Hank's sudden change: A 50-word short story

in #fiction6 years ago

Hank's sudden change

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

I can change. No problemo!

Imelda says I have to man up, get ahold of my drinking. But damn, I’m at a work function, and the booze is flowing freely. Tomorrow is soon enough, right?

Need to head home. Imelda will kill me. The lights at night are so pretty.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this story. As always, it's so difficult to tell a story in 50 words.

To learn more about 50-words....

The most recent #fiftywords prompt post is here: Fifty-word story round-up and new prompt.

And here's a post about this challenge with a showcase of stories: Fifty-word challenge: FAQs, ideas, motivation and showcase.



I knew you had a darker side, @jayna.

The way I'm reading it (along with the pic), the poor drunk fellow wandered out into oncoming traffic. One more drink unexpectedly became one last drink.

You are so smart! Okay, I guess one might say I have an undeveloped darker side, as I'm still not willing to go there.

Anyway, you're mostly right. He didn't wander into traffic; he's behind the wheel.

Hehe so much truth in that. Tomorrow never comes for most even more so if they give an excuses when they are confronted by the very thing they know they should just say no to.

So true. We all have things we intend to change... soon.... maybe tomorrow. But the interesting thing about “tomorrow” is that it is never “today!”

Wonder if Imelda becomes a murderer before the next day's dawn.

You know who else says something to the effect of:

Tomorrow is soon enough, right?


Luckily I don't drink. (Alcohol drinking is actually forbidden in Islam) But I still have bad habit that I need to get rid of, (and bad habits are also frowned upon in the religion.)

Remember when we were talking about ambiguous endings? I was thinking about that when I wrote this story. The ending is likely too ambiguous! My intent was that he is driving drunk and doesn’t realize the pretty lights are headlights coming straight at him....

Now that you mention it, yeah... The image is implying that, and if this was narrated by voice it would seem more obvious.

My intent was that he is driving drunk and doesn’t realize the pretty lights are headlights coming straight at him.

Glad I inspired you for something :)

Indeed, you did!

Ohhh this is good! So much in so little text. Muy bien!

Oh what can I say? It is sure difficult to tell a story from 50 words . Wasn't sure if I could use past tense/ future tense of the prompt word for this week but anyway I give it a shot though. Thanks for putting this together.

Yes, you can use any form of the word. In fact the word should inspire your story, but does not actually need to be included in it.

This just made me laugh thinking of someone that I know :)

Yeah... I think we all know people like that! “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”

haha! I love that

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Perfect ^_^

Fun to be getting to know you, @foxyspirit! Thanks for following. I can’t claim authorship of that expression, but it’s a fun one to trot out from time to time!

I always read Denial as "de-ni-yal" so it took me more than a few google results to understand the joke.

It reads "de-nai-el" which is closer to "Da Nile."

@jayna @foxyspirit

It is rather obscure! The joke is a very old one. It is, as you found, based on the spoken word "denial," which in English can sound quite similar to "the Nile." I hope it was a fun search and not an annoying wild goose chase!

Yup, it was fun... Things like these I'd stop from the second result it it's not fun.

I hope it was a fun search and not an annoying wild goose chase!

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