

If there are more stadiums, we will need more people to fill them.

Where will our fans live?

Suicidal House Policies have prevented new residential construction.

Why can’t we just live in tent cities?

Trailer parks are cleaner.

Plus, what are we doing all day anyways?

Work sucks you know.

New York State which will pay you $43,700 for not working followed by Connecticut $44,370, Washington DC $50,820 and the best place of all to drop out is Hawaii where annual welfare income reaches $60,590. Hey it is expensive to live in Hawaii.

Man oh man…

I see where I went wrong.

Plus with AI, we won’t have to think of that much longer.

We won’t have to think at all…

Public Use Image Mind Uploading

But the secret is out.

“So there is a lot of additional work that needs to be done if one is going to answer in detail why deep learning works so well." Lin said.

That’s easy to explain.

“After all, deep learning itself was an unloved department of AI until researchers began to plug in the cheap data and abundant processing power made available in recent years. Maybe it’s time for another blast from AI’s past to try its skills in a new environment.” Source Redacted

The artificially intelligent conversation agent is the last user interface.

This is preposterous.

We will not stand, nay, we will not stand for this.

With the game coming to a close, we will attempt a complete strategization attempt.

Our efforts will prefail.

Stand firm ye BTC in which we trust.


Written by Michael Paine

Please follow me, @strangerarray, to keep up to date with my other fiction, nonfiction, and other off the wall imaginations.

Also feel free to send donations to: PayPal.Me/michaelpaine because yeah.

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