How Life Defines You - Part 4 - The Journey

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Here's where we left things in the previous post:

Hernan only said "Take her" and thrust her at Lord Evanvar who swept her out the door without a moment's hesitation, Mila had tears streaming down her cheeks but remained in stunned silence - how could he chose gold over her.

As her father propelled her towards the waiting Lord Evanvar, he in turn placed his hand on her back and without hesitation guided her swiftly through the ragged door.

Outside the on the muddied street a towering solder waited, his armour shone brightly in stark contrast to the gloom of the overcast day.

His armour was shrouded by the long flowing deep green cloak, that floated in the gusts of whipping wind.

Lord Evanvar continued past him and without word the guard fell in step behind, the lord guided Mila forward and around the sharp corner of the narrow street where she had lived her entire life.

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As they passed around the corner Mila hesitated at the sight of the massive horse drawn carriage and the four enormous horses that stood stamping at the water logged dirt in frustration.

Lord Evanvar felt the girls hesitation and glanced down at her to an expression of complete and utter fear, the lord gave a the faint hint of a smile then urged her forward again with a gentle nudge "Fear not, they just grow impatient waiting".

She shuffled nervously forward again at his insistence, she reached the large deep green carriage decorated with intricate silver patterns that glistened even in the faint light of the day.

The escorting guard moved ahead of them to open the door for his lord, Mila reached the steep climb into the carriage as Lord Evanvar takes her by the elbow and guide her up and into the small darkened space.

Once inside the small girl moved to crouch in the far corner of the carriage, as the lord followed and situated himself on the soft cushioned bench inside - the door snapping shut behind him.

With her legs tucked up against her body and her arms wrapped around them, Lord Evanvar looked down at the tiny mud covered child staring silently into space - then stated "Sit" her head snapped round to face him, as his chin jerked in the direction of the bench opposite his own.

She did as instructed and moved onto the bench and huddled next to the wall, only then did she notice the small window next to her that overlooked the street below.

Mila heard muffled voices coming from outside the carriage, when it suddenly the carriage lurched forward with a jolt - signalling the beginning of her journey into the unknown.

The horses whined grateful for the permission to finally move forward, Mila's eyes were wide with wonder watching the scene roll past below her.

The carriage jostled through the thick mud that served as a road, people rushed to move out of the path of the lavish progression - the occasional call could be heard warning people to move from their way.

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Lord Evanvar began to rummage through papers and scrolls, before settling on a small stack of papers then relaxing back into the seat and beginning to read.

Wedged in the corner of the bench seat, she watched him out of the corner of her eye whilst trying to appear as if she were gazing out the window - after a time she began to relax, as Lord Evanvar focused on the papers before him.

Soon she was entranced by the changing view passing before her, first the streets that made up beggars lane these she knew so well - then onto the cobbled streets that surrounded the markets and trade centre of Almain.

People rushed about their business, here was one of the few places in Almain that both the poor and wealthy interacted in the same space.

Though as always the poor were required and expected, to move out of the path of any stationed higher than them.

It was easy to tell apart the homeless, the poor, the merchants and lords, all displayed their status through their clothing, accessories or by their guard or in Mila's current case both guard and carriage.

The wealthy were always given the higher ground, so in each street the poor would file down one side of the street, while the wealthy had a larger space to use as they please - but all moved from the path of the luxurious carriage and its retinue of armed soldiers.

The carriage bounced through the winding streets, soon Mila began to see areas of the city she had never been in before.

The streets morphed from mud to cobblestone and then onto paved roads, with even stones cut and placed with expert precision.

Mila marvelled at the long columns of pavers shining in blinding bright white, that reflected the sun with dazzling brilliance.

Entranced by the sudden beauty she began to lean further and further out of the small window next to her seat, Lord Evanvar was distracted by the sudden movement and glanced to see what the small girl was doing.

He smiled at the curious nature of the young girl "A fall from a carriage could be deadly" his voice rang out with emotionless warning, Mila gripped the edge of the window then pulled her head back inside, nervous of his words - she settled back onto the bench and continued staring out the window.

She was in awe of the lavish surrounds having never seen wealth of this magnitude before, when out from behind massive white walls towered an enormous white palace accentuated by dazzling pillars and embellishments of gold.

Towers rose from huge rooms with countless windows, unable to hold in her response she let out a gasp in awe and wonder.

Lord Evanvar leaned down to peer through the window to see what had shocked the girls from her silence "Ah the palace" he mumbled under his voice, returning almost disinterested back to his reading - Mila continued to stare silently out the window, wishing to appear as though she had ignored him.

Before long they had passed the palace and soon the carriage again, began to bounce and jostle along it's now rocky path.

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Far from the mass of buildings cramped together in the city of Almain, before them now lay large open fields filled with crops and fenced expanses that housed huge numbers of horses and cattle.

They travelled for hours along the long dirt roads that were worn and well travelled, moving at a steady pace with the soldiers still marching in step behind.

The weather had cleared now and the sun shone its final rays over Almain, Mila could see a small spec in the distance.

The lord peered out his own window realising where he was, he looked over at the small girl that still sat peering out the window - he stated "Finally, almost home."

Milas fingers gripped tightly at the edge of the small window, her eyes locked on the shaped the now rose up out of the ground in the distance - though as they continued to get closer Mila began to realise the sheer size of the estate, that she was now forced to call home.

To Be Continued...

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It gets better everyday...good post, keep it up

Thanks so much and will do - Cheers :)

Krystle, meaning to read from as I have your previous articles bookmarked. It's time I guess. :)

Thank you for continuing!

You are an inspiration! :)

Awesome to hear, as it is a much larger story that I am having to break up into manageable pieces - makes it hard to ensure each post works well on it's own.

Hope you enjoy it, let me know how you go - Cheers :D

You have a way with words. Very cool. Interested to see where this goes.

Thanks so much, it's going to be an interesting journey and this story ties into a much large saga I'm writing on here.

Glad you enjoyed it, next post soon :)

It seems very obvious you enjoy writing. The details enable the reader to invision being in the coach with the child. Nice, very descriptive.

I really do love to write, which is funny because I truly struggled back at school - I have been inspired by some amazing authors and learnt more from them than I ever did at school.

When working with words I feel it is the authors duty to paint a picture with words, so the reader can see what the characters do - and even feel as though they are involved in the events that unfold.

I feel with the best writers the readers become legacy characters along for the journey, this is why I love stories that completely immerse the reader in the world.

This post is mostly descriptive and it feels a little odd being a snippet taken out of context, but this is going to be a very long story -that ties into a saga set in the future, lots and lots of story to tell.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I have a lot of writing on here - especially when I first started, if you'd like to check out some of my other work.

Anyways thanks so much for the lovely comment, much appreciated - Cheers :)

Upvoted and followed

Cheers for the support, glad you liked it :)

nice pic :)

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