Challenge #01968-E144: Bullish BehavioursteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago


Can you please write more on Challenge #01911-E087: Uptick in Downsizing? It was probably one of the best pieces of fiction I have read in forever. I don't really know your policy regarding this kind of stuff (I may have just stumbled on this site a few hours ago and have been bingeing your writing) so I really hope I'm putting this in the right place...
Either way, cheers and keep up the amazing work! -- A_Single_Speck

[AN: I welcome follow-ups to stories. For new readers, that particular fiction is found here. You're welcome. Also, OP, thanks so much for bingeing. Share your favourites with your friends.]

"There's a new code of conduct amongst the Jorgins'," said McTavish. "One of our informants managed to put this into a blind drop, yesterday."

And considering how The Accountant was about leaking information, that was a high-risk thing to do, Caulky whistled backwards. "Hope they're still alive today."

It was a booklet. Professionally done like they'd do at any copy shop. It had colourful tabs labeled Dress Code and Daily Ethics or Grammar and Pronunciation. The Security and Confidentiality tab was a deep red.

The Dress Code section was a guide to Business Casual for males and females alike. Polo shirts and how to wear a jacket. What your choice of tie can say about you. All the things one might expect from an above board business. Daily Ethics had things like, If you are conducting a business meeting in someone else's business, be generous with your tips. It encourages other companies' employees to think well of our brand.

"Brand," scoffed McTavish. "Like this is some corporation on the stock... mar... ket..." McTavish had apparently frozen in place, staring at some eventuality that nobody else could see. "Holy shit. Oh my fucking God. Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle..."

"What?" demanded Caulky. "What?"

"The Accountant is an actual fucking accountant. They're using regular business practices on a criminal organisation." This was so big that McTavish erased their current working to make a timeline. "Think about it. First, they're called in to unfuck some hiccough in the business." He wrote Audition on the board. "They find it, and recommend that certain corrupt employees are terminated." The words Mass Layoffs scrawled on the timeline. "Big cheese is impressed, gets them to work on the rest of the organisations' records." Expansion. "And then they sort it all out." Total re-organisation.

"Followed by expansion and some corporate takeovers of small-time competitors. And now they're entering negotiations with the big-time competitors. Branching out, buying up, stripping the assets..."

"And they see no difference between the Jorgens' and any other company."

Tammy, who had been trying to find an online footprint, and tracing internet chatter, said, "Bad news. They're releasing a cryptocoin. They're calling it Krak. K-R-A-K."

"Fuck me," groaned Caulky.

"It started at two dollars and is already trading at three K."

"This guy's unstoppable."

Meanwhile, in an unassuming office block across town...

"This is an excellent launch, people. Everyone watch the market. When it hits twelve K, we all sell our Krak at once. Sure, everyone else in it will cash out, after that, and the value will take a hit, bu-u-ut..." Kathi made an encouraging gesture for the group.

"We buy again at five K," they chorused. "Pump and dump! Pump and dump!"

Li'l Cheezy, otherwise known as the Big Boss, gave Kathi an enthusiastic hug. "You are making bank, my girl! We doing so good at this, we don't have to sell pharmaceuticals no more."

"Vincent, we talked about professional speech in a professional environment. I know we can afford elocution classes for you and your employees," chided Kathi. "But thank you. It means so much to me that you believe in my methods."

One of the bakeries' delivery services turned up with a fake giant cake. There were going to be strippers. Of both genders, because Kathi was an equal-opportunity employer.

"So what's our next -uh- investment goal?" asked Li'l Cheezy.

Kathi laughed and sipped champagne as she watched the show. "I'm thinking... real estate. There's entire blocks of defunct factories just begging to be re-zoned as community spaces. Accomodation, library, school, and office and commercial zones all in the one district. Change that run-down depressing decay into urban revival. And... discounts for families of employees of course. Make it look like a choice neighbourhood before any outsiders move in. We definitely want to pay high taxes so the schools get a great reputation. Make it invisible access and definitely have a shelter for the less advantaged. Play up the charity angle."

Li'l Cheesy also contemplated the show and the champagne. "Dayumn," he muttered appreciatively. Of course he'd still be selling pharmaceuticals. But he'd be selling them to high-powered businessmen who were less likely to get caught or rat on their dealer. He now saw further because he had the shoulder of an intellectual giant.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / dolgachov]

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