
What an interesting topic for a free write and a great take on it ;)

Cheers 😊 there have been all sorts of interesting topics lately! It was 'frayed power cord ' yesterday..... I had nothing. 😅

I enjoy seeing peoples take on the free writes I am not a writer myself but I enjoy reading them :)

I remember that case of the never-moulding burger. Just as well most of us have very short memories or don’t give a hoot what we put into our mouths.

It’s the Wednesday prompt delivery technicians here with the unravelling prompt for today:

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don’t give a hoot what we put into our mouths.

My partner is horrified because I eat prawns. "They're the lice of the sea!" he exclaims, wincing as I rip the head off one, tear off its tail, peel the shell and feet from it, then place the delightful prawn-flesh on my tongue.


Thanks for prompt delivery!

Inequality s a hard fact of life. No one likes it, yet so far the humans didn't invent a societal structure where everybody is equally rich. )

I have unlikely dreams of a utopian society where the only currency is the joy of help and assistance, trade and barter without currency. A pipe-dream that will never exist. :)

I love pizza, but this story made me have second thoughts.
I had to re-read it looking for something I might have missed. I thought at some point the narrator was being force-fed.
I guess resignation looks as bad as deprivation or slavery
Great story

No force-fed character here, just a hungry person who only has stale pizza available to him and is thinking about his life. :)

Thanks for reading! :D

Well, dang!
I was hoping for the next Joey and Jenny installment. He's the kind who'd make the best of stale pizza while she complained, right?
Keep eating. That'll help. :)

I've lost my Jenny and Joey pizzazz at the moment... but Joey would absolutely devour a stale pepperoni pizza while Jenny sat there, staring at it, crinkling her nose in disgust at each of Joey's joyful bites. "The pepperoni is crunchy, Jen-Jen!" "It's crunchy because it's old."

Save this reply!! You might be able to use it in the next installment!
Jen-Jen. Somehow I don't think she'll find that endearing. I do!
Please oh please get your pizzazz back soon!

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