For Godness' Sake! (Short Story Part 2)

in #fiction7 years ago

Part 1

"I am surprise you never set yourself up as a God, my dear."

"Somewhere in my vault I am sure there are a few pacts of that nature, left over from the old days." He chuckled. "This dream might just nudge me to dig them out and see how productive they still are. But if I am honest back then I was more interested in killing and gaining land, than sitting around and beginning worshiped to build my power base." He raised an eyebrow. "Suppose why I now sit as the King of nearly half of hell, instead of the only reminder of my existence being a crumbling statue in some ruined forgotten temple."

She closed her eyes and shook her head in reflection. "They are not laughing now are they?" 

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "They use to laugh you know, so proud how they used you to dispose of their problems while they sat on their Godlike thrones getting fat on the insecurity of man. But you always played the long game, why I took a leaf from your book and kept my finger in the warrior pie too, fought my own battles and built my lands." 

She raised her arms. "But keeping my finger in the goddess pie, means I able to keep myself from slipping into you fiery ocean, so." She winked. "Might be worth you rekindling those pacts my darling for a safety net." Marcus nodded. 

Then Helena face become pained and her eyes close. "Someone is asking for my aid." Helena grabs Marcus arm and he can feel a slight pull of power leave his body. The images within her lake begins to move and he could now see the slayer leader smile in the image and then the image changed, to a prison cell and a curled up figure asleep on the bed. 

Helena opens her eyes. "Sorry my dear, they have become my only joy within my purgatory, my believers. I know she is your daughter, but he asked for the power and I gave it him, I did not know what he planned to do with it."

Marcus now knelt down at the water edge. "My daughter is with child." He turned to Helena. "My grandchild, she should not be treated this way. RETURN HER."

"I don't have the power..." She whispers in his ear where Moon was. "Rescue your daughter, but help me keep my goddess status within my believer's eyes and make this right."

Marcus clicked into his daughters location but found that he was rebounded slightly and found himself standing by a mirror looking in on her laying on the floor. Arrogance and self belief spurred him to step through the mirror glass without a second thought. But as he stepped through the mirror shattered into many pieces. 

Not worried he crossed to his daughter's side and lifted her up. "Don't worry sweetheart, we will have you home in a click." He clicked his fingers but he didn't phase out, instead upon the floor symbols glowed and then disappeared. He clicked his fingers and again the he and his daughter went no way only the symbols upon the floor began to glow. A trickle of dread danced down his spine. He lowered her back onto the bed, still sleeping and began to push the furniture and anything that was cover the floor away to reveal what he feared.

Upon the floor was a complex seal. A seal tailored for him and a powerful seal. As now a simple seal would be unable to hold him, this seal had been improved on, added to by a master of the craft, or maybe a mistress of the craft. This screamed of Helena's handy work. They had one of his line, with her blood they had drawn the seal. Helena within the dream and taken the final part for her entrapment seal. That grab of his arm, the slight shift in power that had passed between them, was all that was needed to complete it. Then a whisper of the location, and like a fool he had stepped right into it.

Her voice whispered in his head. " Sorry my love, I am no longer content down here. I saw an escape route and I took it. I knew you would blindly try and rescues your daughter. I know my trap won't hold you for long, but I hope it holds you long enough to get what I need."

His voice boomed around the room. "NEVER!!! I will never resurrect you, your head will never leave my vault." The floor glowed and a bolt of pain shot up his spine.

"Then you leave me only one option, I will use you as a battery to aid my boy and give him the power to destroy your precious vampire family. Let hope for their sake you can break my hold before it's too late. Or you could just agree to give me what I want and we can all leave this situation without anyone else getting hurt. Think on it Marcus, a simple returning of my head to my shoulders and all this can disappear."

Marcus didn't answer he just began to start work on the seal upon the ground.

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