Forgotten Memories :: A Short Story

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

This is an entry for the Halloween In Spring horror fiction contest. The contest host, @dirge, has set some expectations in his explanation of 'what is horror' ('Horror, at its base, challenges the reader’s assumptions about the world.'). He's also set some very excellent standards that he expects in the quality of writing in his 10 writing tips at the top of his contest post.

That said, and in complete deference to his very valid suggestion of 'Don't start with a person not remembering where they are', I am choosing to somewhat sidestep that in having my main character...not remember who they are. Please enjoy. Or don't. I can't force you.

I don’t even remember who I am anymore. I don’t know what happened, but I can see the after-effects all around me. I can see it in the faces of those that look at me for a moment, then turn their heads down, eyes looking away. Our ship is far too small to hold secrets. Except from me, it seemed. (story preview only)

Title image by @negativer using Canva.


Wow, well done, @negativer. The suspense build-up is incredible. My mind was racing, trying to understand what was going on. Those are truly haunting descriptions of the bodies. Wow!

There are so many phenomenal word gems in this story!

Don’t talk to the crazies, they’d say.

A vague memory of lights being smashed, then the image was gone, slipping into the darkness like a photograph dropped into an ocean.

Once you started questioning yourself, you wouldn’t always want to hear the answers.

I love this.

Thanks @jayna! I appreciate you noting my attempts at creative visuals and word pictures. Obviously one should avoid loading up too much f this kind of stuff, but a few well-placed phrases are the most fun parts of a story to write (for me).

Yes, it's the kind of thing that makes me want more from a particular writer -- if they have that ability to not only spin a yarn, but to turn a phrase as well. It makes the writing that much more delicious.

I didn't really have time to read this butonce I started I literally could not stop reading. Awesome writing, wonderful story. Thanks for this.

Thanks so much :)

Really like this one. Had no idea what was going on, and I tried to stop reading, but I couldn't. Excellent! I love the ending, especially how you go from 'oh, that's what's going on' to 'wait, what?' in mere seconds, as a reader.

In short stories, I'm a fan of the 'double-twist' (probably not a real literary term), where you lead up to something and let everyone think it's the end, but then you stab then in the gut and run away before they can stop you. Thanks much for reading!

Well, shit. Didn't see the end coming. Space madness, sure, but a Truman Show ending not at all. Actually, didn't know what would come as I read through. Lovely horror, Neg!

I admit I was torn on how to end it, so the hand-grenade-and-run ending solved it for me. Thanks for reading!

Hahaha I gotta love twists like this one!
A very entertaning post, indeed.

A much darker exploration on the character's emotions than that of the truman show.
I loved it.

I like to add something unexpected at the end, and it works best if you hint at it throughout the story so it at least kind of makes sense. Thanks much for reading!

Made to dance for the enjoyment of unseen Gods. A good read, Negativer:)

Mmmm....some variation of that should've been my story title. Thanks for reading!

No too late:) How about 'The Jig is up' ... lol probably not one you were thinking:0

Okay Shyamalan :P
I know it's past the payout date or whatever, but I knew I had to catch some focused horror from you, knowing it was out there. I definitely wasn't disappointed!

what a twist!

At least he didn't wake up from a dream at the end and have it turn into a whole Groundhog's Day scenario.

Thanks for reading :)

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs community leaders @chelsea88 & @inthenow


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