Black and Silver Chapter 7

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


A weaponized virus is suspected to be on US soil, likely to be used against American citizens. Adam Black, a former federal agent, framed for a terrorist attack 18 months prior, has been broken out of prison by the Anti Terrorist Coalition ATC as part of an undercover operation, in which Adam attempts to infiltrate the ranks of a known drug criminal Nicolás Diaz to gain intel on the virus. Diaz used Adam to gain information on the virus himself, and escaped to pursue it for his own ends.

November 1st, 2023. 1:05pm - Los Angeles

Adam makes a frantic phone call to Richard to give him an update on the situation, as he and Gwen make their way to the car.

"Richard, it's me. Diaz got away, he's on his way to the virus."

Richard starts doubting his judgement to trust Adam with this mission. Something always goes wrong.

*"What do you mean he got away? I thought you had this handled."

"We don't have time for this right now. Patch me up to Alex, I need him to locate Diaz on a satellite feed. He can lead us to the virus, hurry.

Richard patches the call to Alex who has his computer set up ready.

"Adam, what's up?"

"Alex, I need you to locate a black Mercedes, it left left 2343 North Alvarado Street a minute ago. He's our only lead to the virus."

Adam starts working on getting a satellite feed up and begins locating the black Mercedes.

"Working on it... looks like I found something. Adam, he's heading north from where you are."

"Copy that."

Adam keeps the line open and connects it to the car's Bluetooth while he starts it and begins driving north.

"I need you to give me real time updates on where he's heading, I can't risk him realizing he's being followed. Also, pull up everything you can about a Claude Vasella. He's the man in possession of the virus."

"You got it."

ATC Headquarters

Paul overheard Alex working on something, and gets up from his workstation to get a heads up.

"There's a development on the case?"

"Adam's following Diaz, he's on his way to the virus."

"Following? I thought Adam was undercover."

"I guess the situation changed, I don't know, I'm working."

Paul takes this as a failure on Adam's part, and decides to go talk to Richard about it. Paul heads to his office to have a talk.

"I thought Adam was working undercover? Why is he on the chase for Diaz?"

Richard is not in the mood for Paul's attitude right now, but gives him a grumpy version of what's going on.

"Look, we're all busy right now. Adam called, he's tailing Diaz who's on his way to the virus. It's not what was planned, but if it works, it works."

Paul gets increasingly agitated.

"I'm the Head of Field Ops, I'm not fine with a fugitive calling his own shots on the field!"

"And I'm your boss, and right now I don't care what you are or aren't fine with!"


Paul storms out of the office. He stops and thinks for a second, until stopping by Alex again.

"Alex, I'm heading out. Whatever info you give Adam goes through me, as well. Got it?"

"This was authorized by Richard?"

"Just do it."


Paul heads out of the building, but bumps into Maria on the way.

"Paul, where are you going?"

"I'm heading out. To do my job. Excuse me."

Paris France - 22:15pm (Local Time)

Silverman's plane lands at a private airport just outside of Paris. Silverman steps out of the plane and carries with him a determined, magnificent presence. It looks as if it's impossible for anything to phase him, impossible for anything to go against whatever his plans are at any given time.

For a man well into his his 60s, he is in tremendous shape, though his body is covered in expensive clothing. The fact that his long hair is silver grey is just about the only giveaway that he has aged past a certain point.

A long, white limo is awaiting him, and as Silverman steps in, the driver immediately starts driving, and Silverman takes out his cell phone.

"I'm on my way. There's a situation in Los Angeles, but it's being monitored. It could be an action against us, but. It's being monitored. I'll let you know."

Los Angeles

Alex is giving Adam directions via phone, as Maria calls Adam on the other line.

"Alex, I'm gonna need to get back to you, Maria's on the other line."

Adam switches to the other line.

"Yeah, what is it, Maria?"

"Paul just stormed out of HQ, I think he's coming after Diaz."

"What you mean he's coming after Diaz? He could put this whole operation at risk."

"He stormed out and went dark after Diaz escaped."

Adam just gawks at Paul's actions, but remains focused on the task at hand.

"Oh, for the love of... Look, I need Alex to give me directions, I need to call him back. Try to get a hold of Paul. We can't afford him messing this up, Diaz is our only connection to the virus."

Gwen nervously drives her fingers through her hair, as she is afraid Paul's childish jealousy will cost them the operation.

"We can't let Paul jeopardize this."

"Well, right now we need to focus."

Adam calls Alex back.

"Okay, it's me. Where am I going?"

"Head west on the next turn, it looks like Diaz is heading outside of the city."

"Did you manage to get anything on Claude Vasella?"

"I found the guy. A Swiss businessman. Nothing incriminating, never been convicted. Nothing indicating any sort of criminal activities. I'll upload the picture on your phone."

A photo of an average businessman appears on Adam's phone. It's not a face he's seen before.

"Gotcha. I don't think Vasella is intending to use the virus, I think he's just looking to make a profit. But we need to operate under the assumption that whoever is buying the virus intends to use it if he's willing to pay a lot of money for it."

"Well, he resides in Switzerland, so I'm guessing he's in LA specifically to sell the virus. Doubtful he'd do that for pocket change."

Alex notices something on his satellite feed.

"Adam, looks Diaz is closing in on his destination. It's a warehouse a few miles to the east of where you are. He's pulling his car at he driveway."

"Copy that. Do you see anyone at the warehouse?"

"I see heat signatures from two groups of people, nine total."

"The deal's probably in progress."

The warehouse is surrounded by woods, Adam stops the car far enough for them to not get noticed, as he instructs Gwen on what to do. It's not that Gwen is not skilled enough for a job like this, it's that for Adam things like this are instinctive.

"We can't make a move until we have a confirmed visual on the virus. Follow me, and stay hidden."

Gwen would otherwise get insulted by something like this, but she understands that this is simply Adam's style; he's thorough and precise. She simply respects Adam and follows his orders. She can't help but ask one question, however.

"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"When we met Diaz. Were you going to pull the trigger?"

Adam's taken a back a bit by the question, but he's never been anything but a straight shooter, so he won't lie.


"Well, at least you're honest."

"You have a problem with that?"

"I guess not."

"Look, it's the job. I hate this. I don't want to be here. But right now hundreds of thousands of lives could be at stake if that virus gets into the wrong hands. Sometimes you need to make judgement calls to get the job done. I'm sorry. But that's what this job is, and you know it. If you don't like it, you can go home."

"I know. Because I would have pulled the trigger, too."


Adam sees Diaz sneak his way near the warehouse. He then calls Richard.

"It's me. I'm at the location, I have a visual on Diaz. Alex counted nine hostiles inside the building. I do not have a visual on the virus. You need to give me operational control on field ops."

"I appreciate the job you've done, but I can't do that, Adam. I just can't. Paul's the Head of Field Ops."

"Right now, I'm in the best position to lead field ops, I need a team ready once I have a visual on the virus. Maria told me Paul's on his way here, did you authorize it?"

Richard jumps up from his seat, infuriated.

"No, what do you mean he's on his way there?"

"That's what Maria said."

"Son of a bitch!"

"Right, so put me in contact with the field team. I don't care what Paul has to say. I'll take responsibility."

Richard's anger at Paul clouds his judgement enough to trust Adam, even though his request is rather outrageous.

"Fine. You're in charge of field ops. I'll put you in contact with the field team."

"Copy that."

Paul is making his way to the warehouse in his car. He picks up his phone to make a phone call, but as he sets the connection back on in order to do that, he receives a furious call from Richard.

"What is it, Richard?"

"Are you out of your damn mind? You're not putting the operation at risk because of your personal feelings! Adam is now the Head of Field Ops for this operation, you're not going to get involved."

"Excuse me? What? Adam is the Head of Field Ops now? You're making a known fugitive the Head of Field Ops? You're the one who's out of his mind!"

"I'm your boss. You work for me. It's my call."

"I can't believe this."

Paul hangs up, and calls Palmer Collins, who he was calling in the first place.

"It's me. I'm on my way to the virus right now. Adam blew it, and the only lead almost got away. He's proven himself untrustworthy. Richard made him the Head of Field Ops, and I can't let that fly. I'm sure you agree. You need to convince the President to overrule it."


Always my favorite part of each chapter!

wow outstanding story..this a great writer of luck my dear..carry on your activity..✌👌👌👏👌

Well, thanks. :)

Carry on reading.

welcome my dear

Wonderful you are talented 🌹🌹🌹🌹.resteemed.

Thanks for the resteem, appreciated!

@schattenjaeger, would love to get a submission from you for my Psy-op Contest. It might be right up your alley :)

Hope you don't mind if i provide the link here.

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