in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#66: Banana Slug -Blood Talon


at the Banana Slug

The woman was in grave condition, Shelby thought. Akatsuki had explained that to Shelby. She had been horribly crushed by something heavy. She had been on the very edge of death hanging on by torn and bleeding fingernails. It wouldn’t take much to send her over. The Cyber-mites from the Coast Guard ship had merged together into tiny dragons. Their combined load of blood-nanites could only hold her back from the edge for so long. She was too badly injured for them to repair her without more help. That done they formed an OmniSuit around her. It too was attempting to keep her alive.

Shelby was sending more help. He had conjured a high speed flying eagle drone. Then he had made a very special dragon tear for the woman in the style of an Eagle Talon Necklace. The eight Crystal Claws were long and sharp. He placed it around his neck. The claw tips pierced his neck and removed blood, a lot of blood. The blood turned the clear crystal turned crimson.

Shelby placed the BloodTalon on the Speedster, gave it the route and stood back. The HighSpeed Eagle Drone took off like a bat out of hell. A life depended upon it arriving in time.

When the Eagle arrived Carlos was cradling Karlee in his arms. She was somewhat awake and a tiny bit responsive. Enough so that he was feeding her chicken soup. All the while he was talking to her. He was crooning to her. His face was tracked with tears.

Shelby was the EagleDrone. A Mage does more than merely tele-operate a drone. A Mage becomes the Drone. Shelby wasn’t just a Mage. He was the ArchMage. He looked at Carlos dead on as only an Eagle can look at someone and said “Place the BloodTalon around her neck.”

The Eagle Drone handed Carlos a necklace. Shelby’s voice had the bite of authority. It struck straight to Carlos soul. Carlos couldn’t have disobeyed if he had wanted to. He did as commanded.

“Put her on the table” the Eagle said. “then stand back.”

Carlos swept the dishes aside negligently with one arm. He laid her bruised and broken body on the table top. He had never noticed the omni-suit from the cyber-mites of the day before. It was so thin and transparent he couldn’t tell that she had it on. She didn’t have much on. She had slept in a nightgown which was pretty much history. Her injuries were revealed and were heartbreaking for him to see.

A blood red haze arose from the Blood colored Eagle Claws of the necklace. It obscured the woman’s form before it settled upon her, then it covered her like paint. The once black woman was briefly red as if dipped in blood. The blood disappeared immediately as it was absorbed.

“She’s not dead.” the Eagle said. “She’s pumped full of BloodNanites and encased in a suit that you might not have noticed. It will take care of her every need other than food. By the way, you’re wearing an OmniSuit too. It’s thin but it’s getting thicker. It will help you. Re-enforcement drones carrying more SSmoke, and BloodNanites are on the way. You’re being taken care of too. Your wife was just more critical. Just thought that you’d like to know.”

The Eagle continued “ She’s as safe now as if she were in the left hand pocket of God, any God. Give her time to heal. You might do some healing yourself. You need some. She’s been grievously wounded, but she will heal.”

“How do you know?” Carlos asked.

“I know a lot of things.” The Eagle said looking at him straight on. It seemed to gaze upon his very SOUL with searing penetrating scrutiny. “I know a lot of things. I know that the baby is unharmed and that your neighbor, Weldon Melton will be dropping by soon. For coffee no doubt, do you have some?”

“I’ll see you soon, in person. Get well. This is now your Eagle. The Dragon belongs to your wife. ” The light went out of the eyes of the regal bird. It was now just and unmanned drone.

The Next Episode Is
# 67: Weldon Farm -Three Dragons…
The Previous Episode was
#65: Carlos Skirmish Farm:Late Night Encounter…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


commenting on someone else's work may be easier, that's the way life is, criticism criticizes the ordinary in the course of human life, then we better introspection ourselves better before throwing it to others, sorry maybe this comment annoys you, once sorry

The 1st picture reminds me of my husband when he is hungry, moving just like a snail 😂

Thank God Carlos wife is now safe,i do hope she heals faster. You are doing a great work @everittdmickey. Weldone!

Thank God Carlos wife is now safe,i do hope she heals faster. You are doing a great work @everittdmickey. Weldone!

How much emotion and feelings are intermingled, when you manage to help someone who is extremely needy. We need many ArchMage in the world.

Unlucky, lucky, Wife will live, and she gets a Dragon, he will live and he gets a super fast eagle to boot. Lucky guy. And the baby is okay. Now that could be one really interesting future story, all them nanites in her bloodstream, and pregnant.

Imagine the possibilities.

wow your post is very intresting and beautiful

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