
Robot gone, for some reason I keep forgetting about the mute button. Thanks for the reminder, out of site out of mind. Now if I could just remember that.

once you swat one (mute) they stay gone...but, like skeeters, there are always more.
my 'mute list' probably numbers in the thousands.

I have a few muted, I just forget when it comes to bots, they are just visually annoying, unlike unthinking people that think they are human, those ones I remember the mute button, I forget it works on bots also.

there for a while I was muting any language I couldn't read
it was kinda overwhelming.
I still do sometimes..

I forget who all i have muted, I know one of them got muted because he was arguing about gun control, had not voted in a single election and then to end his argument claimed Natural Law as his reasoning. So I just told them what I thought, and then said goodbye and muted them. People that can not think for themselves I really don't like to deal with.

me too neither..
except sometimes I bait them for a while..
it fun when they get so mad that the slobber comes thru the screen...
after that I mute them.

Yes the ranting the raving the denial of being a sheepol or a snowflake. Drive em till they fall off the deep end,

you both must have too much spare time. Life's too short to waste time on the kind you've described.

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