Technically Incorrect (Three)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

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"Aaron, your phone won't stop buzzing. Would you come pick it up already?" 

It was summertime, the day was bright as the sun smiled down on earth. The earth must have been doing something right since the relocation of many of its former occupants to the moon. 

Majority of the people that stayed back were either building or improving on various technologies. Earth had become the laboratory.

"Is it a call or text?" Aaron replied unwilling to be pulled out of the new Resident Evil world he just discovered. 

"The screen won't show anything and the bloody phone won't stop buzzing!" 

"It probably got bored of not receiving any call or text in the last month" Aaron joked, giving out a weird chuckle before adding in his most childish voice "Do you mind bringing it over please?" 

He does that every time he wants something from May and it always works. He'd brag about it to her face and she'll just smile sheepishly like she just did while handing him his phone. 

He loved that smile. It was the first thing he noticed on her in high school. What a day it was, when he thought he would die lonely, an angel out of nowhere smiled at him. 

He still looks at her with so much admiration. His eyes twinkle at the sight of her, his favorite petite blonde.

Aaron took a long and hard look at the phone. Had he just stepped out of virtual reality to stare at a blank phone that won't stop buzzing? The screen was still blank, unresponsive and buzzing then it stopped. 

"Hi Aaron. You have one new email. Very urgent!" 

Aaron looked confused. "This is strange" he said as he made for his room. 

He couldn't understand how that message appeared on his phone. His brilliant mind kept trying to come up with a reasonable answer but none was forthcoming. 

It's true the world was very much technologically advanced but this tech, used to get that message to his phone, was beyond him. He tried not to be bothered till he saw the email and the sight of his room made that very easy for him.

It was almost like a typical scientist's room except for the fact that it had largely remained the same and untouched since he was let go from Scieng three months ago. A little bit of dust here and there, sheets of paper scattered all around, it was a mess.

Aaron was the kid with the bright future, a valedictorian, he was destined for the top ranks. Mike, Tyler, and Jones all envied him. The entire class did and they certainly weren't let down as he secured a job with Scieng straight out of college. 

Scieng was huge. It was the dream place to work for all university graduates. The pay was great and more importantly, there was this swag associated with working there. 

His brilliance, zeal and enthusiasm earned him a fun ride up into the upper echelons at Scieng but that would only last for a short period. 

Aaron shrugged off the thoughts. It's been three months but it still hurts every time. 

He found his way through the pile of books and papers littered on the floor. The table was another mess on its own but today wasn't clean up day. 

"Great to have you here. I will be sending you some files right away and I expect you take a good look at them" 

"You can't be serious" Aaron thought to himself. 

"I am very serious" the message replied and it was no longer funny. The already messy room was turned inside out. Aaron was visibly furious. How could someone be spying on him? Why would they want to do that? They already took his dream job from him. What more do they want? His life? His wife? It had better not be Kathy. 

"Oh Kathy, I should call her right away" and as he reached for his phone, he saw May.

She had been by the door watching him and he had no idea. 

"What is the matter A?" 

"Somebody is watching us. The phone... the message... somebody is watching us"

"What message? You should calm..." 

"There it is again on the laptop screen! Another one!" 

"I can't see anything Aaron. Are you sure you're okay?"

"You can't see what?" Aaron paused "You mean you can't see what is written on this screen? You can't see that it says 'stop scattering your room, you won't find me.'?" May shook her head and Aaron sunk into his chair. 

"All that is on the screen is for your eyes only. We have got a lot of work to do so are you ready for the documents?" 

Aaron looked at his wife after reading the message. "I'll be fine babe. I'll be fine" and he led her out of his room and locked the door. 

"Nice choice locking the door. Now shall we?"

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Really intriguing story!! Heading to the next chapter ;)

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