in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

This work is inspired by Christopher Marlowe's book; Dr. FAUSTUS


Oh you possessed of strudy intellect
Observe the words that are hidden in here
Beneath the veil of verse so obscure
Yet plainly written
Lies an ancient word of wisdom freed from its scroll
That help us keep our scattered being whole.

Kelvin had immersed himself with books that tickles his fancies in his library when his long time friend, Daniel came knocking at the door.

He had been raised a Christian by staunch Catholic parents in his early years before his dizzying quest for knowledge. He found succour in his faith, but neglected it. It was only at age thirty, with his quest at its peak, that he woke up one day and declared himself Godless.

He stated he was born a free man, and had the leverage to think free.
He was not to be subjected into accountability to higher authority.
He had believed to the point of pugnacious hostility,
That the idea of holy visions and divine messages
Had always been a wishful delusion of over zealous minds,
Hearing and seeing what they wanted.
That the Word(Bible) written in double understanding is a sham!
Milk for babies, and meat for men indeed. he mocked.

He had had a degree in the noble ways of the law.
And at 28 had made it to the echelon of the profession.
Had he too not said to himself that the study was too servile and illiberal for him.
That it fits only a mercenary drudge,
Who aims nothing but external trash without real internal content.
He developed sick fancies for books, not ordinary books.
But that which imbibe in it the words of dark art.

Kelvin approached the door and let Daniel in. He headed straight into his library and ask Daniel to help himself around the house. Daniel tried helping himself and went to the fridge to get a bottle of Coke. After making a random view of the whole house, he went into the library to meet with Kelvin.
He wasn't shocked to see the kind of books that Kelvin had on his reading table. He looked at them in a bewildered state, sincerely apologetic rather than surprised and said.
'Kelvin, You are ruined!
Your spirit has been broken by the ambiguities of these books
That you run the risk of madness.
Oh poor old pal, Christ have mercy on your soul! '

Kelvin smiled and with a dignified tone said;
'Indeed I am mad
Had it not been what Festus said to Saint Paul?
You are mad Paul, you are mad!
Great learning is turning you mad.
For he was confounded by Paul's knowledge.
Had it not what infidels call sagacity?___Madness.
Because their brain couldn't comprehend the power of the mind.
Old chap; Our human mind carves mastery over its carnal shell,
But until you understand it, you will name it madness.'

Daniel knew that they have gone through this before and at each point it never ended well. But he was not to let go easily this time. He said.
'But the way you are going with this, is foolery.
Friends have deserted you.
Your bloodhood calls you insane and want nothing of you.
Is it not I,
Just I with the gift of Christ has press upon your soul
To win it for greater calling?

Thank you Old chap
But I need not your gift, nor their company.
They will dread of me soon.
Tarry friend, just wait and see.' Kelvin replied.

'For the life of me, Christ needs you!
Had Saint Paul not channeled his wisdom into the worship of God?
Had Solomon, the wisest of all not got the gift from the Supreme?
How then these letters which you read would surmount the Word?' Daniel asked with a trace of anger in his voice.

'For I too well agree with you upon this fact.
It is your God who gave reasoning and circumspection,
It is him I serve by exercising prudence. ' Kelvin retorted.

Daniel, madder, looked upon his friend with an eye of contempt. And said;
'I know of a man who was possessed with such demented proclivities as yours.
Who wanted himself to be dreaded upon the face of the earth.
He wanted to be crystallised, cannonised and idolised.
His madding thought propelled his insatiable desire for knowledge.
So great was this obsession that he sold his soul to the devil,
Only for the whole world to be at his feet.
He shook the world, yes he did.
But then the gift of Lucifer comes with a price.

'I know of this man. He continued
So ill were his thought like yours or yours like his.
That he called the doctrine of Divinity baseless of fact, devoid of deductive syllogism.
That the letters of Justice and philosophy were but a petty wit; odious and obscure.
Yes, I know too well of that man,
Who had the chance to be saved at the last stage of his life, but scorn the offer.
The devil feasted on his soul in the ring of hell unceremoniously.
I know of that man,
And I pray not to know another.' he concluded and stood, making his way to the door.

Kelvin bolted immediately from behind and shoved Daniel right shoulder to his direction and asked;
'Who is it that you talk about with such pitiful tone?'
Daniel, looked at him in admirable contempt , said;
'DR. John Fautus ' and left him in peace but not in one piece.

Check out my last work; The Ideal Professionals



An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Sure. Thanks for the read and comment. I appreciate

This is awesome bro... Nice work

Thanks bro. I appreciate the comment and read.

WOW I can see you put some effort into this. Vanity is the root to evil I believe. Nice post :)

Go Africa! :) Talk soon.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate alot.

No problem :) We should engage in each other's content more often.

Talk soon!

Definitely. We will

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