STEEM 2029

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Seen through my imaginary crystal ball, here is the state of STEEM in year 2029:-

  • Number of accounts: 3.142 trillion (including bots and virtual entities)
  • Voting activity: Average of 420 trillion votes per day
  • Current price of Big Mac, ala-carte: $ 4.20
  • Price of STEEM: $ 1,337.00
  • Total STEEM in existence: 520,977,523
  • Market capitalization: ~$697 billion
  • Current reward pool: ~50,000 STEEM / day ($67 million / day)
  • Top 10 trending post payout range: ~$0.5 million - $5 million
  • Top 10 trending post frequent tags: Steemcity, disaster-relief, life, entertainment, marketing, app, curation, magazine, journalism, brainstorm, operation-steemit, debate, TIL, AMA, RND.
  • Interesting historic fact: The STEEM network grew from $1.337 to $1337 in the span of 42 days towards the end of year 2028. Kanye West said distributed attention as currency is pure genius - it is something that is infinite within the bounds of the imagination, but made finite through the passage of time. Then something about the Illuminati and STEEM in the same sentence.

Image available for open-use, attribution-free here.

Follow me @kevinwong


My crystal ball thinks that you are a genius!

And it wishes it was more virtual like your crystal ball so that it could get out and about a little more :-)


Hah! An actual crystal ball. You should broadcast whatever it shows on Youtube :D

:) Good.

"Current price of Big Mac, ala-carte: $ 4.20"

Hopefully they won't still be in existence.

But you are right.

Where attention goes, energy flows.
Our intentions have the power to change the world.

Which is why the most important thing right now is sending out love to the world and putting out new perspective, and the truth.

#onelove @ planetearth

Ah, Kevin, at those rates, I probably won't have to be among the top 10 authors... But I'm going to try, nonetheless!

Care to visit my Highly Organized Library? That is what your photo pictures in 2029, isn't it? The newly constructed "@creatr's Steemit Library of Alexandria?"

Just click the GIF: 😄😇😄


Yes! I have come across the concept before in various reading, but thank you for the link to that particular site... Somewhat reminiscent of "the infinite number of monkeys" writing all great works of literature?

I intend for my (subset) of the Steemit library to contain more interesting content... ;) For example, my latest article describes a "Steemit Hack" that I haven't seen elsewhere (please correct me if I'm wrong? I'd love to see other authors adopt this one!):

Help Your Readers, Help Yourself - Today's Tip for an "Easy STEEMIT Hack"

LOL@ Illuminati, 420 and 1337
Great future history document, which happens to be my favorite kind of history document!

I want to show it to the fiction-trail. We are trying to encourage great content creation on Steemit by building a community of fiction writers. On the fiction-trail discussion group, writers can meet other writers, get feedback on their work, and help others improve their skills.

I'm going to post your story there for others to vote and comment on. I would also like to invite you to follow the fiction-trail account at if you are a member there. That would really help promote great fiction writing on Steemit.

And thanks for using the #fiction tag!

Haha thanks.. it's my procrastination / stress-reliever from writing the more serious-type stuff. I see that it's on discord, I've been holding on trying that platform for some time now!

We're having fun over there. Nice to be able to send streemian votes to people who actually create stuff.

Haha I hope you are right! Although, if we achieved just a fraction of that I would be pretty happy :)

One whale upvote = community garden built! lol

With such price of steem I wouldn't mind if they charge more for the Big Mac : )

That said I wonder if the price would actually go up or down? Price never seems to go down though lol

Sounds absolutely logical to me!
Best thing about it: we will still be here...:-P

Wow men...great stats. Congratulations for this imagination.

No se si la foto elegida es la más acertada para un post en el que se prevé que algo salga bien... Esa construcción ha sido parte de la ruina para la ciudad de Valencia xD

Price of STEEM: $ 1,337.00. I could not agree more. Upvoted and tweeted..!! Stephen

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 03 Jan 2017 - 18:44 UTC

$STEEM 2029..!! @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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