in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#121: Henry Drake -Shovel on the Coal



“Ok” Henry said “Step into my parlor....”

“Said the spider to the fly.” Bob said looking at the hatch opening into Fluffy”

“It won’t hurt but a minute.” Henry said. Then he levitated into the air and floated down the hatch.”

Bob stared after him open mouthed. “Show off.”

Bob CLIMBED down the stairs. He wasn’t sure about that floating stuff just yet. It was surprisingly roomy inside. Kinda like big cabin cruiser or a luxury motor home.

“Make your self at home” Henry told him.

Henry waved his arm dramatically and a stratolounger materialized.

“Huh.” Bob grunted. “I’m surprised it’s not a Captain’s chair from Star Trek.”

“You want one of them?” Henry grinned and waved his arm again. The stratolounger morphed into a very fancy captains chair.

“Don’t you think the blinky lights are a bit much?” Bob asked as he seated himself.

“Quitchabitching” Henry said. “There’s work to do.”


“Ok.” Henry said hours later. “That should do it. ”

Bob ‘woke up’ as if from a deep sleep. He and Henry had been going thru the ‘instruction manual’ in VR. They learned some stuff and Henry had made some stuff. Now they were ready as they’d ever be.

BOB was lashed onto the back of Fluffy. Bob sent his drone up to locate their quarry.

“Found em.” he said and pointed “they’re thataway”.

“Then let’s get going.” Henry said “hang on to your hat. This might be a little rough. It’s the first time I’ve done this.”

Fluffy accelerated like a race horse...soon it was moving at forty knots.

“That wasn’t so bad” Henry said. Bobs eyes were WIDE open, big as saucers. “ Now for phase two.”

“What?” Bob croaked. “What are you gonna doooooo!”

Fluffy fairly leaped into the air. It looked like an airplane taking off. It glided for a few hundred yards then settled back down to the surface of the water then it accelerated yet again.

“How..How..How fast are we going?” Bob gasped.

“I dunno...over a hundred knots I imagine” Henry said nonchalantly.
“This ain’t half bad. Reckon I’ll open it up and see what it’ll do.”

“Faster?” Bob gasped.

“Yup.” Henry grinned, then shoveled on the coal.

The Next Episode Is
#122 : Melvin's Marauders -Job Offer…
The Previous Episode was
#120: Melvin's Marauders -All that remained was sand…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
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Faster can always be a little bit of fun every now and then, I can't imagine skimming over the surface of water at anything over 30 MPH, I used to like watching the speed boat races, but one bad wave, one bad gust of wind, kablooey, crash tumble die.

the foils stay under the wave..the struts a thin and streamlined..the waves don't affect them much..the boat is way up outa the water.

A hydrofoil can run thru choppy water smooth as silk.

river, big lake (inland sea) not much in the way of waves anyway.

Yep, hydrofoils can get you up and out for a smoother faster ride, But for myself, I still don't think I would want to go very fast whether on or above the water. One nice thing about water, you can stop pretty fast at times.

Henry having fun and learning to work and control the marine monster Fluffy. Bob, "more scared than cockroach in hens party".

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