LOVE LIKE HIS - Chapter 27 - CONFESSION? - An Original Story by @papa-pepper

in #fiction7 years ago


After looking around for a moment, Cromwell is pretty sure that no one is hiding in the giant sanctuary. Perhaps those two rats are hiding under one of the pews, but the detective concludes that it is unlikely.

The clicking of the pistol safety as Cromwell repeatedly flicks it on and off echoes in the large room and bounces off the high ceiling, though it is still somewhat muffled by his pocket. It is partially out of anticipation and partially out of expectation. Soon, Cromwell will be finding his quarry and he needs to be ready.

He exits the sanctuary and slips down the hall. The doors lining the hallway are all closed. Some are bathrooms, offices, and closets, but at least one of them has the sound of voices coming from inside.

The voices sound low and hushed, almost like the tone reserved for the dark secrets that are meant to remain a mystery.

Unfortunately, today is not going to be a lucky day for those secrets. Cromwell is here and he aims to finish this. With the police most likely looking for him now, he knows that he must draw this case to a close soon.

Quietly, the detective creeps forward, letting his ears lead him. He pauses to strain his eardrums towards the sound, but the sound has stopped.

The door handle just ahead begins to turn!

Cromwell jumps back and opens the nearest door. Closing it ever so cautiously behind him, he can hear Gary and Ray speaking as they pass! Check mate! The pair has not fled and Cromwell is back in the running. This time he will not let them get away.

Quietly, the detective counts to ten to give them a head start. He has followed enough scum through the bowels of this city to know that the second they realize someone is onto them, they scatter like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.

No, the detective will not be notifying them of his presence…


He smacks himself in the forehead with his free hand, the other one still being in his pocket with the pistol. The car! So much for Gary not knowing he was here. In a flash, Cromwell jumps out of the room and slams himself into Pastor Wilkins, who happened to be leaving his office after the conversation with Gary and Ray.

Startled, the pastor asks, “Excuse me, may I help you?”

Cromwell smirks, “None needed.” He takes a step back and eyes the man, sizing up the situation and evaluating the pastor from behind his dark shades.

“Are you sure? If we ask for help, we just may get it, but he who is too proud to admit he needs help never will.”

“Ha!" The response catches him off guard. The stuff these people say. Cromwell decides to play along. "Not today, I’ve got nothing to confess today anyway, Father. In fact, I came here to get a confession,” he quips and turns to leave.

“Sir,” Pastor Wilkins tries again, “We are not that kind of church here.”

The detective pivots to face the man with a sly smile on his face. “Obviously. With the way that your congregation twists the scriptures to validate their activities, I suppose not!”

With that, Cromwell is finished and races back to the parking lot. He doesn’t have time for this. Gary and Ray will be leaving, and when they see his car, they’ll probably split up too!

Outside, Ray is already gone. That rat! Gary is just pulling out now, so the detective jumps into his car and starts the engine. No, not this time. Cromwell is not done, and Gary will not escape. When he pulls out onto the street, the detective can just see Mr. Swier’s vehicle turning the corner three blocks up. Cromwell punches it. This ends today...



(I didn't have any lights....)

Thank you, and stay tuned for LOVE LIKE HIS : Chapter 28 - Coming soon to a steemit near you!

Also, if you enjoyed this chapter, let me know by leaving a real comment. Thanks!

Until next time…

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Keep up the superb writing Papa. You're an institution around these parts.

Sorry if I missed this somewhere...are you planning to publish this once your book is finished?

Yes, I believe that I will self publish it as a paperback, plus @verbal-d is recording it as an audiobook. My ultimate goal is movie though, and I have a few ideas about how to actually pull that off.

your post is very good I really like it
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I'll check the intro.

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Thanks for that!

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Glad I caught this new episode. I didn't realize you had started writing it again. Now I'm all caught up and eagerly awaiting the chapter 28.

Yes! You are @verbal-d are my two longest supporters of this effort. Thanks for that. Soon, it will be over though! I can't wait for you to read the end!

I find your love of peppers disturbing LOL!

Nice post post mate now I have to go back read them all to work out was is going on, there goes the afternoon.

I find your love of peppers disturbing LOL!

The way I figure it, if you can eat hot peppers while flying a bee, then you are allowed to love them with all that you have.

hahaha well played sir, well played.

What kind of peppers do you grow?

You do grow peppers, right? Unless I misunderstand you entirely.

A lot of varieties. Some of my favorites are the Peruvian White Habaneros, Fatali, Ghost, Uba Tuba, Carolina Reaper, Piquin, and others.

Nice bro
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