in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


Long time ago in the land of the animals, Zaba the lion was the king. He was wise and the gods of the land were behind him. He was also loved and respected by other animals. He had a son, Ibar. Ibar was the heir to the throne, he grew up to be strong.

Zaba’s only brother, Tada, was envious of his brother since he became king. The envy got deep when Ibar was born. He knew if Zaba die, Ibar will become the next king.

Tada connived with some strong animals to kidnap Ibar. Ceecee, the palace parrot was part of Tada’s accomplice. He flew to the palace to inform King Zaba of his son’s kidnap. He let out a loud roar and ran off with his wife and guards. Subconsciously, he dropped the Itashe.

Itashe is held by the king and commands respect. When it is lifted up, all animal bow.

Tada came out of his hiding place. His dream has eventually come to pass. He held the Itashe and roared. He told Ceecee to call other animals to the palace for an important emergency meeting.

Hours later, the animals gathered at the palace. They wondered what could spur the emergency meeting. Tada came out, he saw that they were distracted so he roared loudly to get their attention. They all looked up and were surprised to see him.

“I can see you are all surprised to see me. Zaba has vacated the throne with his family and left me in charge.”

The animals were shocked and felt something was wrong. The elephant charged towards the throne to challenge Tada. He quickly raised the Itashe up, all the animals bowed including the Elephant.

“This is a new administration. You either accept me as your king or face my wrath. As for you, Elephant, you will hear from me soon. You are all discharged.”

He turned his back and went inside the palace followed by Ceecee. The animals left with so many questions on their minds.

The next day, Tada called Ceecee to his room. He asked him for the wisest animals in the whole kingdom. After a considerate period of time, he came up with only four; the Tortoise, Vulture, Bull and Pig. He ordered Ceecee to ask them to report to his palace as soon as possible.

They all arrived at the palace. Tada came in and raised the Itashe, they bowed and welcomed him. He stared at them and spoke:

“I heard you are the wisest animals in the kingdom.”

They looked at each other and nodded.

“I have a rewarding task for all of you. Before I get to the task, let me tell you of the reward. Every week, I will open the food bank for you to carry as much food as you can.”

They were all happy especially the Tortoise.

“So what is the task your highness?” The Pig asked.

He moved closer to the animals.

“Zaba did not leave the throne my new friends. He went after Ibar.” The animals were surprised.

“Ibar was kidnapped by me and the Hyenas I pay. He is underground guided by them but I don’t trust them. I believe with your help, my mission will be fulfilled.” He smiled.

“There are lot of benefits for you all, trust me.” He continued.

The animals agreed. They were left with no choice. As they left the palace, Tada roared and spoke:

“If any of you betray me, I will feed you to the Hyenas. Say me well to your family.”

The animals left trembling. Tortoise was over excited and didn’t care about the threat.

Tada mapped out a plan for the four chosen animals; the animals took turn to stay with the hyenas to watch over Ibar. At the end of their turn, they received a large portion of food as reward.

The Vulture as the wisest bird in the kingdom had his own plan. He stored his portion in the sky.

He called a meeting with the other birds in his house and informed them about his plan, they were excited. When he was asked how he got the food, he lied to them because he was scared what Tada would do to him if he found out he let out their secret.

The Tortoise never saved, he ate heavily. His wife, Yanribo, complained severally but he didn’t care. He became so fat due to overfeeding.

Two full-moons later, famine hit the animal kingdom. It was terrible; the stream dried up and the food bank suffered too. The animals marched to the palace to complain. Tada tried all he could to convince them things would get better but it fell on their deaf ears. They gave him an ultimatum of 7 days for things to turn around or they will resort to violence.

The next day, Tada remembered any time his brother was bothered, he consulted Kokubaboni, the Baboon. He told Ceecee to fly to the eastern zone of the kingdom to consult with him.

“Offer him lots of kolanut and bring good news to me. Go right away.” He ordered. Ceecee flew out immediately.

Two days after, Cecee got back. Tada rushed to meet him, he was optimistic something great would come out of the journey.

“Welcome, my loyal friend. What did he say? Hope it is good? How was your journey?” He asked nervously. Ceecee smiled.

“Everything went well. He said Zaba must come back to hand over to you properly or we will face more wrath from the gods.”

Tada became weak, his anxiety turned to panic. After a while, an idea came to him.

“Find Zaba and bring him back here as soon as possible. I will be ready for his return.” He smiled scournfully.

Ceecee flew away to find Zaba.

Meanwhile, Tortoise was so hungry. He was already used to overfeeding. Yanribo blamed him for his condition and ordered him to get food or she would pack out of his house. His only resort was to meet with the other wise animals. He went straight to the Pig’s house.

“My friend and colleague, I have a problem only you can solve. There is no food at home and my wife has threatened to leave. Please help me.” Fake tears came down his face as he spoke.

“Please don’t cry my friend. I wish I can help you but I have 18 children and a pregnant wife to feed.” He pitied him. He went inside and gave him an apple.

“Manage this my friend. My regards to Yanribo.” Pig said.

Tortoise left his house. He took a bite as he went to the Bull’s house. He hid the remaining apple in his shell. He got there and met him having heated argument with his wife. He knew it was the wrong time to beg for food. His last resort was the Vulture. He suddenly felt assured he would help him so he ate the apple.

On his way, he looked up to the sky and saw different birds flying towards Vulture’s house. He quickly crossed to the bush and hurried to the house. When he eventually got there, he hid in the nearest bush. The birds gathered, the Vulture was addressing them.

“My fellow birds, I am glad you are all present here today. We all know there is famine in the land.” The birds squeezed their faces.

“We are wise and have planned well so the ancestors are hosting us to a feast tomorrow in the sky.” The birds were happy, they hugged their leader.

“So be prepared, we leave as early as possible. Everyone should paint their feathers black to camouflage with the sky so other animals won’t notice as we leave.”

The birds flew away. Tortoise heard everything, his cunning sense was activated. He came out of the bush smiling and coughed to the surprise of the Vulture.

“My friend, my beloved friend. The wisest bird and the leader of …….”

“What can I do for you Mr. Tortoise?” The Vulture cut in, he knew he heard his conversation and was a cunning animal.

Tortoise threatened to expose Vulture to Tada unless he take him to the feast. The Vulture agreed to his demand and told him to get there early before other birds.

Tortoise left his house happily. He told his wife about the feast and promised her to bring enough food for her.

As early as possible, Tortoise got to the Vulture's place. He knocked on his door and he opened for him. Uju, Vulture’s wife, was full of disgust as he entered their home. She refused to greet him and went inside.

“The birds will soon be here, just flow with what I tell them.” The Vulture instructed him.

The birds soon came, all colored up. The Vulture came out with a smile on his face.

“My brothers and friends, are we ready?” The bird replied they are.

“Before we go, I have a small issue. Tortoise will follow us.” The birds murmured.

They knew him for his mischief. The Sparrow came forward and spoke:

“We know you Tortoise as a cunning animal. Why should we trust you now?”

“I know I was cunning, I am a changed man. Yanribo is pregnant and what legacy will I leave for my unborn child if I continue with such character?”

Tortoise was able to convince them with his sweet mouth and lie. They all agreed he has changed and donated feathers to him so he could join them. They all flew to the sky together. Vulture led the way followed by others. As soon as they got to the entrance of the sky, Tortoise made way to the front and they allowed him because he was eloquent.

He knocked on the door and the hosts asked who was there, he whispered back.

“My name is All of you and I represent the birds.” Tortoise replied.

The hosts opened the door, they were happy to see the birds in attendance. The chief host, Mother Eagle, thanked Vulture for using the sky to save food and help their kind. She declared the feast opened.

Tortoise was the happiest, he looked around and saw different foods; pounded yam, porridge, soup, fruits, meats and so on. He stood up and started sniffing all the food.

As per custom, the hosts left the feast for the birds to enjoy. As soon as they left, he started eating all the food; jumping from one pot to another to the amazement of the birds. He ate and drank it all till he was so full.

The birds ate the little chunk he left. They became so angry and blamed the Vulture. They took back the feathers they lent him and flew back to the kingdom leaving him and the Vulture behind. He looked bitterly at the Vulture.

“I know I have offended you but please do me this last favor. Tell your wife to help me pack the soft things in your house outside so I can fly down.” Tortoise begged. Vulture nodded and flew away.

He got home and narrated everything that transpired to his wife then he pleaded to her to grant his request as he went out to apologize to other birds. Immediately he left, she packed out all the hardest things in her house outside and signaled to the Tortoise to fall.

He looked down and saw her signal. He was happy his request was granted. He picked up an apple for his wife before jumping. He fell on his shell and it broke to pieces. Uju laughed and cursed him as she went inside.

He picked up his broken shells and went to the rubber Ants to help fix his shell. The King Ant came out and refused to help him unless he get something in return. Tortoise had to offer him the apple. The worker Ants came out with gum to fix the shells the best way they could. That is why the Tortoise shell is rough till today.

The Tortoise could not go home because he didn’t bring any food. He decided to go see Tada and report the Vulture maybe he will give him food as a reward. He hurried as fast as he could to the palace. Tada has mapped out a plan for the return of his brother. He has recruited an army of Hyenas, Wolves, Rhinoceros and Buffalo.

When he got there, he was stopped by the Rhinoceros.

“You can’t see the king today, come back tomorrow.” The Rhino barked at him.

He had no option than to see him or Yanribo will leave him.

“King Tada, I need to see you. It is important.” He screamed on top of his lungs.

The Rhino got angry and shifted back to charge at him but was stopped by Tada.

“What do you want Tortoise?” Tada asked.

“I need to speak to you privately about Vulture.” He replied.

“I can’t see you today, come back tomorrow. You are discharged or face my wrath.” Tada replied and roared.

It scared the Tortoise and he turned his back to go then he remembered faintly what he saw when he was falling from the sky and turned back.

“I know you don’t want to see me but I saw your brother, his wife and their guards running at top speed towards here from the Western side of the green lands.” He shouted again.

It caught the attention of Tada. He roared and charged towards Tortoise.

“I will bite your head off right now if you are lying to me. Tell me to my face what you saw.”

For the first time in his life, Tortoise felt scared to lie but that was the only option he had.

“The Vulture took me for flying skills and let go. As I was falling from the sky, I saw them coming. Check my shell, I landed and broke them…….”

“He wants to sideline me, I will attack him first before he gets here.” Tada thought out loud.

He ordered his soldiers to charge with him to the green land.

“Just pray you are right or I will come back and kill your generation.” Tada told the tortoise as he left.

Tortoise have a little time to act out his plans. He knew two Hyenas guide the underground. He came up with the perfect plan to distract them; since he didn’t have access to the food bank and guessed that they will be very hungry, he wrapped a stone with plenty of leaves and made it look a carcass of meat. He then took it to the other side of the palace and made a howling noise. As soon as the Hyenas heard, they interpreted it to be food and ran towards the disguised carcass.

While they fought on the food, the Tortoise sneaked to free Ibar. As soon as he opened the cage door, Ibar jumped and pinned him down.

“Why are you releasing me? What do you want to achieve?” He inquired as he looked around for the Hyenas.

“I am trying to help you including Vulture, Bull and Pig.”

He tried to break from his grasp but he was stronger than him.

“Your parents are coming from the East but I have directed Tada and his armies to the green land. By the time they realize I tricked them and come back for my head, your parents would have gotten here and taken their place.” He convinced Ibar.

“What should we do now?” Ibar asked, the information was too much for him to process at the moment.

“You have to run and bring them here.” Before Tortoise could finish, he made way for the exit.

“You don’t know the right path, I can take you there.” He screamed.

Ibar went back, threw him to his back and made way to the exit. The Hyenas have discovered they were tricked and were coming back when he came across them. With all the strength he had, he hit them with his claws against the wall and ran off.

After many hours of running, they eventually got to their parents. They hugged and tears came down Ibar’s face, he has missed them.

“Your highness, we don’t have time now. You have to get to the kingdom as soon as possible. We would explain the rest when we get there.”

Zaba looked at his son who agreed with Tortoise.

Despite being hungry, thirsty and tired, the Lions, Lioness and Tortoise ran as fast they could to get to the palace before Tada and his armies got there. Zaba and his guards stationed at the exit of the green land to expect his return. The Tortoise instructed Ibar to take him to the Vulture place.

When Tada and his armies got midway, they were stopped by Ceecee. He told them that Zaba was on his way to the palace. He got so angry and instructed the Rhino to personally kill the Tortoise and bring his head to him. They ran back to the kingdom with full speed. They stopped when they got closer to Zaba.

“Well, well, well. The time have come to take what is duly mine.” Tada roared.

Zaba refused to be moved.

“You made me run for weeks to find my son that you kidnapped. You will pay dearly for this. From today, you are no longer my brother.”

Tada laughed.

“Do you think you and your four guards can stop my army of 21 soldiers?” He bragged.

His soldiers looked angry and ready to fight.

“I am not scared, the gods are behind me and I will fight you with the last drop of my blood.”

“Let it be so Zaba. Attack!!!” He exclaimed.

As soon as they charge towards them, the other animals came from different angle to support their own king Zaba. He was moved to tears as he saw them trooping in to the dismay of Tada and his soldiers. Ibar and Tortoise did a good job to alert the animals. Kokubaboni came in with the other apes including the most fearsome Ilari the Gorilla.

The Elephant charged with Zaba towards Tada but he told the Elephant to leave his brother for him. The Elephant seized the Hyenas with his trunk and threw them off. Zaba fought brutally with his brother. He was weaker but he knew what was at stake. The Giraffe, Elephant, Vulture and Bull were in front of the war to face the Hyenas and Wolves. By the time Ilari eventually joined the fight, Tada soldiers were losing. He was merciless in the fight. Kokubaboni stayed on the tree nearby eating banana as he watched the fight. He already consulted the gods before coming and he was sure the animals will prevail over Tada’s enemies.

Zaba grabbed Tada by his mane and sank his teeth very deep into his brother’s neck. He pleaded and told him he would run and never come back. Zaba agreed and as he turned, Tada stuck out his claw and sneaked behind his brother. Ibar saw it all and charged towards him, he hit his uncle so hard, he fell off the nearest cliff. Tortoise fell off his back when he charged, Rhino saw him and remembered the order he got. He charged towards him. The Vulture saw this and ran after the Rhino, he got close and pecked his eyes till blood came out. He missed the Tortoise and fell off the cliff too. The other soldiers knew they have lost and ran off the cliff too.

The animals rejoiced, it was victory at last. They praised Zaba, Ibar and Tortoise for their effort. Zaba gave a speech to thank the animals and a special appreciation speech to Tortoise then he asked the animals to forgive him for his cunning ways. He thereby ordered that he stay in the palace always as part of his advisers.


@imbigdee writes, 2018


This is interesting story. 👍👍👍

Very interesting.....lots of lessons from this....

Thanks so much

I never knew you were such an amazing writer.
It's so funny how people who do not talk much write well. 😂😂😂😉😉😉

There's alot this story passes on to us, great one! Keep up the good work!

Aww. Thanks dear

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This is an EXCELLENT story with many life lessons to be learned here. You are quite the storyteller and I very much enjoyed this tale. I'm not quite sure I trust Tortoise though.... Hmm.... I'll have to think on that one some more. LOL.

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