I killed Someone Part 2

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends!

This is actually a continuation of the story i started earlier (in my previous post).


I hope you read through and Like it. Looking forward to your thoughts on this piece.

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photocredit: Gettyimages.com

I hurtled out of the room and down the corridor!Feeling my way along the walls, legs pumping as my heart thumped hard against my chest
The lights were out but moonlight filtered in through the drawn shutters illuminating snippets of the corridor ahead of me!
I could hear him stumble after me, his rasping and heavy footfalls just inches after me!
I risked a glance over my shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of his face...

pale sagging skin on a scarred chiseled face greeted me, glowing an eerie white in the moonlight...My heart stopped. I knew who he was
He was the convict who had escaped from jail. His mugshot had been on the news
The realization made me weak in the knees and my footing faltered...
I misstepped and began to fall, frantically i grabbed for something to hold on to, dislodging a portrait on the wall simultaneously.
I landed hard on my face accompanied by the portrait which shattered next to me, causing shards to fly in all directions.

I grimaced in pain, writhing as his hiking boots came into view. He was standing right over me.

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photocredit: IGN.com

"Hehehehee" He snickered again as i heard him unzip his fly.
My heart lurched and I screamed!
Willing myself to get away, i began to crawl on all fours...and then i felt it. A hard kick to in my side that knocked the air out of my lungs. My body stilled in shock and I wheezed for breath! He rammed two more into my side and I heard a bone crack!
My limbs went numb.

"Bitch, don't move! Why do they always struggle, hehehehe" He whispered, his voice sounding muffled as my senses struggled to recover from assault.
Then I felt his strong hands turn me over and begin to reach for the folds of my night gown!

For a moment, his eyes locked with mine. They were two beady holes into a dark abyss shrouded with hate. His sneering crooked smile played on his lips expressing his satisfaction as I laid there subdued.
"You ever been fucked before? hehhehe" He scorned as he parted my legs. "You look like a Virgin." He sneered. "I like virgins." He added with a grin. The hideous scar across his cheek stretched wider every time he smiled.
I could feel his scrawny finger under the lining of my pant. He ran his finger along it, his lips quirked with joy.
My stomache knotted in disgust and i felt something in me scream!
Keeping my eyes on his, i cautiously felt around in the dark for something... anything!
And i found what i was looking for. A sizeable glass shard from the portrait i had taken down with me.
"I'm going to take my time with you!" He beamed excitedly, leaning closer. His breath a stench of alcohol and cigarettes. I could feel his finger trail from under my panties and up my navel.
"It's been a long time! Guess what I'll do to you when I'm done with you? hehehehe" He snickered.
"Please" I managed to whimper, cautiously retracting my splayed arm, inch by inch, firmly wielding the shard.

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photocredit: Pinterest.com

"hehehe. If you don't struggle. I promise i won't kill you when I'm done." He snickered, slowly parting my legs. His face was inches away from mine. He was grinning down into my eyes. Seeing his hideous face up close made me shudder.
"monster.." I whimpered and slammed my legs shut. He laughed in my face, spraying saliva over me.
"I should warn you. I don't have any condoms so you might get pregnant! Wouldn't that be beautiful? Carrying a baby monster?" He snickered and grabbed my thighs again. He took his eyes off mine as he began to take his organ out, focused on having his way.
I seized the opportunity!
With all the strength i could muster, i launched my hand, aiming for his jugular in his neck...

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photocredit: Dreamstime.com

And he caught my wrist mid-motion! His eyes locked with mine again and he curled his lips mockingly as he twisted, putting me through excruciating pain. I cried!

"Bitch, I will fuck you and kill you!" He raged, his mocking countenance quickly distorted into a scowl.
"No!" I screamed.
Survival instinct kicked in and i lashed out with my other free hand, thrusting my fingers into his eyes, feeling his eyeballs push back into it's socket as he screamed! He jerked his head up and clasped his face, trembling in pain. I seized another chance!

I grabbed another shard and jammed it into his neck! The whole world slowed down in those few seconds...

I felt everyting...I felt the sharp jagged edge slice through thick flesh and lodge deep into tissue. I felt his body jolt in shock and heard his gargle accompany it. I felt his weight lighten as he jerked away from me in horror, gagging and trying to apply pressure to his neck, trying to keep a fountain of blood from oozing and seeping through his fingers!
I quickly crawled away from him, gaping at him in fear, watching the man struggle on his own...
A few minutes later it was over. His hands dropped to his side and his head sagged downwards as he leaned limp against the wall...

It had felt weird but also normal. Killing someone had felt like cutting through meat...

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Bby killer....beautiful

Lol! Thanks dear!

Shuddering story telling
This is really nice
I’m anticipating more of these 😀

I won't disappoint! Thanks for reading through

I had to read the first part to get the picture. INteresting story telling

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading through

Nice sequel 🙌🏾

Rom popopom 3x! Lol

Hello Ray...
Proud you Dear... Always wanna wish you big here in Steemit. I love your consistency. Very dramatic post.

Thanks dear. I wish you big too! So we can whale together!

Who can kill ehhhh.
Nice piece

Nice piece.
Say no to baby monster

lol. Glad you liked it

Nice 1, fellow killer 😂😂😂😂

Lol. Haven't gotten my mugshot yet but Thanks!

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