The model overdrive - a page.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

She woke up with a start in unfamiliar silence.

The darkness of the room, the coolness of the sheets and the silence made her feel delicious, luxurious. She reminded herself that this was her hotel room, her new life and her future. She allowed herself a few more minutes to bask into the glory of it all before getting up and in the fabulous rain-shower. The bathroom tiles were warm as she walked on them, inviting her in. The water temperature was just right and the huge mirror facing it hid nothing.

She let the water soak her before applying the creamiest shower gel she tried in recent memory. Well, she once had better , in Paris, in another life.

She opened her eyes and look at herself through the fog slowly building in the bathroom. Her agent was wrong, she still had her good looks but with a natural plumpness that made her more..womanly. Her breasts were firm and her aureoles a bit bigger but very desirable, she thought. Her pubic hair was bright red, a feature that got her more compliments than she cared to remember after she stopped shaving. She would have fucked herself.
Sure, she wouldn't walk for YSL now but she sure got attention. Lots and lots of attention.

The admiration of men and the jealousy of some women were her source of self-esteem and the source of the paint that pushed in a pit of despair. When she gathered the power to climb out of the depression she swore off men. That was few months ago when she embarked in solipsistic journey towards...she didn't know it at a time but SOMETHING. Certainly something.

And, amazingly, she had found it.

She walked towards the laptop and opened it. Before entering the password and bringing it to life, she paused for a second and registered her heart beating faster, maybe for a second. Her whole life was now connected to that password. She was, for all intents and purposes, living online and digging deeper and deeper into what this meant.

She didn't know what she would do if the password failed to work, if the page failed to open, if she found out that all was a dream as she feared so often. She took a deep breath, typed and pressed "enter".

She was in and she had a message.

"The Arhitect: Today is the day. How are you feeling? "

She typed fast : " I'm ready. I'll be there"

Finally, the promises of the last months were about to become a reality and from there....who knew?

She still had a few hours so she ordered breakfast and started to write the last entry in her book.

"how it all started...."


Your opening line is intriguing. I had to reread it twice as the combination of unfamiliar and silence was novel.

“made her feel” > “were”, This change of wording brings the reader close to experiencing the story from the protagonist’s POV, a more intimate form of third person.

Your first few paragraphs not much is happening but you still managed to make it intriguing because it includes several promises that there is more here than is being seen. Kudos, well done.

This is a bare beginning but a very strong one.

I’d suggest bringing in some action very soon now. Something more concrete. You’ve set the table. Time to make something happen.

Are you writing every day? It’s the habit that matters and the time you give it more than the word count or the perceived quality.

You must continue, even if only 15 minutes per day even if you think it’s bad writing. Just keep going.

I followed you and look forward to more!

Thanks! I'm building this habit, almost done with page 2. It's difficult because I don't have a very specific plan...just some general idea of were these characters will go and do. It's also very hard to create a character from ground up.

I think with anxiety about when they'll meet and interact...

BUT! appreciate a lot that you took this time, man! It's amazing. That's the kind of thing I want to do in the future too, help new ppl out.

I've learned a lot from your comment b t way!

Really like your writing style. Captivating.

Wow.Thanks! this is a sketch for a short story that will bring all these characters together [ well, this character and 3 more ]. I honestly don't know if I know where this is headed 100% or if I can carry it.. but thanks a lot!!

Great writing Raz, looking forward to seeing what's coming next! I'm really excited about what Steem can mean for all the writers out there...I reckon it's gonna be huge...

Looking forward to reading the followup pieces.

there will be soon. thanks a lot!

Original, and pretty intriguing story line. Keep it up mate!

Interesting writing style man! Keep it up!

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