Chronicles of a Crypto Trader - Part 3: Bitcoin Core

in #fiction7 years ago

The rain was throwing itself down like a pro wrestler on a plate of chicken. I flipped my collar up and headed out into the storm.

I had been crypto trading for many months now and by any measure, you could say I was on the up. Gold rings on the fingers, crypto wallet bulging and a shiny new Glock in the back pocket. The Glock was for when things went south and going long on a trade wasn't going to cut it. Everything had been looking good. Until Bitcoin just kept on climbing. Sure I had me a couple of hundred BTC but my other coins, well they weren't looking good. Bitcoin was distorting everything.

Then the correction came and everything went to shit.

Thunder rumbled overhead like a Scotsman's stomach after eating Quorn. A couple of miles ahead fenced off and piercing the brooding sky above was Bitcoin Core, the heart of the bitcoin operation. Its needle-shaped edifice reflecting the lightning kissed clouds.

Satoshi had to pay and no one was taking the job. Until I showed up. But no one knows who he is they bleated. I knew, or at least I knew there must be someone who knew and if they knew that I knew about them knowing then they knew I would be cooking up a storm for those who wouldn't spill. I greased some palms on the streets with Monero, it didn't take long for the rats started squeaking. I got an address and that was all I needed.

Which is how I found myself crouched, watching Bitcoin Core from a makeshift hide in a stand of trees, waiting for my moment. Midnight came and went, Time to make a move. I started tabbing over the hills with long strides like a stallion that had caught the scent of a fine filly. As I got near the perimeter fence I dropped and rolled then commando crawled my way to the gate. A couple of Guards in dark blue strutted like impaled peacocks whilst fondling their long oiled weapons. I debated quickly, stealthy and slow or fast and careful? Definitely the latter.

"Woof woof motherfuckers!" I shouted as I lobbed an M67 grenade over the fence. The resulting blast took them both out as well as half the gate itself. Time to party I girded my loins and made for the main entrance of the imposing spire.

As I got to the door I could hear a klaxon sounding. Shit, how were they onto me already? The door split open and a series of uniformed goons came pouring forth. Too late they realised the booming noise from behind them was my Glock. I counted six by the time I had drilled the last ones head with two superbly realised shots. Now it was time to get inside.

A crack of lightning rent the now silent air. At the top of Bitcoin Core, a slender man of indeterminate age cradled a snuffling Pug close to his chest as he chuckled and looked out at the night

I was cornered near the top of the tower in a utility room, I must have already let off six clips and taken out a score of guards. Only another eight clips left. I hoped I had enough. This situation was almost as desperate as the time I shorted Uniqredit and it pumped up 200 points. I didn't cry then and I wasn't crying now. Time to dance, and when I dance I dance dirty. I hauled off the M20A mini super Bazooka from my back and aimed it roughly out the door pulling the trigger. The resulting whoosh and crashing bang left my ears ringing like a monk on St Swithins day.

I gave it two minutes, the hallway outside a Turner seascape of gore and body parts. I took a quick selfie, changed my Linkedin profile picture and ventured on. I could see the top gantry which obviously led to Satoshi's sanctum. Time to pay motherfucker I thought grimly as I climbed over the blown off limbs to the top of the stairs. I reached into my 'back bin' and pulled a small blade to tuck into my bandana just behind my right ear. Sometimes you have to dance close up and greasy and it never hurts to have a little insurance.

The noises from below had ceased leaving a brooding silence. The man known as Satoshi Nakamoto hushed the little dog in his arms and addressed the air. "Is he still alive?"

A voice echoed back from above. He is here

I smashed open the double doors with my elegant size tens and leapt through them snarling, straight-armed Glock pointing ahead like an erection on a Dalmation. A preening popinjay stood some ten feet from me behind a dais babying a flat faced Pug in his arms. "Satoshi Nokamata I presume?" I sneered.
"The name is Satoshi Nakamoto and you would do well to put your gun down and listen to me. The situation here is far beyond what you suspect and I..."
"Whatever." My Glock boomed and blew off half of his head, his dog yelped as it landed on the floor and came at me in angry pixie strides. I nonchalantly plugged it with a couple of shots and marched over to the fallen body of Satoshi. I stared down at his ruined face.
"You fucked with the wrong guy Satoshi."

Perhaps the only person who has fucked anything here is you.

The voice echoed from all corners of the room. What the fucking fuck? "Who's there? Satoshi?"

No, you just killed him, you idiot. I am Bitcoin Core. An emergent intelligence resulting from a virus placed in the distributed public Bitcoin blockchain. I am everywhere and you have just caused me a very great problem

A noise behind me caused me to whip round. Climbing over the wreck of the double doors was a robotic silvered spider the size of a horse, servos whirring as its clawed legs scraped it toward me. The voice now emanated from a grille where the spider's jaws should be. "I will now have to recruit a new persona to act as my intermediary until such time there is no need to hide behind a human face. This mess has set me back. You will be disposed of. Now."

I moved backwards as more nightmarish robotic things clambered menacingly into the room behind the boss bot. I blammed a couple of shots as I backed up but they kerranged off metal doing no damage. It was looking tight. There was no way out unless I went through those things and the Glock wasn't making a dent. The high windows behind me reflected lightning from the gathering storm. There was no room left to manoeuvre.

"Hey Brownie Core," I gesticulated at the advancing boss bot with my Glock. "Fuck you." I turned and emptied my clip at the window.

The storm raged in full force around the tower, a crashing sound from the top window lost in the wind. A figure launched into the night from the ragged glass hole, only to be swallowed by the dark

Previous instalments (Part 1)[]
Previous instalments (Part 2)[]


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Now THAT'S how you day trade folks! :)

Yes indeed, show a bit of panache! lol!

@meesterboom was reading this offline last night on my mobile and I thought - wow chico aren't you a jack of all trades really - I love this among all your other fiction stuff the most!

That means a lot m'dear!!! I think I enjoyed writing that one the most. You know me I like to keep my hands in a few different styles!!

Wow, mr. Highlander, you are very gifted with many great creative talents!
Awesome writing mate!

Yay cheers man!! I thought you might like a crypto reference or two!!

And done in a cool way. 'The bitcoin core', there is material for a SciFi movie. ;-)

I read an article on here about bitcoin facts that people might not know and I was like what, it was excellent! Inspired it!

And it gave you inspiration to write a great story!
There is a lot to Bitcoin that a lot do not know and is indeed inspiring.

Indeed, there is nothing better than a bit of inspiration from steemit itself!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66361.02
ETH 3462.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.20