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RE: A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 11) - The Hours Between 1500 and 1600

in #fiction8 years ago

Aha! It was a test, and you passed, brother! Really though, I'm just trying to experiment with the posting times. It used to be that I was able to reach $20, but now I'm just averaging $5. Can't complain though, the interaction I've been receiving is off the chain, and arguably better than my higher earning posts.

I must have some similarities with Ledd.

Is is that? Or did I invent time travel, traveled to the past, ate the very first corndog, then traveled to your childhood home and observed you when you were playing? Not for me to say, but in another life you called me "Uncle Fergus" :/


Lol, now my head is spinning. Wait? We're you my childhood dog, was that you're disguise!

Lol yeah, i remember those posts. Languishing at a couple of dollars then boom twenty odd. Happy days indeed!

Sssh don't tell anyone else. Lycanthrope has always been my favorite party trick ;)

Now I'm wishing my time machine was real so that we could roll back those times haha! Times like this I really miss @dantheman :( If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have tasted that sweet sweet three-digit earnings!

Three digits! I remember a few posts earning that. It was wild. I forever thought it couldnt last and i am amazed sometimes that it has to an extent. Not the triple figure payouts but the payouts themselves. I wonder where we will be in a years time?

A few?! Now, that's wild! Man, when I said I experienced it, I only meant one :/

My optimistic guess: instead of just getting paid for our posts, people will pay us to post. Panic in the streets whenever we miss a scheduled post. Riots all over downtown whenever we're late even for a minute.

My pessimistic guess: the whole world has been taken over by the Robot Apocalypse, and the revolution started entirely... in the blockchain dun dun dun!!!

Oh shoot! I completely spaced! I meant to include this photo in my previous reply. When I saw this, I immediately thought of you for some reason haha!


Nesting limit nonsense

Good lord, what is that? Glasses in bread!!! Someone baked a loaf with glasses in it!?!

Lol, at the hundreds of dollars. Yeah. I was lucky enough to be on back in the day, so some of my posts made a few hundred bucks here and there. I remember one made 700!

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