in #fiction6 years ago (edited)



I was given the task by the teacher to create a profile of Indonesian independence heroes. I'm so lazy to step on it until it's just a day away. because I feel pressed I immediately go to the library.

I took a history book about the battle of Ambarawa. the story of the struggle of colonel Sudirman who successfully repelled the British troops up to Semarang.

I sat at the far end table. Drowsiness strikes immediately as he reads the title of the book. Slowly he opened page after page. When he opened page 13 he was suddenly pulled by someone he did not know.

"Let's not sit there," he pulled me behind the wall.
"Why am I drawn here?" I asked.
"Come with me, we'll meet someone who will help you," he said

I was immediately invited to an old building. There was a skinny man in a robe and a headband. Beside him was a stretcher.
The figure I saw in history books.
This is Panglima Sudirman.
Suddenly near me have gathered the mighty men with long barrel guns. Some are dressed in brown with trousers. There are also using shorts and hat hatas japan.Apparently they are all the men of Panglima Sudirman.
I'm just silent without daring to speak.

"My children, Indonesian soldiers, you are not a hired soldier, but an ideological warrior who can fight and die for the nobility of your homeland," he said.
"Believe and rest assured that the independence of a nation founded on the heap of the collapse of thousands of lives of his property and nation, can not be eliminated by man, whoever," he continued

That's when suddenly there was a jarring noise.

"Take shelter ...." everyone started to panic and be on alert.
We are attacked .... "

Everyone took their weapons and sought shelter.

Panglima Sudirman called me.

"Hey here! Save yourself and I orderto continue our fight to drive the invaders"

I approached him. but suddenly he pushed me down the table.

I got up and sat back. I saw the book and still on page 13.
I noticed the story in the book. Then ring back the message of Commander Sudirman to save me.
Immediately I read with enthusiasm and finished my teacher's work

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it

Bahasa Indonesia


Aku diberi tugas oleh guru untuk membuat profil pahlawan kemerdekaan Indonesia. I sangat malas untuk mengerjaknnya hingga waktunya tinggal sehari lagi. karena sudah merasa terdesak aku segera menuju perpustakaan.

Aku ambil buku sejarah tentang pertempuran Ambarawa. kisah perjuangan kolonel Sudirman yang berhasil memukul mundur pasukan Inggris hingga ke Semarang.

Aku duduk di meja paling ujung. Rasa kantuk langsung menyerang begitu ia membaca judul buku. Perlahan ia buka halaman demi halaman. Saat ia membuka halaman 13 tiba-tiba ia ditarik oleh sesorang yang belum ia kenal.

"Ayo jangan duduk di situ," ia menarikku ke balik tembok.
"Kenapa aku ditarik ke sini?"tanyaku.
"Ayo ikut aku, kita temui seseorang yang akan membantumu," katanya
Aku segera diajak ke sebuah bangunan tua. Disana ada lelaki kurus memakai jubah dan ikat kepala. Di sampingnya ada sebuah tandu.
Sosok yang kulihat pada buku sejarah.
Ini Panglima Sudirman.
Tiba-tiba didekatku sudah berkumpul para pria perkasa dengan senjata laras panjang. Ada yang berpakaian coklat dengan celana panjang. Ada juga yang menggunakan celana pendek dan bertopi tentas jepang.
Ternyata mereka semua adalah anak buah Panglima Sudirman.

Aku hanya diam tanpa berani berkata-kata.

"Anak-anakku, Tentara Indonesia, kamu bukanlah serdadu sewaan, tetapi prajurit yang berideologi, yang sanggup berjuang dan menempuh maut untuk keluhuran tanah airmu, "katanya.
"Percaya dan yakinlah, bahwa kemerdekaan suatu negara yang didirikan di atas timbunan runtuhan ribuan jiwa harta benda dan bangsanya, tidak akan dapat dilenyapkan oleh manusia, siapapun juga," lanjutnya

Saat itulah tiba-tiba ada suara gemelegar.
"Berlindung...." semua orang mulai panik dan bersiaga.
Kita diserang...."
Semua orang mengambil senjatanya masing-masing dan mencari tempat berlindung.
Panglima Sudirman memanggilku.
"Hey kesini! Selamatkan dirimu dan aku pesan teruskan perjuangan kita untuk mengusir penjajah"

Aku mendekatinya. tapi tiba-tiba ia mendorongku hingga jatuh kebawah meja.

Aku bangkit dan kembali duduk. Kulihat buku dan masih berada di halaman 13.
Kuperhatikan kisah dalam buku itu. Lalu terngiang kembali pesan Panglima Sudirman saat menyelamatkanku.
Segera kubaca dengan antusias dan kuselesaikan tugas guruku

Terima kasih telah membaca posting saya. Saya berharap Anda menikmatinya


While I do like the idea behind the story, there's a couple things I need to point out.

There's a shift in the point of view in the third paragraph... You go from first person narrator to third person.

You have used some verbs in their continuous forms (-ing forms). Namely using and daring

It is due to your use of the -ing form that I must disqualify your entry. Sorry!

The story is creative and nice, but you didn't follow the rules :/

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