Sunday: I Should Probably Do LaundrysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Another cloudy Sunday, no surprise. I think it has been cloudy since the big fight.

Clean It Up
Clean It Up

I've been staring at this pile of clothes for over a week. So filthy and now rotten, starting to stink. I still think it was a good idea to keep them separate from my other clothes. I really need to clean this up.

Maybe I should start in the kitchen though. Nobody will see this mess of laundry anyway. Yeah, I'll leave this mess alone and concentrate on that mess.

What started as small argument quickly turned into a food fight. I guess it was fun at first, but things sure got out of hand. I don't usually lose control. Now the fight is all over the walls, cupboards, the floor. She won't speak to me anymore though. It's been quiet here all week, except for the phone.

This was all my fault. I can't keep ignoring it. Nobody else will clean this up. I better just do it. Where's my motivation?

Ding Dong

Man, that scared me. Wasn't expecting that at all, who could it be? It's Sunday. Nobody ever comes here on a Sunday. Did I miss a call?

Ding Dong

I better answer it. I'm not letting anyone in though, I'll say I'm sick, not feeling well. My heart is pounding. Calm down, it's only a door bell.

Hi there. Can I help you?

Good morning, Sir. I'm Constable Erikson, is Shelley home?

Shelley? No, she's at her mom's place. At least, that's where she said she was going. She could be anywhere, to be honest.

Shelley hasn't been at work all week. Do you know anything about that?

Really? That's news to me. I saw her work number on the phone a few times, but I missed the calls. It's not unusual for them to phone here though, so I didn't think anything of it. Usually she answers and that means it's time for her to go.

You haven't heard from her at all?

No. Not since she said she was leaving. I tried to call a few times, no answer. She's probably still mad at me.

You two got in a fight?

Well, a small one. She tends to overreact. This isn't the first time she took off. I hope she's okay.

Here's my card. If she comes home or calls you, have her contact me as soon as possible. Do you know her mom's address?

You know, I don't, actually. I know it's an apartment just off 118 avenue. She recently moved in. I have not been there yet.

Alright, well, we'll give you a call if we learn anything. Have a good day.

Yeah, thanks, you too.

Shit. I hate cops. I better get this cleaned up.

Actually. Yeah, that's a better idea. Thanks brain.

I'll cut her up first. That will be messy, I'm sure of it. There's no point in cleaning up twice. Work smarter, not harder. I love that line.



All images seen here were produced by me.
Today's cover is titled Clean It Up.
Higher quality versions available upon request and for a small fee.
Printer friendly files are also available. Ask for details.
"You better run, for your life."
Follow @nonameslefttouse
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©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


Hahaha, this was a perfect complementary video!
Looks like the trail I'm hitched to liked this post...the only annoying thing about that, is when I don't get to you first it means you got a lower percentage vote from me. So if you notice that, know it's because of the trail.

Good ol trails. I still just vote manually. I try to get everyone, but I miss a few. Not everyone votes for me, so I'm sure they don't mind.
Initially, I was going to release Shelley as an It's Done post. I think this was a better choice.

Yeah, I was thinking this seemed like an It's Done post, but you're generally vague when it comes to those so this was a better choice. I'm trying out the trail for a few reasons. Mainly I've been checking out who I'm voting on in the trail and I've discovered a couple new people because of it. I manually upvote the same as before.

Generally vague is correct. This can still be viewed a few different ways, but you have to get creative. Tiling the floor took me a hell of a long time, by the way. For some reason, the floor is my favorite detail.

The floor is magnificent now that I looked at it more critically. I have recently played around with digital art and have an enormous appreciation for what you do. Especially that kind of precision. (Me and digital art is quite a lot like me as pa with a shotgun)

In much of the stuff I produce, there are many small details most will miss, unless they zoom in. On the other hand, there are always flaws mixed in as well. I try to fix everything and make it perfect, but sometimes I just get lazy.

Perfection in art is subjective. Sometimes what you call a flaw might be exactly what it needed to make it perfect due to the creative and flexible nature of it. I like the precision of the floor because of the stark contrast to the mess on it. If you just made a picture of a perfect floor, I would still be impressed by what I know takes skill to do, but it wouldn't appeal to me artistically/creatively.

It's actually easier than it looks. Make one tile, copy, then paste another one in, build a chain, copy that, position, flatten, paste again, position, flatten. It still took awhile though.

Ah. Mostly my point was that in art, perfection isn't always preferable. If I were to write stories by the criteria of perfect grammar or perfect sentence structure, they would come out sounding like term papers. Term papers are not art, my 'imperfect' stories are. People can draw perfect graphs and charts, but that's not art either.

That's why I enjoy the outsider scenery. When everything is scripted and perfected, it becomes too predictable and eventually, bland. The story up there isn't perfect, but I assume people were still able to figure out what was going on. I didn't want to write it out like, "said the cop," because I wanted it to seem internalized. I think I pulled that off.

It's perfectly imperfect, lol. You wrote it in conversational style, you can clearly hear the two people talking back and forth, a natural flow of words. I don't just come to see your art, your stories are great, and the combination is a winning one ;)

I love your posts. Today, your post spoke strongly to me more than ever. Seriously you are one of the greatest artists @nonamesleftotuse but I earnestly hope you are doing good IRL.

IRL, I'm fine. Hopefully something like this didn't scare you into thinking I have things I need to take care of on this end. You just said some pretty deep shit there and I appreciate it. It's good to know there are people out there who can enjoy and respect an art form like this. Thanks again. Your comment gave me a good boost.

Think of it this way. You made a post, hope to make a point or just have fun, whatever. But today, I had a most personal day that makes it hard to post just a comic book cover and some images. But I seen your post and it spoke to me. I believe there is some others that it might spoke to as well. So while your life may have whatever things going on "IRL" and you posted something for fun but had some of elements of something "real" to you, it spoke to me every highly, and I wanted to let you know that at the least.

I post a lot of (only) comics, I really believe that some people may find something personal or whatever and upvote, well I just wanted to let you know your post hit something personal personal and I love you for it and you know this isn't the first time I appreciated your posts. I only wish you very good man, you are a great artist whether I get your posts personally or not.

It's always the real life me behind everything I do, there's no hiding that. Any message, whether it's in bold or read between the lines, I always try to leave that up to everyone else to interpret as they see fit. I like hearing this, "it speaks to people." It's good to know people are listening.

Your comic posts, I try to look at every one. When I was a kid, my favorite uncle gave me a stack of his old comics. A lot of those images you share take me back to those years and remind me of the man who gave me that stack. He's no longer with us, so that's how your posts speak to me.

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