Unexpected Meeting [Short story, ch.3] [Magick Untold]

in #fiction6 years ago

"Hey, Danos that's all of it right? We've been out forever gettin' this shit!"

We've been out in the shopping district for about two hours. Rumala's Waiss is good but, the other ingredients she needs to make it seem to be from all the busiest shops that are all furthest away from home.

"No actually it isn't Emcess, we need two more things. Gerda and Lhûg-ross."

"Ya can't be serious Danos, my legs are killing me! Gerda looks like frog legs ground up..I can't understand what made Rumala pick it for a brew." He looks genuinely concerned about it, just how far into his addiction is he? I agree with him though. Lhûg-ross is usually used in cooking, not brewing.

I don't blame Emcess for being tired. This shit is annoying to get because of the shop locations and the hills in Shedeth. Think of a village the built up to a town after many years of trade built around the intersection of two roads. Shedeth grew to what it is today from the intersection of those roads. Lots of shops with the ones at the ends of the cross being stupidly far from one another.

"I am serious though, we will get the Gerda first and get extra Lhûg-ross."

I could practically see the salt forming on his face! "Dammit Danos! Now we have ta go on another grueling search across Shedeth for another stupid ingredient!"

"Haha don't forget what these ingredients are for! The extra Lhûg-ross will be used for breakfast tomorrow. It's great for hangovers!"

"Of course, of course. The purest drink I have ever tasted and the amazing anti-hangover drug!"

"Despite how well it aids in hangover recovery, it is not a drug. Now then, let's go get that Lhûg-ross!" Honestly your pathetic Emcess, normally your stamina is better than mine. Hehe, you'll forget all your troubles as long as you've got a good drink in hand.


Ah! That's the girl from this morning! I am not ready to approach her just yet...what the hell is she doing with the map? I'm a little afraid to find out how she plans on getting back at me. No, I must be brave, I shall confront her...later!

"Oi! Danos hurry up; I want to get to the tavern before it closes!"

Without realizing, I had stopped walking. "Emcess. I need you to do me a favor."

I somehow convinced him to run inside real quick and then go out the taverns back door. It seemed like that Josay girl was preoccupied with the map with whatever she was doing so I doubt she saw us. I told Emcess to come around the front by himself to see if she is up to anything while I, the one she would recognize, hid inside like a coward.

"Danos. I wouldn't be doin' this if it wasn't an opportunity ta get more info on Josay." He flipped me off while running inside.

I can see where he is coming from though, I don't usually get worked up over women. Why can't I get that girl out of my head?! She must have done something to me when she bumped into me, a spell or maybe even a curse!

Nah, maybe I'm just imagining it, let's get some booze!

Why is Emcess still inside? He should be at least on his way out the back door by now.

"Took ya long enough Danos! You'll never guess who's here to speak to ya in person! It's Lyir Tahlonam!"

Why on earth would someone of his stature have come to me personally? "What? Where is he? Why is he here to speak to me?"

With a smirk, Emcess said, "I don't know but if you don't compose yerself it'll make ya look bad."

True, an elf should always appear level headed, especially one with a large spell book. "Right, okay wish me luck."

"Good luck to ya! He's at the bar, he cleared out the place just fer the two of ya!."

"Unbelievable. Could you run the ingredients over to Rumala for me while you're out the back door? I promise to have your drink ready when you return here."

"No problem, anythin' fer a friend... on his centenary that is."

"Ha ha very funny Emcess, just hurry up will you?" Oh, he's already gone. Now then why on earth is the top member of the Doyen here in person to talk to me of all people? It has to be something really important for him to have left the Doyen estate during the day.

Thinking about what could possibly make the head honcho of Shedeth come looking for me personally had me scared. Did I forget to deactivate a trap magi—

"Ah! Danos, just the man I was looking for!"

"Suilaid, have you been waiting long Lyir Tahlonam?" I certainly hope he hasn't... and for him to have known I was going to be here is pretty impressive. And creepy. I wish I knew that magick.

"Not at all! I have just barely arrived Danos, it is good to practice my magick every now and then."

"Eh? How did you get here?" It's amazing how much magick he knows, I hope to become as powerful as the Doyen some day."

"You have many years to go before that Danos, many many years." Too true, he is one of the oldest elves in Shedeth after all; it is to be expected of him.

"Now then, Danos lets begin our unofficial meeting. I have come here to simply give you a forewarning. Either tonight sometime during your centenary party or early tomorrow morning a young female will arrive at your estate." Wa? Unofficial? Secret meeting with such a powerful person is making me even more nervous!

And what's this about a female... why is a girl looking for me? "Uhm, why exactly is there a girl looking for me and what is her race?" If she is an elf then I don't think I will have much luck with her...but if she isn't...

"Her race is a secret Danos, you will find out in due time I am sure." Elves and I do not get along for some reason. I have no idea what it is and it is honestly one of the reasons I have not gotten a women yet.

"Uh okay, so why is she coming anyway?"

"Hoho you shall find out soon enough Danos Echee of Shedeth." Why do Doyen members always have to be so secretive?

"Mhmm, so is there anything else I should know?"

"No, that's all for now but I suppose you should get Emcess' drink like you promised; he will be here in less than thirty seconds."

Strangely accurate. "Okay, rim hennaid. I greatly appreciate you sharing this information with me Lyir Tahlonam."

"I look forward to our next meeting Danos."

As if I would! All this meeting did was cause me more worries. I should ask if he knows a more precise time to expect her. Sometime tonight or tomorrow is not very helpful. "Uhm Ly..." He's gone...damn he did a transportation spell. Well, I guess I should get Emcess his drink now.

"Huff huff. Whoooo! That was a good 'ol jog right there; can't wait for a drink!"

"Hey Emcess, guess what the head doyen told me while you were gone."

Combined with exhaustion from his run and his thinking face it looked like he has a bad case of the shits. Holding back my laughter was almost impossible!

Snatching up the pint of mead in front of me as if he knew it was his he responded with something quite ridiculous. "I suppose that it was something really important fer him to have left his estate and to have come to a tavern. He banished you! That's it ain't it?"

"...hah? You always go to extremes! The 'big important thing' he came to tell me was that a female will be randomly making an appearance at my estate sometime tonight or tomorrow morning."

For some reason, a look of dismay shot across Emcess' face?

"Huh?! Yer so lucky! Ya get girls coming to you instead of you goin' to them."

That was the cause of that face? "Haaku. No, there has to be some reason behind this... he even used long-distance transportation magick for the sake of a private meeting. Which means he didn't want anyone else to know he wasn't at his estate."

"We'll find out when she comes now won't we."

"Not we, just me; Lyir came to talk to me not us. That girl is coming for me for some reason or another."

The face of a Jasrai with the shits combined with disappointment. HAH! I shouldn't be amused, I am trying to exclude him from this because I can't help but feel this will be a dangerous meeting if Lyir felt a secret meeting was necessary.

"Aww, that is not cool man! I want ta meet her too!"

"Oh, you'll meet her eventually. Besides if she comes tonight you will be busy drinking or flirting and you won't be at my place tomorrow morning. Tomorrow evening I have some business to take care of for the next expedition as well."

"Ya know, you think way too much Danos. You still can't let loose properly, on your birthday of all days too."

"When you're immortal you make use of your time in different ways. For me it's thinking and studying magick, for you, it's drinking and having a good time."

I could practically see a light bulb turn on above his head. "Alright! I'll see ya at your place tonight; I gotta go home and get ready!"

"Get ready, what are you? A girl? What could you possibly have to do to prepare for a party?"

"Yer so annoying Danos, I have to get my party clothes out; I wear a particular set on yer centenaries."

"A particulaaa... no never mind just go and get ready. See ya later Emcess."

A particular set of clothes, what a strange being he is. Now that I think about it, he has always worn the same clothes at my parties...I hope he cleans them.


"Shit fuck! Who just threw this apple at me?!"

A quiet voice from the left. "That would have been me."

"Who're you?" Wait! This is...

"Hahahaha I guess you can recognize me from that look on your face."

"Whaa?! You, from this morning! Why did you throw a half-eaten apple at me?!"

"Teehee. That would be pay back for running into me this morning." Dumb smile. Cute smile. Ugh. Women.

Who is this girl and how can she look so cute in a situation like this?

"That was really uncalled for you know that."

"Well, there wouldn't have been much point in telling you I'm going to throw an apple at you so you knew."

"Don't you sass me! Ill hit you with my magick if you do one more time."

"Hee hee. Well, hit me then. That is if you can!"

"You little! Hey, get back here!" Ugh what a chickenshit, she ran away. I swear if I see her again she's getting a good burst of fire. Why did she act so... so ugh! Thanks to that little stunt, Rumala is going to give me a lecture on punctuality.


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