
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#10 : Done


The lecture continued. The water continued to rise. Shelby ignored it with single minded determination. Eventually he was sitting in neck deep water .

The voice interrupted itself."Done.

"Done what?” Shelby asked. Truth be told he had been fascinated with the lecture. Ultra-advanced technology WAS magic.

"Done with your legs, and the rest of it. I even plugged the hole in your forehead. It looks nice even if I do say so myself. You’re healthy now and healed, even if we are still trapped.” The voice said."There’s a LOT more story and information too. We’ll get to that eventually.

"You no longer have any legs below mid-thigh. All the tissue has been absorbed into the rest of your body. You needed it. Crunchy bugs just didn’t hack the program.” the voice said.

"You’re stronger and have more endurance now than ever before. Even if you are a short skinny stumpy fellow.” The Voice said."You can get up now.”

Shelby tried to do that. He couldn’t." minor problem there Einstein.

"What’s that?” the voice asked.

"My pants legs.” Shelby said"You didn’t cut the pants legs. That ten ton block of stone is sitting on them.

"’s much heavier than that.” the voice sniffed"Your problem. I deal with the atomic, the molecular and the cellular, not gross physical matter like thread and cloth.

"You’re kidding me?” Shelby said.

"Yup.” The voice all but laughed."Gotcha. I’m pulling your leg. If I pulled any harder it’d come off. Oh. Wait. Poor analogy. They already have. I’m so sorry!

"Very funny.” Shelby said"I guess I could slide out of my pants. I hate to leave them. You know how modest I am.

"Yeah...right.” the voice said" might just yank harder. You’re pretty strong now, arms and shoulders especially. There might be enough space to drag them through. Maybe they just snagged. The floor might not be exactly level. Try pulling harder. If they rip they rip.

"Good point.” Shelby tried. Amazingly enough it worked. He managed to pull the empty pants legs out from under the monolith."Got it.

He tried to stand up on his stumps... and immediately fell down again making a big splash. Having no knees, ankles or feet was a weird thing. It messed with his balance. Being chest deep in water didn’t help either. Plus...he’d stepped on the empty pants legs. He’d tripped himself up.

What had been knee deep water was chest deep to him now. He used to be six foot three tall.

Now he guessed that he was three foot six. Hell it seemed as if his shoulders were as wide as he was tall. He gave up trying to balance on his stumps and just floated instead. He looped the ends of his pants up thru his belt. That worked.

He began to move. Somewhat graceful and quickly actually. He surprised himself. When he got to a dry spot he slithered out of the water and just lay there. The temple was ancient. It had many secrets. It had hidden chambers and passages.

The Next Episode is
#11 : Something about this place doesn’t feel right…
The Last Episode was
#9:The Voice talked for hours and hours…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I surf the net, find the GOOD stuff.
and write posts about it
So you don't have to.
I also write
and comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Just keeps getting better and better,
Ranger gradually inched up on the edge of his seat in anticipation of the next chapter.


But how can this chapter have 48 votes but only show 12 views? Don't know much about Steem but that seems vishishent.

@everittdmickey deserves a bigger audience, IMHO. Wonder how that happens around here.

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