The Abyss Part 2

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

A collaboration with @thecryptofiend featuring
his Digital Abstract Painting
His art, my words

I am fond of them, the inferior beings of the abyss,
those who are full of longing.

Richard Wagner

I spent the night with Evelyn at her condo in Trump Tower—soon to be renamed something generic and awkward like Toronto International Tower.

But for now, it’s in limbo and so are we.

I’m still not exactly sure what I’m doing here with Evelyn, other than heeding a Siren’s call.

Ev's penthouse looks west, back over the lake to the Humber Bay, and I’m nostalgic for my lakefront home and sailing yacht.

But here we are.

And she’s not just sunning on rocks, this Siren, but wants to drag me down to the ocean bottom where the real blood sports begin—make me a deep sea scavenger like Ryker Thompson with his enormous fish eyes.

I smile bitterly as I cast one more longing glance out the window at the lake.

I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

Preening like a mermaid, Ev’s running impossibly long talons through tousled hair, and I’m thinking, come unsex me here, feeling less seducer than cuckold.

But within minutes, she’s changed into professional attire.

And with her bright red hair and brown tweed business suit, she’s stunning.

And so I drown.

I’m spinning round a vortex in a chaotic nightmare where nothing makes sense to the flotsam being drawn along.

And now, we’re off to see the wizard in his corporate Wonderland.

Ryker Thompson's Investment firm occupies 20,000 square feet in The Ernst and Jones Tower of the TD Center. He's not operating on a shoestring.

From the moment we step off the gleaming elevators, we enter a space as silent as the green depths where light seldom gets.

Here are the corporate boardrooms where investment strategists live lives of quiet desperation.

I watch as willowy secretaries soundlessly shadow down plush carpeted halls like sea weed swaying in slow-motion, untroubled by storms above.

Evelyn parks me in her office and goes in search of Thompson.

I’m left wriggling like a worm on a hook, feeling deceived by a sea girl wreathed with red and brown.

But no human voices woke me, and so I drowned.

"So I finally get to meet Kane Wilder!" a voice booms from the hallway.

A large burly man with close-cropped gray hair enters, looking more a football full-back than head of an investment firm.

"Ryker Thompson," he announces, firmly gripping my hand. "I heard a lot about you, boy."

I wince at his grip and his diminutive term, but smile and try to make the best of it.

"So, I hear from Ev you've been working with Abby Cohen at Goldman Sachs —good use for that Harvard MBA, no doubt."

I smile bleakly.

"I suppose the degree helped a bit, but it was more an apprenticeship for me, than anything else."

"A humble man —I like that," he winks at Ev.

"So, what have you been up to lately?

I take a deep breath. “It's been only two months since I left Wall Street, Ryker.”

“Why that’s a lifetime for a fella like you. You must have been doing more than just sunning”

“Well, I’ve been investing in digital assets and trading in cryptocurrency.”

“You mean Bitcoin?”

“There’s more than one currency.”

"Damn!" He shakes his head in wonder.

"Cryptocurrency? You trade in that on those black web sites?"

My jaw tightens. "Digital currency isn’t just used on the dark web or Silk Road."

"NO? he laughs. "Then what the hell it used for? Nothing legal, I bet. Hey, come to think of it, those dark web sites—they’re just like Alice’s Restaurant. I bet you can get most anything you want…”

He stares at Evelyn and licks his lips. “Yep, I’ll bet you can get any kind of honey there.”

I avert my gaze, deliberately avoiding looking at her face, but now I steal a glance and am shocked to see she's not squirming, but smiling.

There's a sensual gleam in her eye I hadn't seen before.

I watch in fascination as she transmutes from wearing a tweed business suit to an over-sized shirt—unbuttoned, seductive and tawdry as the pantomime of a clichéd line.

And I feel nauseous—the same vertigo I felt standing on Bay Street, staring up at these same towers.

“What’s the matter, boy? You okay?”

Thompson's peering at me, still trying to size me up.

"Yeah, just had a little bit too much to drink last night," I lie. "Still a bit shaky."

"Never met an investment strategist who didn't drink like a fish."

Ev flashes a sympathetic smile.

"Say, why don't you let Ev here show you around and maybe we can get together later over dinner and swap stories. You can tell me what Abby Cohen's really like. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good, Ryker," I mumble.

He was back to sizing me up.

"By the way, you need a better suit, boy, if you’re gonna be down here on Bay Street. You’re what? A size 42 tall? Probably a 34 inch waist. Been a long time since I’ve been that much a light-weight.”

Ev intervened. “He might be slight, Ryker, but Kane here, is not light duty.”

“Well, that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

In that moment I'm a wayward teenager wandering through an upscale mall, dazed by the futility of perfumed sheets, and impotent from Siren calls.

To be continued

© 2017, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


Just can't trust those Redheads! The effect they have on one.

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