in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#63: Banana Slug -Carlos Skirmish Farm


many weeks later

Disaster struck one night while they were asleep. A barge drifted into their levee. Not only did it damage the levee it knocked the Mantis Crane over to crash into their house.


Carlos woke up and found that he couldn’t move. Something extremely heavy was laying on his back and shoulder, pinning him to the bed. He felt like a bug that had just been squashed but what of his wife? What of Karlee? She had been laying beside him.

Carlos had been a power lifter in college and a wrestler. He never played football because he considered it to be a sissy sport, and he didn’t play well with others. His best single lift had been almost a ton.

He might do that again. He might exceed it. He positioned his arms and legs maximum effect. What ever the massive weight was it was also laying on his WIFE. She was laying beside him, it was crushing her too. He gathered himself together as best he could and PUSHED.

He Screamed ”EeeeeeeeYAH!”

The weight moved, up, up and ....

.......and crashed to the floor. Several bones in Carlos’s body decided to break about that time, mostly in his legs. He discovered that when he swung out of the bed and attempted to stand up. Carlos crashed to the floor, in about six inches of COLD water.

The anklebones that had been connected to the leg bones, or something like that, weren’t connected any more. He’d busted both his legs and several other bones in his body with that lift. His shoulder bones had a big crack. Several other bones had failed under the stress but they were almost minor in comparison. He felt like he’d bench pressed a Mack Truck. In truth he almost had.

He was in the dark but he was still oriented. He reached into drawer of a bedside table, removed a headband light and put it on then turned the light upon his wife.

She looked terrible, as if she’d been in a train wreck. The weight that had fallen on him had crushed her too. She was unconscious.

“Take her to the Cabin Cruiser” Carlos gasped. He was speaking to himself in the pain. “The Levee has broke and we’re flooding. Gotta get them out of here or we’ll drown. I need some flotation.”

He knew the baby’s crib would float, he’d taken a lot of kidding when he’d built it like a real boat. He hadn’t cared. Carla was several months pregnant. He had the tools and the skills and he was indulging himself. He was making ‘stuff’ for his baby. A baby crib in the form of a boat would be nice. Perhaps he’d make the bed resemble a Viking Long Ship. He didn’t know yet.

It was a good thing tonight that that he was building nautical. Through a wall of flaming red agony he rolled his wife onto his back. He couldn’t walk so crawled. The water was deep enough so he almost floated. He released the ropes from the ‘baby boat’. It crashed to the floor then he rolled his wife’s head and shoulder into it, over the rear. Then he snuggled in beside her.

Carlos used the boat as added flotation to keep their heads above water while the rising water raised and lifted them. He steered the unlikely craft as best he could so that he wasn’t trapped in the house. They made it outside thru the same break in the roof that the falling crawler boom had made. His goal was to get to the Cabin Cruiser behind the barn.

Somehow he did.

He dreaded climbing into the big boat. It was going to hurt.

EeeeeeeeeeeYaaaaaaaaah!” He screamed in raw agony. Yeah it did. Oh yeah. It really hurt, but got them both aboard. Somehow, Odin only knew how, with half the bones in his body broken.

He did it.

He did the best that he could for his wife. She was still alive but she looked awful bad. She was still alive by pure stubborn, refusal to quit. She wouldn’t give up. It ran in the family. He was in so much pain now that he could barely see. He knew exactly what she was going through. Oh so badly he wanted to just lay down and die.

He couldn’t do that. They all depended on him, his wife and his unborn infant. Carlos did the best he could do with what he had, and had adapted and improvised. Boarding the Cabin Cruiser had been an inspiration and proved to be their salvation. He always kept it stocked for a quick weekend getaway on the river and it had an extensive first aid kit. He used it. He did what he had to do the best that he knew how to do. That’s all anyone can do.

In agony he stood watch over his wife. He could not afford to let himself fall asleep. He did not dare do so. If anything else happened in the dark he had to be awake to face it. He waited for the dawn. What there would be of it in the Fog.

Next Episode
#64:-Weldon Melton Farm: Won't quit…
The Previous Episode was
#62: Banana Slug -Levy, Skirmish Style…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
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Oh man, like ouch, double ouch. I did not expect that turn of events. That was pretty intense reading there.

Wow! Highly shocking and high tension episode, I hope that Shelby and the other companions of Banana Slug can help Carlos, his wife and their baby.

I am following the Banana slug religiously, its intresting and full of suspense. Weldone

You did a great job. I love your post a lot @everittdmickey

your post is very beautiful and intresting thanks for sharing a blog

a very good and useful story

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