The Morning After 2

in #fiction8 years ago

Up from the bed with no idea what woke him. It must have been the alarm on his phone because it was still ringing. Took some time to get himself together and then he was ready for the day.

On a different day I'd have gone back to bed immediately after turning off that alarm but today I didn't. You know why that happened?. Yes I was expecting her in a few hours.
You know how far we've come? From weeks to hours.
I still wasn't sure if I was excited but it was exciting to watch things pan out.
I became extra restless with nothing to do. It was almost 9am and my aunt's husband was still home. The day was definitely not a normal day because he should had been out like an hour before then. I had to go ask him what time he would be leaving.
Pacing with nothing to do, I called her. She picked up the second time and said she was on her way.
Now these feelings can't be translated into words so we'll just skip that part.
Did I tell you I also had an errand to run which I decided to do that morning? So I was in the car with him when I saw her. We had driven past her and somehow her gaze had cut through the windshield to catch mine. She managed a smile as I hurriedly reached for my phone. I was going to text her to let her know what was up.
Fast forward. I got back home just in time I believe.
"You kept me waiting and you know what I told you about being stranded and stuff".
"I'm sorry dear. So sorry". I had to apologize before going on and on about how I rushed back as soon as I could. A warm hug was also tucked in to add extra effects to my very weak apology.
I remember trying to look into her eyes. She was so shy. Like I promised her before now, I planted a kiss on her lips the moment we got inside. Waiting for this moment seemed like forever.
Oh dear diary, we both know I can't pen down the rest of the story for the fear of someone else seeing this. But just so you know, the experience was beyond nice. I'll be in touch.

With those words, Sam closed his diary and tucked it away inside his drawer. Over the years he had learned to embrace his feminine side and has not been afraid of crying or keeping a diary.
It was the day after the great meeting with Ide and it was beginning to look bright.


Keep writing. Maybe don't skip them feelings, weave them within discovered moments, it might be what makes a story human. Thank yous for sharing @fisteganos.

I must admit I was probably being lazy and my excuse/explanation would be to say that the concept was that the guy was writing in his diary and didn't want someone else reading all he went through. I'll try not to be lazy next time lol. And thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

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