Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 3

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two

Book Two

Murder, After the Fact

Episode Three

After talking for hours, Mickey opted to sleep on the daybed in the living room of the quarters provided for Nathan which was a lovely stone guest cottage with a cozy fireplace. Guests could also take advantage of a full bathroom and a nicely appointed kitchenette, complete with a wire wine rack still holding bottles of wine. It was after 3:00AM when Mickey heard the faint wrap of knuckles on the thick barn board door.

Nathan was awakened instantly and joined Mickey just as he opened the front door to the cottage. A bedraggled Lena Phelps stood there in the threshold for several seconds before she spoke.

“Forgive me gentlemen, I don’t often come calling uninvited in the middle of the night,” said Lena dressed in her bathrobe and slippers.

“Come in Lena,” said Nathan seating her on the couch and joining her there.

In her mid-fifties, Lena was a tiny woman with natural auburn hair to her shoulders and soft green eyes. Her gaze was downcast due to her shyness, but when she did lift her eyes and smiled she was remarkably attractive. Usually prim and proper in dark pantsuits, handling the more social details of the funeral meant she wore dresses and heels which made everyone around her take a second look at the formerly invisible secretary to Collette Dickenson.

“The coroner was kind enough to give me something to help me sleep but it doesn’t seem to work. I keep seeing both of them, Collette and Douglas Mayhill dead,” said Lena welcoming Nathan’s arms as they came around her.

“Maybe it would be better if you weren’t left alone,” said Mickey.

“He’s right Lena you have been through a great deal in the last ten days or so. I’m sure you need to feel safe before your mind will let you sleep and you will be safe here with both of us,” said Nathan.

“Well I don‘t want to be in the way sir,” said Lena sincerely “but with all the questions I've answered for Detective Ryan for four hours, I am in need of some rest.

“There‘s a built-in single bed beneath the window in the bedroom where I will sleep while you enjoy that beautiful king-sized feather bed that put me to sleep five minutes after I laid down. Of course you may have to put up with all the gossip that will come from others who will learn that we slept together,” said Nathan with a wink.

That comment put a smile on her face as Nathan took Lena to the bedroom and allowed her some privacy so she could crawl into the bed.

More soft taps on the front door had Nathan answering this time, and leaving him totally frustrated seconds later.

“What in the name of heaven are you doing here at this time of night young lady?” asked Nathan impatiently.

“Well if you will let me in, I’ll explain Mr. March. Mickey I hope you won’t make me feel as unwelcome as your employer here has,” said Reggie as she scooted past Nathan and took the comfortable rocker for herself.

“I wouldn’t bet on that ma’am,” said Mickey.

“Then I will address my comments to the both of you. As the owner of the address where it appears that two homicides have taken place, Detective Ryan called with some questions for me. After we were done, Dad was asleep, so I headed here immediately. Detective Ryan just left to return to headquarters less than a half-hour ago,” said Reggie.

“I wonder why he didn’t stop by before he left boss?” said Mickey.

“Maybe he talked himself out and wanted to get his notes deciphered. Unfortunately he’ll probably be back here in an hour or two,” said Nathan.

“I came here to speak to you because I was followed to mother’s estate by a late model Bentley and I honestly was too scared to be alone,” said Reggie.

“What about Troy Holden?” asked a curious Mickey.

“He was busy checking out the property for anything missing, when I got through with Detective Ryan,” said Reggie.

“Okay it’s now 3:45 so I suggest you take the window bed in the bedroom and I’ll sleep on the second sofa here in the living room.

When Nathan opened the bedroom door, he and Reggie immediately smiled as Lena Phelps looked like a child swallowed up in the large bed.

“Forget the window seat, there’s room for both of us left in the bed said Reggie with a wicked grin on her face.

“Good thing I like your Dad,” said Nathan smiling down on the beautiful blonde young woman who would probably keep him awake for the rest of the night if she had her way.

When she removed her trench coat and let it fall to the floor the silver teddy and matching bikini underwear didn’t go unnoticed by either man but while Mickey couldn’t take his eyes off of them, Nathan managed to pull the bedroom door closed to avert any more temptation.

“Hard as it is to do, try to dream up facts about the two homicides that will send us in the right direction,” said Nathan to Mickey.

“Sure boss,” said Mickey throwing a pillow and a quilt to Nathan before returning to his couch and crawling beneath his own blankets.

It was nine thirty in the morning before the entire household was awakened by the sound of knocking at the guesthouse door.

When it opened, Lena Phelps all showered and changed came through the front door hauling enough breakfast foods for the occupants of the guesthouse including a whole pot of coffee and some fresh potato pancakes topped with sour cream, with everything packed neatly on a tea cart.

On her heels was Detective Peter Ryan looking none too well rested and alerting everyone that he was as hungry as a bear.

By the time all the parties sat enjoying their last cup of coffee the entire guest house was picked up and in perfect order including fresh towels to replace those used earlier thanks to Lena, who couldn't seem to sit still for any length of time.

“Lena we do have maids to do that,” said Reggie.

“I know dear,” said Lena, “but I need to clear my head and this is how I usually do it,” she said earnestly.

“Well when I returned there this morning to shower and change, it looked like someone had rifled through every draw and desk in my guesthouse. You know it took me an hour to clean it up,” said Reggie.

“You mean you destroyed evidence?” said Nathan.

“I simply cleaned up the mess, Mr. March,” said Reggie.

“Nathan only means that our forensic people are usually able to find trace evidence that would identify whoever it was who ransacked your room, however now the crime scene is tainted,” said Detective Ryan.

”The window was open so I presumed it was a wind storm that tossed things around, nothing’s missing so I never gave…..oh I can’t believe I was so stupid, I’m so sorry. But really what is it someone would be searching for in my new quarters anyway?” asked Reggie.

“I’m guessing it was an important file containing information about a client that probably eluded to an indiscretion serious enough that if it fell into the wrong hands it could do some damage,” said Nathan.

“You’re accusing my mother of blackmail aren’t you, Mr. March,” asked Reggie.

“Afraid so, it would account for her enormous wealth,” said Nathan.

“That’s amazing, the minute I heard Mr. Doucette’s information about my inheritance, the same thought entered my mind. I was afraid to say anything for fear you’d all think me extremely cruel judging my mother that way,” said Reggie.

Lena Phelps stopped pouring coffee and sat down quietly drawing Nathan’s attention immediately.

“Lena what is it that’s troubling you?” asked Nathan.

“Oh Nathan on the day we went to hear about the will, the first thing the maids did was complain about everything in the main house being so upset when we all arrived back from Mr. Mayhill’s office. Everything was upside down but nothing was missing. Troy and the rest of the security people performed a search of the property and found no one who didn't belong here,” said Lena.

“I’ll bet all the guesthouses were in the same condition including the guesthouse Reggie occupied alone, when she returned to the estate where all the services were held. Whoever it was they had more time in Reggie’s quarters to search because of its distance way back there between the trees,” said Lena.

“Considering he or she probably murdered Mayhill, it wouldn’t surprise me if the same vandal from the library was searching all the cottages for an item of great importance to them,” said Detective Ryan.

“Exactly, I mean a common burglar had a lot to choose from that would bring some serious money, yet it all was left behind. That’s why we all felt it was drug-involved young guests who hid after the funeral and were searching for jewels or cash, but found nothing. No harm was done so Troy let it go, wanting to get everything back to normal. Besides the news that in two weeks everything formally changes hands, didn't make it a priority to the staff I assure you, said Lena.

“Well Troy should have mentioned it me at the very least yet he didn’t when I phoned him earlier to have the guest houses ready for visitors,” said Reggie.

“Believe me Reggie he was more than a little busy trying to keep the household staff functioning in their roles. His size and firm demeanor were the only reason they complied with anything he said,” said Lena.

“And in the middle of all this Douglas Mayhill somehow gets on the property without anyone noticing and managed to get murdered with no witnesses,” said Mickey.

“It’s now really important that we rush those forensic reports along with the coroner’s findings. They are going to play a pivotal role in this case,” said Nathan.

“Nathan, Lena told me last night that Collette was more than a little upset the last few months of her life and then suddenly weeks ago she appeared totally calm and almost serene about everything. She even treated the help cordially and didn’t fuss about the normal things she often had in the past,” said Detective Ryan.

“That’s right sir,” said Lena. “It was amazing because she didn’t exhibit that normal state of urgency that made most of us uneasy in her presence. She even asked about small things like people’s children and upcoming weddings and such. The Collette Dickenson I knew all these years never displayed interest in anything that she wasn’t in the center of Mr. March. I thought perhaps Mr. Mayhill‘s visits and all the dinners they stepped out for and the long walks on the property were finally making her human again,” said Lena.

“Could there have been a romance blooming with Mr. Mayhill and mother?” asked Reggie.

“That’s unlikely, but anything’s possible Reggie,” said Lena.

“Well, look this guesthouse is getting quite crowded, so I suggest we all meet again in the main house for some more coffee and continue our conversation there,” said Reggie already sounding like the head of her new estate.

“You’re reading my mind, Reggie,” said Detective Ryan.

“No that was mother’s business,” said Reggie rolling her eyes.

“So it was,” said Detective Ryan looking far more alert now than earlier.

Nathan however, wore a look that only Mickey could discern. Evidently several statements made in the morning’s conversations were not adding up and something was troubling his boss.

“Mickey I’m due to make a quick trip to the residence of my favorite nurse back home to keep the home fires lit between us, so do you think you could visit Mayhill’s office again and try to get a feel for Mayhill’s character and his status of his marriage from those at his law firm?” asked Nathan.

“I’m on my way boss,” said Mickey with a broad grin.

Nathan barely heard Mickey’s goodbye or the door close to the guesthouse after him. Something was bothering him not unlike a pebble in his shoe and it felt as if his ideas formed earlier had fallen short of clearing up the situation, in fact now he was sure that all the elements in this case were far from revealed and someone was seeing to it that they stayed that way.

He was proud of the fact that he recognized that he needed to postpone any further efforts on this case and instead make a more pleasant visit elsewhere, so he informed Detective Ryan of his change in plans by cell phone.

The blonde and beautiful Leslie Sawyer melted in Nathan’s embrace and the two waved goodbye to his pilot friend who not only flew him from Atlanta to Hartford but also drove him from Hartford almost onto her doorstep.

Sometimes the stolen hours with Leslie were the means to Nathan’s consideration of taking any role in an important investigation. Her sincerity and curiosity often brought up aspects of an investigation underway that Nathan hadn’t even considered. In fact, it was Mickey who couldn’t believe how many times she had pointed out certain statements as “hokey” if not total lies from persons of interest in an investigation and the facts revealed much later proved she was right.

She was never clingy because her career demanded she was available 24/7 and understood that Nathan seldom could extract himself during an active investigation either. They both stayed open for any chance to spend some time together and treasure that time like few others did.

Her laughter while retelling of stories from her Obstetric patients, often refreshed Nathan’s sagging spirits as he howled with laughter at some of the more comical aspects of tending to new mothers as a Nurse Practitioner.

Her compassion and gentleness were what drew Nathan to her years ago when he and Mickey supplied Christmas presents to some very sick children in the hospital for the holidays. With a marriage behind her, due to her husband’s death, she was drawn to this wonderful man now sitting beside her, who waited patiently for her to allow him to show her how much she needed him too.

They were good for each other and both admitted that being together was the highlight of their lives. There were no recriminations, no demands, but lots of loyalty shared between them, that made them want only the very best for each other. Therefore time spent together flew by leaving them both breathless with anticipation of the next time they’d be together.

“I know enough not to ask for specifics but you are on the Dickenson case so all I’ll ask is this, is it as exciting as I think it must be,” said Leslie the next morning as they shared breakfast together.

“What it is my lovely lady is very convoluted and more than sad,” said Nathan as he spent the next few minutes sharing more tidbits with her about what he‘d learned about Collette and her none so noble calling.

“While you were showering I heard on the news that her lawyer’s body was found last night too. Frankly I’m shocked that you came here at all considering how hot things are in Atlanta right now,” said Leslie.

“Oh I don’t know, I found them plenty hot right here,” said Nathan receiving a big kiss for that remark.

“I do have to get back though and my favorite Air Force pilot will be here in another hour to pick me up.” said Nathan none too happily.

“Well thank you for including me in your R&R plans, I hope I took some pressure off,” said Leslie as she placed long kisses on his mouth.

Nathan had to admit to himself as he sat on the jump seat of an Air Force jet ninety minutes later, that he always left Leslie feeling so very grateful to be alive.

With very little resistance from his partners, the late attorney Douglas Mayhill’s office was opened to Mickey Stone and for three hours earlier that morning, he had gone over the files with the help of Amanda Newman, Mayhill’s intern with six classes remaining at Emory University School of Law. The young black woman was nothing short of a genius, with a memory to match.

“Mr. Stone I feel as if I’m helping you dig up Mr. Mayhill’s bones,” said Amanda earlier as her eyes scanned all the client files while she stood elbow to elbow with Mickey.

“Pretty lady, what you are doing is handing me information for one of the best private detectives in the nation. My boss thought Mayhill was an excellent representative from the legal profession, and Nathan March will do his level best to find out why someone decided to end Mayhill’s career so abruptly,” said Mickey.

“Douglas Mayhill was certainly one of the most honorable people I’ve ever known. When he asked me to stay late, I never hesitated knowing he’d behave, unlike others I could name,” said Amanda.

“What shape was his marriage in?” asked Mickey.

“Oh I know what you’re getting at, you’re thinking he was carrying on with Mrs. Dickenson, and to tell you the truth I did catch them in a huddle once or twice. I understand because Mrs. Mayhill looked as if she could use hormone replacement therapy from her toes to the top of her head, if you catch my meaning.

Seeing Mickey pretend to shutter made Mandy laugh out loud.

“I’ll tell you this much Collette Dickenson sure dressed to excite and Mr. Mayhill was only human. Even her messages were provocative and forget her emails. Honestly, steam came off the printer when I printed them out for Mr. Mayhill.

“Got any examples anywhere?” asked Mickey.

Reaching into the middle draw in Mayhill’s desk, Mandy produced a key and then used it in the right bottom draw and handed the print outs of the lawyer’s emails, from Collette to Mickey. Their condition made it obvious they had been read over and over again.

Taking a seat Mickey read the emails from Collette and after a few minutes he asked if he could have copies of them, which Mandy made after receiving a dinner invitation from a very grateful Mickey Stone.

When Nathan arrived back at the Dickenson estate, it was just in time to be invited to dinner with Reggie and her father, Martin, who was visiting in an attempt to gauge when this ghastly business would be cleared up.

At dinner Reggie seemed miffed and Nathan called her on it. “Is there something bothering you beside the obvious Reggie,” asked Nathan.

“In fact there is Mr. March. We are in the middle of a tragedy and you took time off and went elsewhere. That trip wasn’t necessary to me,” said Reggie.

“Reggie that was very rude?” said her father.

“It‘s alright Martin. Young lady, when I take a case I never lose my focus but sometimes I feel myself losing some of my humanity and it‘s then that I need to find good company to help restore it.

“Who and what I chose to do and for how long, is my business and if that’s an insurmountable problem, you need to let me know so I can pack,” said Nathan to Reggie who acquiesced with a shake of her head.

“Brenda Mayhill, Doug’s wife, requested a meeting with me and Detective Ryan tomorrow and I feel certain she will have something valuable to add to the solution of this case. Of course I’m being optimistic, but she sounded like someone trying to distance herself from some very bad memories. Maybe she will shed some light on her husband’s death, and that will ultimately assist us with Collette‘s death I hope,” said Nathan addressing his comments to Martin.

“I’ve tried to tell Reggie that it’s going to take time, as Atlanta’s got numerous open homicides on the books.

“The truth behind these gut-wrenching incidents often unravels by itself given time. Once a new piece of information comes forward we follow it to the end. Sometimes it’s takes fifty clues to finally arrive at the one that ends the case. Then again sometimes it‘s the first clue that sends us in the right direction. This case involves people who will do anything to keep the truth from surfacing. Believe me when it’s over a whole host of people will have their lives examined as closely as you both have,” said Nathan.

Mickey was just coming out of the shower in the guest cottage when Nathan came through the door. Their conversation included office gossip and the fact that Douglas Mayhill and Collette Dickenson shared more than the preparation of her will.

Mickey shared that according to his emails, Douglas Mayhill and Collette spent ten days in upstate New York a month ago, getting their fill of each other. For years they enjoyed some steamy sex in his office, which Collette always inspired. Mayhill tried to end it several times but she performed any number of things on him, all of which she mentioned in graphic detail in her emails to him. Mickey guessed that Mayhill eventually found saying goodbye out of the question until her death.

“I thought his reaction to her death was too personal,” said Nathan, “the poor guy was certainly out of her league,” he added.

“Our thoughts about Collette blackmailing her clients were right on the money too. According to this file, Mayhill had to legally encourage more than a half dozen of her clients to drop their pending law suits against her and even a blackmail charge from one of them was filed and later dismissed. Mayhill it seems was a very able attorney,” said Mickey. He then handed a file to Nathan that included Collette’s emails and clearly showed the level of legal protection Mayhill so skillfully provided for her.

After a half hour had passed and Nathan continued reading Mickey said, “You haven’t mentioned how Leslie’s doing boss.”

“Leslie is doing just fine,” said Nathan lifting his head.

“You’re a lucky guy boss,” said Mickey.

“Well I gather Mayhill’s intern wasn’t too difficult to deal with,” said Nathan.

“All I will say is I think if Mayhill knew what a tigress he had for an intern, he’d have been in even bigger trouble, said Mickey with a smile.

“Well we both need a good night’s sleep tonight,” said Nathan as he closed the folder and headed for the bedroom.

“You got that right boss,” said Mickey.

Hours later his cell phone ringing, brought Nathan’s long arm toward the nightstand to retrieve it.

Yes,” said Nathan into the phone.

“We’re you sleeping Mr. March,” asked a remarkably awake Reggie.

“Most of North America is,” said Nathan sarcastically.

“Well I feel badly about my attitude tonight and I think you misread it totally,” said Reggie.

“I accept your apology, now may I go back to sleep,” said Nathan.

“It’s just that when you’re around it feels so much safer and things have been so insane that I feel more vulnerable now than ever before,” said Reggie.

Nathan pulled himself up in the bed and realized that she was trying to change his mind about her, and he knew the kind of courage it took for her to make this call to him.

“Look Reggie, you’ve functioned for the most part in an academic community where you deal with relaying historical facts in a classroom and writing about them in periodicals. Real life is far less clear cut and now you’ve been through a death in the family under horrible circumstances, and the death of Attorney Mayhill as well. I think you’ve done quite well. This case is a priority and we will get whoever’s involved. Meanwhile you are going to have to stay alert and keep yourself safe,” said Nathan.

“I have something to tell you, but I’m afraid it’ll make you mad again,” said Reggie.

“Spit it out Reggie, it’s late and I’m tired,” said Nathan.

“Because of the funeral I didn’t open any mail or listen to any phone messages until this evening. Mr. March in one message the caller said that certain Micro SD cards in my mother’s possession needed to be forwarded to a certain P.O. Box within ten days or I’d join Mother in a premature and very painful death,” said Reggie.

“What’s the P.O. Box Number and location?” asked Nathan.

“I don’t remember and what’s worse I deleted the message,” said Reggie.

“Is your door locked?” asked Nathan.

“Yes, it is,” said Reggie.

Shaking a sleeping Mickey Stone, Nathan continued listening to Reggie while simultaneously giving Mickey instructions.

“Mickey’s on his way to you now, when he arrives let him in then both of you come back and spend the night here. We’ll inform Detective Ryan about it in the morning,” said Nathan.

A shaky Reggie arrived with Mickey minutes later and asked Nathan to sleep in the bedroom’s window bed so she wouldn’t be alone.

“How about we leave the bedroom door open, that way Mickey and I can keep a sharp ear open for anything,” Nathan offered.

That offer brought out the little girl in Reggie as she threw herself into Nathan’s arms and cried. When he tucked her in the huge feather-bed he could see that she was not nearly as tough as she’d like others to think and he knew he’d remember that fact during the rest of the investigation.

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