The Dark Magic Show - Episode 2

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

What is dark magic? How does it work? The answers might surprise you.

Sly grinning sorcerer in a strikingly shiny black tophat struts onto the stage.  An expectant crowd applauds and sends upbeat vibes.    

Magician (waving, grinning):  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! You’re too kind! What you’re about to see is stunningly real! Or not…...Or both? Before we begin, I’d like to introduce my lovely assistant, Storm! She’s the first humanoid A.I. performer in history! Or is she…..? Come on out, Storm!

An artificially crafted female in a dazzling outfit gracefully makes an entrance.    

Magician:  Ok, for this trick I need two volunteers from the crowd, but they must meet one requirement.  I need everyone to raise their hands who know that all people are born with equal, natural rights.    

About half the crowd raises hands.    

Magician:  Ok, out of those with their hands raised, if you wish to volunteer, keep your hand up!

Lots of hands drop.

Magician:  Ok, , you sir, with the handlebar mustache and cheap suit, come on up!

Guy glances around awkwardly, then starts swaggering up to the stage.

Magician:  Welcome to the big stage! Nice stache!   
Mustache Guy:  Thanks, it takes a lot to maintain its luster.   

Magician:  I don’t doubt it! I wish I could say the same for the suit.

Crowd laughs.    

Magician:  What’s your name?
Mustache Guy:  My friends call me “Hawk”.

Magician:  Oooo, wow, that’s a helluva name.  Welcome, Hawk.  Ok, next volunteer! Keep those hands up, folks!  (points to the middle rows)  You there, lady in red, will you come on stage, please?

Lady in red jumps for joy and hurries down the aisle.  Magician lends hand and pulls her up on stage.

Magician:  Welcome to the big stage! What’s your name, lady in red?
Lady In Red (excited):  Felicity Marie Appletree!

Magician (shocked face):  Didn’t really need your full name, but that’s ok!
Felicity:  That’s not my full name. 

Magician (confused):  I see…...Ok, anyway, who’s ready for some magic?! 

Crowd cheers.  Hawk and Felicity grin and start hopping around.    

Magician:  Now, both of you raised your hands to indicate that all people have equal rights, correct?

They nod and agree.

Magician:  Very well.  Hawk, come to me, please.  I must tell you something in private.   

Hawk walks over.  Magician whispers in ear.  Hawk’s eyebrow shows surprise.   

Hawk:  Really?

Magican nods and grins malevolently. Hawk walks over to face Felicity.

Hawk (dark, gruff tone):  Give me all your money.

Felicity (disbelieving laugh):  No.  Why should I do that? (turns to magician) Is this part of the trick? I don’t have money on me.  My husband is holding my purse.

Magician:  Why won’t you give him your money?
Felicity (offended tone):  Cuz, it’s my money! Why should I give it to him? He doesn’t have any right to it!

Magician:  Hawk, you know what you have to do.
Hawk (nodding, pulls out pistol):  Now will you give me your money?

Felicity:  This is part of the show, right? That’s a fake gun, so no, I won’t.
Magician:  Hawk? Show the gun’s capabilities, please.  There’s a target towards the back of the stage.

Hawk fires and hits a bullseye.  Crowd gasps.  Felicity grimaces and trembles. Hawk points gun at Felicity.

Felicity (gulping, hands trembling):  Ok, I’ll give it to you!  (turns to magician) I’ll get it back at the end of the show, right?

Magician shrugs.

Magician (to crowd):  Mr. Appletree! Will you join us on stage, please?

A bald guy in a sensible golf shirt and khakis diligently goes on stage, hands purse to Felicity, starts to run away.

Magician:  No, no, please stay here, Mr. Appletree! Join us!

Mr. Appletree wrinkles nose and makes pouty face.

Magician:  Felicity, you said earlier that Hawk has no right to your money.  Now that he has a gun in your face, has this changed? 

Felicity:  No, it’s still rightfully mine.
Magician:  But you’ll give it to him anyway.    

Felicity:  Well, yeah, cuz he’s got a gun pointed at me.  That still doesn’t make it right! Robbing people is wrong! Nobody has the right to do that!

Magician:  I love the logic and tenacity! And now, Mr. Hawk, will you please show what’s in your jacket pocket?

Hawk pulls out IRS badge, shows it to the Appletrees and the audience.    

Hawk:  Hand it over. (Felicity hands him the purse) Consider it a down payment on your back taxes.    

Felicity (shocked):  What?! Back taxes? I don’t owe any back taxes! Is that a real badge? Is this for real?
Magician (amused):  Real badge? Fake badge? What’s the difference? Hawk, put the gun away and show her the document.

Hawk pulls out document.

Magician:  Do you see all those fancy seals and stamps, Felicity? That’s an official document from the IRS! You owe them money! Now that you’ve seen the badge and document, do you believe that this same person has the right to take your stuff?

Felicity (confused, panting, sweating):  Uh, well, I dunno, I guess so, if he’s really with the government.    

Magician:  But Felicity! Just moment ago you said that you know everyone has equal rights! You also said that robbing people is wrong and nobody has the right to do it!

Mr. Appletree (eyes darting):  Is this real?

Magician (scoffs):  Mr. Appletree, this is television….Tell-A-Vision! It is up to each individual to discern between truth and falsehood!  What I can tell you with certainty is that what you have just witnessed is some of the darkest magic this world has ever seen!

Magician turns, waves to audience, and bows six times, while audience cheers wildly.

Curtains close. 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikipedia



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