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RE: The bookshop - An original teatime story

in #fiction7 years ago

This is a sweet story, @giantbear! A romance over a shared passion for books and bookstores - my kind of tale :D
That being said, I don't know how much it's about people not liking 'real' books anymore. I think the trouble is technology, indeed, but I think the fault lies rather in all these apps and social media outlets and so on. People these days would much rather spend a couple of hours each day on facebook, than reading.
I think that people who love reading love it regardless if it's digital or actual paper. Personally, I love both, although you can't beat thebeauty and the romance of real paper...But ebooks have their uses too, it's much easier to carry around a Kindle with a 1000 books :) But maybe that's just me.
Anyhow, I really enjoyed the story! Thanks!


Oh I so agree! But I have found since I read on my tablet I read so much less. I'm so scared my tablet falls on the floor if I perhaps fall asleep. And then there is Steemit. I read so much on Steemit although it is a different type of reading. But funny enough...I find myself inside bookshops all the time and I walk out everytime with a few real books...

I have the same fear with my Kindle...
...And the same habit with bookstores! I can't walk past one without going in, I'm constantly in a bookstore. I've been feeling ill these past couple of days and my boyfriend took me to a bookstore to cheer me up..and it did!
Indeed, Steemit is awesome, but in a different way. They (books and Steemit) are separate categories in my head. Even if I've read enough and haven't spent any time on Steemit, that won't do.

Last year our storage room burned down with many of my books...was the saddest day ever. I lost so many other things like my winter clothes.... but I was crying more about my books than anything else...

I can relate! And I'm sorry for your loss.

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