Beware of vamps (An original short story) Part 4 of 5

in #fiction4 years ago

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

“Come on Adam. Don’t be annoying. That …”, she pushed his hand away, “isn’t going to score you points.”

“Ok, ok. I am not asking you anything.” Storsky rolls to his back and fixes his gaze at the point on the ceiling.


Storsky has already called Morgan for two days and left the messages, but she didn’t pick up the phone. Finally, she picks it up on the third day.


“That’s me, Adam.”

“I know who you are. What’s up?”

“What’s up? I was calling you for two days. How come you didn’t pick up the phone?”

“I needed to be alone. Actually, I flew to Whistler. You know, to a ski resort.”

“Where is Whistler?”

“It’s in Canada.”

“Oh, that’s lovely. Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah. I had a great time. I love to go downhill. I love risk. It makes me feel alive, energetic like I am really living. … and you are… let’s be honest. You are a blood drawer.”

“Yes, except…”

“… Except what?”

“Ok, I’ll tell you, but you have to swear you won’t tell anyone.”

“Who am I supposed to tell?”

“No one.”

“Ok, you Mr. Suspicious, Sir. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

Shipping & Receiving

“You see that label “Shipping and receiving?” Morgan nods. “You see that security guard?”


“Wait here. I’ll go through the front entrance and divert his attention. As soon as he’ll be gone, go through these double doors, and turn to the left. You’ll see the bathrooms there. Go there and wait until I call you, ok?”

“What will you tell him?”

“I’ll think of something. I dunno, I’ll say that something is missing. Is this enough excitement for you?”

Morgan only smiles and kisses Adam on the lips.

Adam got in a car and left.

Morgan waits. In 6 minutes, Adam calls. “Get ready.”

She sees Adam coming out, starts explaining something to the guard, and points his finger somewhere. The guard gets up from the chair and walks with Adam inside the accommodation.

Morgan quickly walks to the shipping and receiving, up the ramp, through the double doors, turns to the left corridor, opens the door of a female bathroom, and stands in front of the mirror. She looks herself over in the mirror and smiles. Things go according to the plan.

The vivarium

Joining hands, Adam and Morgan move along the corridor that leads to the vivarium. In front of the door, Adam wipes his card against the recognition strip and they go in.

Morgan walks forward to the thick plastic glass and looks inside. Vamps look at her indifferently, continuing sitting gloomily where they sat.

“So you draw blood from them?”

“Yes. Only it’s not blood, but a different liquid – slime. You see these sleeves that pop out of the opening?”

“Yeah, they look kinds weird.”

“They are specialized. The vamps put their hand here from the other side, I drop the latch here and here to fix their hand in place, and then open this part, and it exposes the place where they have the vein.”

“Got it. And what’s this button for?” Morgan attempts to press it.

“Ouch! Be careful! You can't press it! If you do - the entire sleeve will fall and it will leave an opening in the partition,”
Adam covered his mouth with his hands and whispered. “…these beasts,” he waves his head toward vampires, “Can come here!”

“In such a small opening? Even I cannot get through it.”

Adam looks at the miniature Morgan’s figure and has to agree in his mind that she is right.

"Still, you can 't risk it. They can just tear off your hand. It is strictly forbidden. The sleeves are removed for cleaning only when all the creatures in their rooms and the magnetic locks are shot on their doors.

“…and what do you call them?”

"The one that’s at the left side is Vince, on the right is Valdemar, and the one that looks like a female, we call Lauren.”

Morgan looks at Adam perplexed.

"The one that looks like a female?"

“Well, yes. They are all vamps.”

Morgan was still looking perplexed.

“Ok, then. Have you seen enough?” Adam laughs, “Now let 's go back,” he puts his hand on Morgan’s shoulder, trying to lead her away.

“Wait,” she separated herself from his hand, “I’d like to figure this out on my own. I don’t understand why are they look so docile… I imagined vampires being more vital… and also, why do you guys keep men and women in the same accommodation?” Morgan turns to Adam.

“Men and women? What are you talking about, baby? These are vampires for god’s sake.”

“Vampires? What are you juvenile? Did you forget what century we are living in? There are no such things!” Irritation starts to rise in her voice.

“There are,” Adam grabbed Margan’s hand, which she tears away in irritation. “don’t even…” her face distorts with indignation. “I am going to find it out for myself,” She moves as close to the plastic glass and waves to Loran to come close.

Loran points a finger at herself in inquisitive gesture. “Me?”

“Yes, yes, please,” Morgan screams, waving with her hands an invitation with circular movements.

Loran comes over, but not in her usual manner, seductively shaking her butt, but slowly and hesitantly as if stumbling over something and with the expression of a victim on her face.

“Hi, dearest,” her face kept the saddest expression of a victim.

“Hi,” as Loran was approaching, an expression understanding and compassion slowly diffused into Morgan’s face and by the time, Loran stands next to her over the plastic glass partition, Morgan’s face is already saturated with these expressions.

To be continued ...

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