Rebels of the Future

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


Dedicated to morrow…

“Love is the answer”

First there was hep, and then there was hip. Eventually hip was replaced by hap, and then hap ‘hop’ped to hup. And then there was hep again. It was the future and everything was hep.

“Everyone can reach their full potential”

Prophase: What Do You Want to Do?

“Before the rise of the Great One the system was a failure. Everyone had dreams of changing the world. People wanted to help each other, they wanted to end the needless suffering, but they could not. People knew that they could make a difference, but they made no difference. Although there was always a potential for change, the change was always paralysed by the broken system. The world used to judge people quantitatively. Freedom was only for those who could afford it. Under the old system most people’s lives were considered fit for nothing. And so the Great One built a world for everyone. The Great One knew that you cannot quantify the human spirit.”
“Everyone can reach their full potential” Chet Heartcake coolly interrupted.
“Yes! Exactly! This ever evolving society was based around that ethos. Every life was given equal value. The growth and development of the individual became paramount… it was history that brought us to this point, but enough of history Chet. As I’ve watched you grow up I’ve always seen great potential, but I’m just not sure about your actions recently. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against what you are doing, it’s just well… I’m curious… you can have any job you want. You can be an artist, a researcher, anything you want, or even do nothing… so what do you want to do?” Woodsmith asked as he leaned forward across his Brazil Brown mahogany desk.
Chet Heartcake rested his fist against his chin as he stared up towards the corner of the room. He sluggishly dropped his arm and looked Woodsmith straight in the eyes.
Chet Heartcake spoke four words “I want to rebel.”
Woodsmith was confused.
“I don’t understand…” he explained.
Chet coolly got up from his chair. He gave Woodsmith a serious look. Without saying anything Chet tuffed his leather jacket, and then he exited Woodsmith’s office.
Although confused by his response Woodsmith understood exactly what Chet was… he was a rebel without a cause.

To be continued...

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

Other works:
Dreamscapes & Heartbreaks


Meh, I have a cool leather jacket and a ponytail and my favorite Lauryn Hill song is Rebel, so MEH!

The first noble truth is that life Is Transient (often translated suffering but that's disheartening to most)
Transient is stemmed to get across, as the timeless rebel Bill Hicks says: life is just a ride!

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