Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 2

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one

Book Two

Murder, After the Fact

Episode Two

In downtown Atlanta the next afternoon at 2:00PM, the main boardroom at the law offices of Harding, Mayhill and Dwyer was filled to capacity. In fact more seats had to be added to accommodate the full-time and part-time employees from Mrs. Dickenson’s estate, as well as other parties invited to the reading of the Last Will and Testament of Collette Dickenson.

Nathan March, Mickey Stone, Detective Peter Ryan and Attorney Emmett Doucette, stood at the very back of the boardroom which gave them a perfect view of all of the attendees.

Attorney Douglas Mayhill dreaded the reading of this particular will, as it was not like any he’d presided over in the past. The household staff at Collette’s estate was led to believe certain things that he knew were no longer true.

Collette herself had informed her lawyer that she regularly exaggerated the inheritance to be left to her employees at times, especially when she feared her less than acceptable behavior toward them, might lead them to seek employment elsewhere.

In the document Mayhill was holding and in the video he would play, was evidence of her revised generosity toward them, and its shortcomings threatened to send her lawyer’s blood pressure through the roof.

“Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming to witness the distribution of the estate of Collette Dickenson, as a result of her recent death. Obviously with today’s technology the reading of a will is not quite the same as in the past. Collette Dickenson in fact made a video updating it from time to time in order to detail her final wishes and it does now serve as the true content of her Last Will and Testament as well as these hard copies of her will which I hold in my hands. So without any further delay let me play the video mentioned beforehand,” announced attorney Mayhill, signaling two young men to open the doors to a tall amour to expose a 50” flat screen TV.

Colette Dickenson looked absolutely beautiful in a lavender chiffon dress, smiling into the camera, unnerving many of those in the room as evidenced by the loud intake of breaths. But it was her voice that sent chills down Armand Oulette’s spine in particular.

“My loved ones, I sincerely hope you are not grieving my departure from the earth plane. I assure you that even now I am present with you, observing each of you and wishing you life’s abundance.

“With the assistance of my attorney in several meetings over the years my bequests were streamlined and made simple until they were stated exactly as I wished.

“Please note that anyone contesting my bequest to them will lose that bequest in its entirety. This condition should be taken seriously because as Mr. Mayhill will confirm, every step necessary was taken to see to it that my Last Will and Testament is ironclad and unbreakable.

“That having been said, let’s get started. My full-time staff at the estate should be aware that they will be dismissed from service two weeks from today. I expect them to assist in the transference of ownership of my property in their usual professional manner, until that time.

“To all of you, including my secretary, driver, three landscapers, two cooks, five maids and my body guard which is a total of thirteen people my favorite number, I leave a cashier‘s check for $5,000 which each of you may pick up today from attorney Mayhill at the end of this video. Beforehand you will need to sign a new and more inclusive non-disclosure agreement. No check will be forthcoming without the newly signed non-disclosure agreement.

“Next the part-time employees will be dismissed from service two weeks from today as well.

“To my two part-time clerical workers, my part time auto mechanic, my carpenter and his helper, my electrician and his helper, my painter and his painter‘s helper, my plumber and his plumber‘s helper and my part-time pilot I leave a cashier’s check for $2,500.00 which you may pick up today from attorney Mayhill at the end of this video, after signing a new and more inclusive non-disclosure agreement.

“My estate is material in nature, and my attorney is able to substantiate its value down to the last dollar, because of evaluations completed by a reputable International Property Assessment firm recommended by my ex-husband and updated by them over the years since our divorce. My property alone should be worth nothing short of a fortune by itself. I mention this in the hope that it will be used to bring some measure of comfort to my daughter, who I am afraid I short-changed in the areas of affection and motherly interest. Unfortunately my calling to so many wounded souls, often took up the majority of her time with me.

“I have no doubt that she is absent from this gathering today, but I can still state honestly that I have loved no one as much as I loved her for her self-discipline, her great judgment and her beautiful soul. So to Reggie Dickenson, my only child I leave the balance of my entire estate, including all properties, assets including cash and bank accounts, stocks and other holdings. I ask God to please let them enrich you Reggie in a way that will bring you everlasting joy.

“To Armand Oulette I leave all our memories. You have enjoyed a vacation ever since our union began twelve years ago and while I was busy earning the ability to afford you, several private detectives were kept busy monitoring your numerous affairs with friends and other trusted acquaintances.

“Armand darling, I myself never claimed to be an angel so I did not kick you to the curb for your many indiscretions. As of today however, under supervision you are to pack your bags, take the new BMW I bought you, your clothing, jewelry and the balance in the checking account I set up for you years ago, and find someone else to take care of you.

“Since all my charge accounts were ordered cancelled by Mr. Mayhill‘s office on notification of my death, I‘d suggest you surrender them to the nearest waste basket on your way out. Incidentally my jewels and financial records are locked in my wall safe which by now you’ve learned was fitted with a new digital key pad code given only to my attorney for safekeeping. This was done while you took part in a golf tournament in Carmel, California. No hard feelings darling, just protecting my assets.”

“My final thoughts are for Martin Dickenson who brought me from the mundane to the mountain tops and showed me a love I’ve yet to find again. You are as fine a man as God could produce, and I thank you for the wonderful job you’ve done raising our daughter. If I could ask one final favor of you it would be to ask that you uncover only what needs to be uncovered and protect what should be kept from prying eyes. I truly dwell in peace knowing dear Martin that you will come to know the difference, and with that wisdom you will facilitate the final ending to my story. For that, I thank you.

“To all of you who exchanged energies with me during my life time, I hope you realize that we are meant to increase the positive motivation within each other so that we may fulfill the purpose for which we were born. I tried very hard, but I’m sure I failed many times as well. Please know that your conversations with me, your trust and your hopes and dreams are memories that were cherished to the end of my life.

“May all that is good, just and true be yours, goodbye.”

The silence present during the video was immediately broken as the window blinds covering the floor to ceiling windows were opened allowing light into the boardroom.

The sound of voices speaking at various levels and speeds now competed with the sounds of movement as the participants stood and followed each other out of the conference room.

Armand Oulette was in shock as two private security officers offered to return him to the estate so that he could gather his belongings. He could gain no entrance otherwise as private security, in place for the last five days at the estate, were ordered not to allow him entrance without an escort as of five o’clock today and from then on.

Within minutes he gathered his composure and headed for Mr. Mayhill who stood bravely at the head of the table.

“Douglas I don’t blame you for doing what you were hired to do. But my friend I would be careful for the next two weeks, for where I am the type of person to quietly accept my fate, I know for a fact that there are a half dozen in this room, that are hardly that compliant, and they will be looking for someone to punish,” said Armand.

There was a long wooden desk in the reception area where three men sat. The first requested identification from each participant approaching, the second presented a non-disclosure agreement for each to read and sign and a third person dispersed a cashier’s check made out to each of them.

Over and over again, once a participant took their check they simply walked out the door looking as if they had been clubbed instead of given an inheritance.

One of the women, a maid, could barely hold herself together as she mumbled for all to hear. “She was nothing but a witch while she lived and this proves she went to her grave still a witch,” said the maid.

Others felt freer to add to that comment before leaving the lawyer’s office. The looks they shot to Mayhill were proof of their disgust with a woman who asked everything of them as her employees and led them to believe she would always take care of them for their loyalty to her.

Instead she had them sign a new non-disclosure agreement which meant basically that once they left the office of her attorney, they could not discuss or write about their time in Collette Dickenson’s service, under penalty of law.

Their biggest surprise of course was that Armand Oulette would not be the owner of the estate and continue their employment. Two weeks from this day, all of them would be unemployed, unless by a miracle Reggie Dickenson requested them to stay, which they knew down to the last one of them, she would never do.

When Lena Phelps, Colette’s secretary, approached Douglas Mayhill, his heart sank to its lowest point for the real betrayal she had received notice of today. For her there would be no salary after two weeks, no pension, no special handling whatsoever after she kept Colette’s life together for her for over the last twenty years.

“Douglas, she promised me that small cottage on her property at Cape Cod. She said I could live there for the rest of my life for $1.00 a year when I retired. Where am I to go now?” asked Lena as she looked him directly in the eyes, expecting an answer.

“Lena, you and a few others were the only ones I argued with Collette about providing more generously for because of your outstanding length of service and your love and loyalty for her.

“But no one knows better than you, how cruel she could be when she believed she was doing the right thing. It’s amazing to me that she could believe herself to be right in anything considering her track record for hurting the ones who loved her most,” said attorney Mayhill.

From the back of the room Emmett Doucette came forward introducing himself to Lena as Reggie’s attorney.

“Mrs. Phelps I spoke with Ms. Dickenson by cell phone immediately after the content of the will was disclosed. She wanted me to reassure you that your present living arrangements will continue until you have no need of them, and that she intends to provide you with whatever you understood her mother to have promised you.

“She also said that she would be honored if you would accept a position as her personal secretary when she takes over the estate, until you retire. She will be in touch with you next week to finalize these arrangements, if that’s alright with you,” said attorney Doucette.

“Of course it’s alright, it’s wonderful. Please tell her how grateful I am for the offer, and although I’ll need a new computer thanks to the person or persons who destroyed my old one, you can tell her I accept wholeheartedly,” said Lena trying her best not to blubber her words.

“I will do that Mrs. Phelps,” said Emmett Doucette.

“Emmett Doucette I could kiss you said a joyous Douglas Mayhill, you just made my day. Please inform Reggie that any help I can give her I’ll give pro bono for that little miracle,” said attorney Mayhill.

“Doug yours was a very difficult job and I promise you that I would not have handled it with the grace you showed today. Reggie will need your advice about many things over the next few months and will not expect your service to be pro bono. We both hope that this transition will be a harmonious one for all concerned,” said attorney Doucette.

“Emmett when I first met Collette Dickenson I believed that she was an ambitious and very knowledgeable woman who wanted to do good for others while she enriched herself in the process. To me there was nothing wrong with any of that.

“What I learned over the years since then changed me and my life and none for the good. As you know I can say no more without risking my professional reputation, but I will be forthcoming and extremely cooperative with information and any advice that will assist you to put Reggie Dickenson at ease,” said attorney Mayhill.

“You know Doug when Collette became a household name here in Atlanta and elsewhere, I envied you so much I nearly popped a blood vessel and now I thank God every day that I wasn’t the lawyer she was directed toward years ago,” said Emmett Doucette.

“Believe me, she’s one client who is still giving me angina even now that she’s gone to her reward,” said Douglas Mayhill and he meant it sincerely.

Attorney Emmett Doucette, Nathan March and Mickey Stone once again viewed a copy of the video version of Collette’s will after dinner at the Dickenson residence in the company of Martin and Reggie Dickenson.

None of her words seemed to impact either her ex-husband or her only child, but Collette’s appearance did make Martin wince at the contrast between the last time he viewed his wife, as a corpse and this lovely and vivacious woman who filled his large viewing screen at the moment.

Until this moment a 55 year-old Martin, wasn’t forced to admit how much he still adored Collette or how much he longed for the same passion with another woman, any woman, that he had found with her. It was merely sexually satisfying for him to pick a partner for the night from the female guests at the gatherings of friends or museum openings or on an exotic vacation. None of his bed-mates in the day or at night could touch the place inside him that Collette occupied.

Reggie Dickenson, on the other hand, had quite honestly reached her own understanding about her mother. For her Collette was the mother that every once in a while showed a sincere interest in her life. Collette usually however preferred that neither her clients nor lovers were aware that she was old enough to have a twenty-seven year old daughter.

The thought of making it to her 50th birthday eighteen months away at the time of her death, sent Collette into a slump that lasted hours. Mentioning it presented Reggie with exactly the right weapon when she wanted to punish her mother for her thoughtlessness. The other was flirting with 36 year-old Armand Oulette, Collette’s lover in front of her, which became a game that Armand himself enjoyed tremendously.

Reggie learned that flirting in general, was a weapon of Armand’s against a very demeaning woman who claimed to love him the best she could, but who lately had emasculated him every chance she got, according to Armand.

Emmett Doucette retrieved the video and the written copy of the will from attorney Mayhill, and placed them in his briefcase noticing when he did that Martin’s eyes were red-rimmed and Reggie’s complexion no longer seemed flawless, but blotchy and uneven in color.

“As you can guess you have a great deal to go over Reggie, when you are up to it. My office will provide you with all the information you will need immediately, to assist you in making some decisions. Attorney Mayhill will meet with us as often as possible to familiarize you with the total financial picture of your entire inheritance, taking his fees directly from the estate as he transfers legal matters to me.

“Reggie, although I own my firm outright it is comprised of other attorneys and top flight accountants similar to Mayhill’s partnership. This assures you that all your assets will be monitored and protected by the best minds in both fields, so that you can have confidence they are properly handled. You will have complete access to them and we will be diligent so that your worth grows through wise investments,” said Emmett Doucette.

“Emmett give us a ball park of what Reggie’s inheritance is worth at the moment, and don’t try to tell me that you did not get Doug to give you his best guess,” said Martin.

“Why don’t Mickey and I excuse ourselves and let you discuss this in private Martin,” said Nathan.

“Of course not Mr. March, there is nothing to hide from either of you, unless these matters are unimportant to your investigation,” said Reggie earnestly.

“All information is important at this stage of the investigation, but your privacy is something you both have a right to protect and I didn’t wish to put either of you in the position of having to ask us for space because we‘re not sensitive enough to know when you need it,” said Nathan.

“Please understand this Mr. March, mother’s death, how it happened, why and whose involved, that’s what I need desperately to know in detail. Anything that helps you find those answers I will move heaven and earth to provide for you. So you ask the tough questions and speak your mind, both of you, then maybe with God‘s mercy Dad and I will get the answers that will give us back our sense of direction and some much needed peace about mother,” said Reggie.

“She is speaking for me too, Nathan. Whatever questions you need answered whatever dark places or doors you need opened don’t hesitate to ask, because we can handle it,” said Martin Dickenson.

A knock on the door to the den produced the cook who provided a bottle of brandy and some wonderful tarts and sweet breads. The break to enjoy the Martin’s hospitality also provided a chance for everyone to calm down and get things back in order again. Brandy before the warm fireplace mellowed them considerably as they resumed their conversation.

“You asked if I’d gotten Doug to estimate Reggie’s inheritance and the answer is yes, I most certainly did. He begged me though to be sure I understood that it probably was off by a bit, one way or the other.

“He broke down the net worth of your mother’s estate in three categories Reggie. Her domestic holdings here in the United States are valued at between nine and eleven million dollars. Assets in England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Israel are valued between twenty-five and thirty million in U.S. Dollars. And finally there appears to be sixteen million in cash being held in various offshore banks,” said the attorney.

“How would Mrs. Dickenson amass over fifty million dollars in assets? She was a talented psychic and a wise business woman but no physic earns that much legitimately,” said Mickey.

“That was my thought too, but she’s been audited three times in ten years and nothing whatsoever caught the attention of the IRS,” said Doucette.

“Well nevertheless perhaps where it all came from, it sources, is exactly where we should begin this investigation just the same Mickey,” said Nathan.

“I am intending to move into mother’s house here in Atlanta tomorrow. Who knows maybe the servants will feel free to provide me with information I can pass along to you Mr. March,” said Reggie.

“That’s exactly what I don’t want you to do Reggie, it‘s far too dangerous,” said Nathan totally immovable on the subject.

“Well I am going there anyway Mr. March,” said Reggie defiantly.

“I’m not suggesting you not go there, I would just prefer that while your mother’s servants are still living there you play a very dumb blonde. If in doing so you hear or observe something you believe I need to know, contact me at once, but otherwise take no chances,” said Nathan very sternly.

“Can we keep the security people there for a while Nathan, just for Reggie‘s sake?” Martin pleaded.

“I’m not a child father, I can handle it,” said Reggie.

“Your father’s right Reggie, maybe your mother’s body guard might be the right person for you and Lena Phelps to use until you make more permanent security arrangements for both of you. I mention Lena because whoever is responsible for your mother’s death is certainly aware that Lena can probably provide background information on the other employees, to say nothing of her knowledge about your mother’s clients which I hope will assist us to learn about your mother‘s great wealth,” said Nathan.

“We’ll need some time to completely go over the place ourselves,”
said Mickey.

“Why don’t we see if we can get invited to spend some time in the guests house’s at the estate, it seems to me we are acquainted with the new owner, and that will give us all the time we need to snoop on our own. Is tonight too soon,” said Nathan smiling at Reggie.

“Let me call Troy Holden, my new body guard and have him inform security of your arrival in an hour or so,” said Reggie.

“Perfect,” said Nathan.

“Well it seems I’m to be alone here all by myself,” said Martin feigning loneliness.

“Who are you kidding Dad, that phone will be ringing off the hook the minute your female entourage gets word I’m living elsewhere,” said Reggie.

“That works both ways my beautiful daughter, especially since you have such a large male entourage of your own, so I hope you will be as selective as I intend to be,” said Martin hugging his daughter nervously.

“Dad it’ll be okay really,” said Reggie, aware of how few nights the two had ever spent apart since she was born.

Reggie was up and out of the room in minutes while the men discussed Collette’s activities which helped her accumulate such wealth. No scenario was agreed upon because of the differing backgrounds and cultures of her many clients, plus her talent for picking winners on the stock market was an obvious means to wealth and those were only the legal means by which her wealth could have been amassed. When Reggie returned she reported that Nathan and Mickey were expected and the estate’s guest cottages were already being prepared.

“Lena Phelps will bring you the employee records and Troy Holden will happily introduce you to all the help. I‘ll be there somewhere between noon and one o‘clock tomorrow,” said Reggie.

The four men excused themselves in short order and within minutes Nathan and Mickey were back in the car and on their way to Reggie’s newly inherited estate.

It took less than a half hour for them to reach the rod iron gates of the Dickenson estate. Before Mickey could park the Rolls, he and Nathan could hear the sound of voices and someone screaming hysterically.

Out of the car in seconds, they came upon two of the maids, and a security guard with a flashlight as well as Troy Holden who was supporting Lena Phelps.

The reason for her frantic state, lay face down just a few feet from the open door to the library Collette had used as her office. Nathan noticed that the man appeared to be holding what looked like a piece of a folder and there was remarkably little blood visible anywhere even on the steps leading from the library or near the body.

“I’ve called the police and no one has touched anything,” said Troy Holden.

“Who found him?” asked Nathan.

“Lena found him just minutes ago,” Troy answered.

“It’s Doug, Douglas Mayhill,” said Lena shaking like a leaf in the wind.

“Boss you’d better come see this,” said Mickey carefully leading Nathan through the library door, while pointing to the bloody footprints in the opposite direction which got heavier the further they went inside.

“Here’s where he was shot,” said Mickey pointing to the large circle of blood that was barely coagulated.

Nathan noticed the lack of light and believed that the shots had come from inside the room and more than one bullet was probably going to be found in attorney Mayhill’s body.

“It’s pretty dark in here now that the sun’s going down. Do you think it was a case of mistaken identity?” asked Mickey.

“Possibly, but what was Mayhill doing here at all?” asked Nathan.

“Maybe he needed to get some paperwork so he could finish putting everything together to relinquish it all to Mr. Doucette who is the attorney of record for the estate now,” said Mickey.

“But legally Mayhill didn't belong here without being in the presence of Reggie or Emmett Doucette,” said Nathan.

“Well if I’m not mistaken Detective Ryan’s here boss,” said Mickey as he watched the events going on outside the library.

“Ever notice Nathan, how we keep meeting over dead bodies,” said Detective Peter Ryan, as he entered the library.

“Live ones don’t constitute homicide,” said Nathan feeling far less cavalier than he sounded at the moment.

“Looks like he was running from the shooter,” said Detective Ryan.

“If my guess is right he was dead before the second bullet struck and that bullet’s momentum pushed him out the door,” said Nathan feeling so very sad for Douglas Mayhill who he felt was a good man.

“That‘s two bodies in a week on my watch,” said Detective Ryan as the forensic crew arrived and awaited the photographer.

By the time the place was lit up for photographs and the coroner arrived, Nathan had seen all he needed to see and Mickey had finished talking casually to all the witnesses.

“I wish Reggie would stay put at her Dad‘s place,” said Mickey.

“If anything this murder will make her more determined to be here,” said Nathan.

Mickey knew he was so right.

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