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RE: Sisters [Original Novel] Ragnarok Conspiracy (42/44)

in #fiction7 years ago

Whoever owns this silly spam bot, you might want to patch it so it knows the difference between upvotes and downvotes. The silly bot just thanked me for my "upvote" with this spam above. An upvote that actually was measured down-vote that I gave because of a self upvote by your bot for its own spam.


Hi @pibara from @super-grand-ad
First I do not know why my Up-vote to your above post turned into a down Vote
I Clicked you Up-vote Button and It showed 0.02 + to your total
If it was me that caused the down vote then I can only but appliges.
My above reply was typed by me - and is not a bot
Because I do not know how to make a bot.
If you click the above 8 votes icon above, it shows my Upvote as a + not a -
And to say that my reply is spam?
I can understand your reaction because a down vote must be upsetting,
But I did do as promised, in my Reply to your Up-vote to me on my post.
I Free shouted a Link to your book to my 4000+ Friends Followers Fans & subscribers
Via Twitter and Facebook,
Because I read the first Chapter of your book and Liked it
I also Up-voted that post as well, and it registered .02 + to your Total there.
So please check that post as well.
I hope this Reply helps explain what I did on your above post
and yes I do upvote my own Replies and Posts because I was told by
@jerrybanfield I can, and Jerry take's £100's of dollars from Steemit every day.

Yours Truly @super-grand-ad

I've removed my downvotes, knowing you aren't a bot. But looking at your reputation, it seems I'm not the only one who thought you were a spambot. I would really suggest you would cut out adding unrelated links to all your comments and especially the combination of that with self-upvotes. Doing so makes you look like a comment bot.

As for @jerrybanfield, his self-upvote would take almost 600 little minnows like me to even neutralize, so he basically has nothing to worry about when he upvotes himself. He might lose a dollar or two, or oven twenty, and he wouldn't care as there would still be plenty left. But for you? Someone with less than 500 SP doesn't have the option to do a 'measured' downvote. I'm at 750, so I can downvote at 7% as to not cut into your reputation, but someone with SP of 400 doesn't have the voting slider, so a 100% downvote will be her/his only option if (s)he thinks you are a comment bot.

Your reputation is important, i really must stress you try to look less like a comment bot, don't include unrelated links in your comments and probably lay off of the upvoting of your own comments, at least until you reach 500 SP and get that magic slider. You are really in danger at the moment of disappearing into a negative reputation, and you don't want that to happen.

As for my posts, if your comments are on topic and don't contain links to unrelated stuff, I'll be happy to upvote them at >$0.10, so there should be no need for you to upvote yourself on these. Just restrain from the links and the self upvotes, and your comments will be all the more valuable for both of us.

hope I'm making sense.

Kind regards

Hi @pibara

What I can not understand is why you see my rep as
low when my true rep is 25 - Where are you looking ?
click my wallet and see my true rep
I did have a rep of 54 till someone did not like a post that I did and flagged it
and that was a so called whale that was only interested in himself and stepping on others without giving a reply and just acting without thinking to give the uninformed newbie a chance to correct a mistake ( Im still a newbie ) The whale never had the courtesy to view my @ page to read what I do or give direction to the rules ( and to date I still have not been directed to where the rules are hidden on steemit, it seams to me that other steemits make up their own rules and if they don't like what someone posts they flag or downvote without investigating the @ page first, I have many contact links and my mobile number has been advertised on the internet for many years so a txt, email, messenger facebooked to me,

My Posts that I do are no different to what I do on Facebook
The links are for others to get to the replies or posts I leave for them as
75% to 80% of steemits do not know how to answer Replies unless guided to the page to reply back, as again there are no guides ( I can not find any on steemit unless you know different please inform me )

I get Up-votes, but like yourself they left no reply to say why,
and that I find poor steemiting

Please do not think I am having a go at you personally
I just find it very frustrating not to even find a youtube on how to be a good steemit, it is as if there is no one that is fully informed about steemit rules.
and it's rules are just made up as you go.

Screenshot from 2018-01-24 22-57-36.png

Not 25 but 2.83

Hi pibara - How did you get the above info?
Also, did you click on my wallet, when I do it shows my rep to me as 25 what do you see ? - I tried to attach a picture of my wallet rep here but it won't let me add pictures I will make a video to show you and post it on youtube -

The info is on :

I think you have found a bug in the steemit website. I am sorry to have to say that the number shown in your wallet tab is incorrect. 25 is the starting reputation for new accounts. A number the steemit wallet tab currently shows for every user. For me, for you, for everyone. This is clearly a bug.

It is really hard to explain that whales and orcas can basically get away with things that will get the account of a redfish or minnow dessimated in zero time.

You should realize that how things work now, anyone with more STEEM Power than you can help to make or to break your reputation. So while the system doesn't impose rules, everyone is free to down-vote posts and comments and a down-vote by a bigger fish will cut into your reputation. That is why Jerry gets away with doing stuff we can't get away with. There are not that many fish big enough for Jerry to worry about.

Three things I can recommend for now are:

  1. Don't upvote your own comments.
  2. Show you've read the post you comment on and stay on topic in your comment.
  3. Don't link to your own post in a comment unless the subject is truly related to the thing you are commenting upon.

As stated, these are not 'rules', they are just strategies to avoid being mistaken for a bot or scammer.

I think you have a good point that it is hard to find your way through this mess. There are unwritten rules, different camps with different ideas of what is good and acceptable and what is bad behaviour. Big fish can do whatever they want while us smaller fish need to watch our steps or get flagged into invisability.

@r0nd0n is running a service @freezepeach that might interest you that helps to attenuate false flags. He will likely have a good grasp of what are generally considered acceptable reasons for flagging, so if anyone can tell you about the (mostly unwritten) rules, it will be r0nd0n.

This comment has received a 1.26 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @fersher. Steem on my friend!

Above average bids may get additional upvotes from our trail members!

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When going to Wallet, the heading loses the image placed there, showing only a black background, and the Rep is always at 25.

I did not need to look for an explanation, as, to tell the truth, I don't care, as long as my data is correct everywhere else. I thought it happens so as to speed up the opening of the page and the calculations of any funds in the various accounts, so maybe it is a bug, and maybe it is deliberate? Does it matter?

I like bugs, it means we have something to feed our bug-eaters and so they will continue to visit us from one of our neighbourly alternate realities.

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