
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#40 : William - Nike, meet Fabian


“Toss me a Magic Wand” William said absently while he was watching the kid’s gyrations.

Jaclyn WAS much stronger than she looked. A Magic Wand came flying over the counter right at William’s head. He caught it nonchalantly with one hand.

“Hmmm, what should we name it. Moron here doesn’t look very creative.” he asked her.

“How bout Nike, the winged goddess of victory. She represented strength, speed and triumph. The kid’ll probably think it’s a shoe though.” Jaclyn said.

“OK, Nike it is. Magic Wand, Activate, Your name is Nike.” He said rushing the sequence a bit. He’d discovered that the Magic Wands were remarkably adaptable.

Acknowledged” said the MagicWand.”My name is Nike. What’s yours?”

“What’s your name kid?” William did something to the kid that was VERY painful. The kid would do anything to make the pain stop.

“My name is Fabian.” the kid writhed and squirmed. “That hurts, stop it.”

“What’s your last name Fabian?” William calmly asked while making it more painful yet “out with it.”

“Aiiiieeeeee!” the kid screamed “BAILEY, it’s Fabian Bailey, that HURTZ!”

“Wus. I don’t like having guns pointed at me. Be thankful I let you live.” William said. He didn’t let go but rather pressed the kid’s hand around the wand handle. “His name is Fabian Bailey”

“User is identified and Code Locked as Fabian Bailey” The MagicWand replied.

“There” William said “That ought to fix you. Now go away and leave me alone. Here! Take this with you!”

William opened the door and tossed the kid, who was still holding onto the wand, out into the street. He tossed the gun much harder. His aim was good and he butt-bounced the gun off the kid. If it felt like a boot in the butt and that was the intention. It would probably leave a bruise , too bad, so sad. William kept the Ammo. It was the house caliber and he was down to only a few thousand rounds.

“ Another Ghetto-Rat, without a thought in his head except getting laid or high.” William said to his daemon. “Is it really worth it staying here? Are we doing any good?”

“Is there anywhere else you want to be?” the daemon asked.” If there is lets go.”

“Naw, there’s really not. I just like to bitch and moan, former marine you know. When a Marine STOPS bitchin it’s time to duck and cover. I guess I’ll stay here for a while. I wish they’d come up with something new. They do the same damn thing every time, and fall for the same damn trick.” William complained “It gets really boring.”

“That’s crazy.” The Daemon.

“I guess that’s the point. They are and I’m not, thanks to you. It’s so pitiful, though.” William said. “I think we’ve had enough fun tonight. Let’s close up shop and go home.”

Book 1



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We have to see what effect that magic wand can have on the child he wanted to steal William (Fabian Bailey); I worry about the magic wand, because it can make life worse in the Ghetto if it is mishandled. Children or young people are more skilled than adults in the handling of technology and with the power of replication, I worry a little about the consequences. I would like to know what William is thinking.

Yep, that kid got a wand. This could get interesting, because in some hands, those wands could be more dangerous than an AR-15. They might accidentally lobotomize themselves.

oh ...too bad...so sad.

I almost missed this particular one, my phone went off..i just used another phone to login and read your awesome work.

I love this one @everittdmickey ..lol when i saw NIKE in the story i even thought its a shoe o

Nice story
Love it ❤❤

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