
No, she can't :( I wanted to play with the concept and make the readers question whether or not they understood each other. When I was observing them, Ace (Ayesa) talks to Zepp as if they understood each other, even though they really didn't. It's cool because they were playing and bonding, and she genuinely tried to reach out. Alas, I had to stick with reality for this one :(

Sorry to sweep the rug from under you, my friend. If you would notice though, I did give subtle hints that their conversation doesn't always sync. So, even though Ledd thinks that he's getting his point across, it was all just Ayesa trying to relate to him the best she can.

That's interesting. When my nephew was young, my brother told me about a special needs girl that was in his class. He said nobody else could understand her, but my nephew could, so he was her interpreter and protector. That's what made me think maybe Ayesa was the one person who could understand. But what you just said opens the old story up for re-interpretation. Did my nephew really understand her? Or was he just being open hearted and empathetic? But even if that was what it was, it was still very cool.

Huh, that's very intriguing. Honestly, I haven't heard of a story quite like that before. Although, I do believe in that theory that babies have the ability to understand each other. Since people with special needs have a delayed cognitive function, it lines up a bit. I mean, Zepp himself has the cognitive age of a one year old, so he's technically a baby in the head.

Haha! It's awesome that we both are rethinking our stance regarding it. I'm sure though that Ayesa doesn't understand Ledd because she's past the "baby" stage (5 years old at the time).

My latest thinking re my nephew is that maybe he didn't literally understand, but just had an empathetic feeling of what she needed, which was close enough.

Ohhh so like Ayesa. That's great that it was relatable then. Although, what you said really made me rethink my stance regarding how babies and special needs children communicate. In that, they may really have a connection all along. Definitely an interesting theory, since their operating on the same wavelength (same cognitive age). In another life, I would've been totally science-ing the heck out of this theory by now haha!

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