Welcome to Write Club

in #story7 years ago

People keep asking, what the Hell is Write Club? 

I tell them it’s a recipe. Write Club is a pressure cooker and a recipe.

Take eight human sacrifices, space monkeys, writers without an audience and add deadlines, add peer review, add the chance of publication. Add an unmanageable workload, a metric shit-tonne of pressure that builds and builds until the gasket begins to slip. Add purpose, add a reason to be at your desk everyday around the same time, and you’ll render off their best work.

Write Club is a sixteen-week long program. Think of it like cross-fit for authors. Imagine chiselled paragraphs. Think literary buns carved out of wood. Your words are going to bulge, bronze, and everyone’s going to notice.

We’re going to take eight human sacrifices, seven plus myself and put them in a program. Every two weeks we receive a prompt and write a short story, something publication length, 1,500 to 7,000 words. You have nine days to finish the story. You have four days to read and mark the others. One day to chill; get something to drink, find a member of the opposite sex, whatever. There are no leaders. No gods, no masters. Only the next week and the next prompt. When it’s all said and done, you’ll have eight stories to offer the publication Gods. 

Get ready to become a shitty employee, a shut in, a bad parent. Lock your kids in the cupboard. They’ll be fine. Get ready to douse your social media presence with jet fuel and watch it burn. The dream is coming to the front burner, and for once, we’re going to become good at what we do. 

This is your life, and it is ending one minute at a time

Deliver us from passive income. Deliver us from obsessive up-voting and clever comments. Deliver us from cheesy Fight Club references.

We’re on exodus from steemit, and we’re taking the fight to the publishing industry. 

If this is something that sounds appealing, God help you. You are one of the cursed. One of God’s unwanted children. You’ve probably already written something with potential here on Steemit. You may have been SFT curated. You’ve probably been to The Writers Block, spending months in the pits of discord with the maniacs and the obsessives, subsisting off curation, critiques, and cockroaches. 

If this is something that sounds appealing, chances are we know about you. We’ll send you an invite; we’ll be in touch. 

And for those spectators watching from the shadows, we want you too. You’re going to vote your favourite author into Write Club. You’re going to watch authors self-immolate under the pressure. You’ll be watching history. 

Stay tuned. 

A list of nominees is on the way.

Disclaimer: While the Write Club is a very serious venture, this ad borrowed from Chuck Palahnuik's Fight Club. Think of it as a parody; or a tribute. Whatever works. If you haven't read the book for some reason, I suggest you do so. 

Photos from Wikimedia Commons. 


Excellent project! We are so proud to be affiliated with this. Thank you, Jordan, for bringing your gifts to the blockchain.

And thank you Writer's Block, for being the Writer's block.

This is BOSS, Jordan. I can't wait to see this take off.

I can't wait either. I've bitten off what's left of my fingernails in anticipation.

I'm interested! I don't know if you do know about me, but please check out my feed and consider sending an invite <3 I would love to be a part of this.

I gave it a brief look. There's lots of articles, but I didn't find much in the way of fiction. If you give me a specific link, I'd be happy to check it out.

Love your undertaking. Best of luck...

As someone who has recently rediscovered a love of writing (thanks to steemit & freewrites), this sounds both utterly terrifying and absolutely mesmerizing. I'm not sure which emotion is winning out at the moment!

You're funny, @jordan.lesich Good to e-meet and congrats on this new project -- your enthusiasm is contagious :) Onwards, upwards!

The first rule of Write Club is...never mind.

Awesome idea Jordan.

Be afraid. Be very very afraid!

I feel like @jordan.lesich is trying to tell us something with all these images of broken bones but I can't think what it might be...

...even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.

I can't commit to stuff like this, although I'd love to. but if I can help with editing or brainstorming or whatever, please let me know.

Thanks Bex, I appreciate the offer. I'm sure I'll be taking you up on that some time.

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