Challenge #02498-F308: Sleepless With SialithsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction5 years ago


They knew humans could last a long time without sleep, but most had regular sleep intervals. When choosing a new man, they heard he was very reliable, fiercely protective of whatever crew he served, and anyone who'd worked with him were more than a little disappointed when he would be reassigned. Things seemed to be working out fine, until they noticed he was sleeping a lot less than most humans, but when he did, he crashed hard! So much so it was almost impossible to wake him, short of emergencies. When asked how he was able to be awake for so long, only to collapse like that, he sighed and said one word. "Insomnia." -- DaniAndShali

Compared with the rest of the animal kingdom, Humans just don't stop. -- pre-Shattering thesis on the nature of Human Endurance.

Humans are unstoppable. Many a Havenworlder has marvelled after a three-hour work session that the Ship's Human thinks nothing of doing twice, or even thrice that before going to rest. Some Humans could go for longer in emergencies. Everyone seems to have that one story of how their Human stayed awake for impossible lengths of time. Even their own histories have records of Humans staying awake for frankly phenomenal lengths of time.

Then there's the tale of Human Kat. Even for a Human, he was an odd one. He definitely lead solidity to the rumours abounding about Human Unstoppability. It seemed like he never slept. So much so that his shipmates decided to consult the Human Manual about sleep habits, what was healthy, and what was not. You can definitely imagine their shock and surprise when they discovered that working for forty-eight hours straight and sleeping for twelve was not a healthy sleep cycle. So they held an intervention.

"Human Kat, are you aware that we appreciate your presence and value your continued existence?"

Human Kat said, "Aaaaww... you fluffy little borbs are worried about me. Let me guess. It's the sleep thing, right?"

The assembled Sialith looked to each other. "Er," said the spokesavian, "yes. We are very concerned."

"The manual states that eight hours of total sleep per Standard Day is the healthy norm. You are averaging six or less," said Companion T'shyurup. "We apologise for missing this clear indicator of declining health."

Human Kat sighed, sat, and mumbled, "Aaw, hell..." Then seemed resigned to his fate. "If you want to pass me on to another crew because of all this..."

"No. No!" The Sialith chorussed. "We want you to stay."

The spokesavian, Wirrit, coughed. "We also wish to assist in your health. According to the manual, lack of sleep can be dangerous for your kind."

"You work very hard," said T'shyurup. "It's only fair that you rest well."

"Yeah. Guys.... it's... I was about to say it's fine, but that'd be a lie. I have insomnia."

Murmured chirps amongst the Sialith. A few were consulting the manual. They were getting increasingly concerned. "This is not a good condition," said Wirrit.

"No, it isn't," Human Kat agreed. "There's medication I could be taking, things I could be doing, but... once I'm out of it, I'm out of it. I don't want to leave you all without help if things go turvy on you when I'm... unwakeable."

The Sialith conferred. Human Kat waited for the inevitable conclusion, that Human Kat was a danger to himself and may endanger others, leading to a fond yet definite farewell.

This was not the conclusion they reached. "We shall find a spare Human," T'shyurup said. "Compatible with your habits and needs."

"Oh great..." Human Kat muttered something about shipping and two Standard months. Then again, Humans are wont to leap to some of the silliest conclusions, sometimes.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / NASAimages]

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Hi internutter,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Wonderful story! Intense, thoughtful, science fiction and creative. The dialogues are very good and the ending is impeccable. I am very pleased to have read. A big hello @internutter

dear @internutter, really a nice story! perhaps because I too suffer from insomnia? I gave in to the medicines, because it was too difficult not to sleep, and above all it created stress for me !! it would have been useful for me to have a replacement according to my needs !! .-))
congratulations on your work and your curie rating

I, too, have more than my fair share of sleep issues... and some good results with HTP-5 somethingorother [I can never remember the name] it's a precursor to melatonin. YMMV of course, but ask your favourite medic about it.

Best of luck hunting down those Z's.

do you know once I was able to optimize that time (I read, I studied, I even went to run at night !!) but now when it happens to me (rarely since I take my medications) I stay and watch the ceiling. maybe I should go back to the old method !! thanks for the advice, I'm going to see what it is !! :-))

Hello Hello!

You have to follow the story, write, don't leave it like this hahahah

Greetings from Venezuela!

Insomnia is THE WORST XD

And I'm still constantly amused by the use of Human as a title XD

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