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in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 42: ArmaGeddon really TIRED of this

The Band of Brothers were no longer young. None of them were. They had been harassing the demons for literally decades. The Battle at the End of the world was but a memory. The clash between the titanic air-fleets of the Sky Manta’s, Elders, Dragons and Griffins vs the enemy metal clad Zeppelins was but a fading recollection. For the last several decades life had settled into a routine.

Stalk the Enemy. Harass the enemy. Kill the enemy.

Pretty simple really.

For Example, take today. It’s amazing how well a Tiger can blend in with the grass and the brush given just a little bit of preparation. Given sufficient preparation the two could not be seen. Mennor the Elf and his tiger mount were invisible. The two were lying crouched down in the weeds directly in the path of a steam car.

They two Kindred had prepared their ambush during the night. Right a daybreak the weary column of demon troops passed by. They were hungry and unhappy to be moving so early. They were always unhappy every morning. The demons had walked right past the kindred without seeing them. Hundreds if not thousands of enemy troops had walked right by their hideaway. Finally, the last of the enemy riding in a steam car went by.

As soon as the steam car had passed by the Tiger had basically just stood up. A seven foot long tiger with an elf on it’s back made access to the rear hatch very easy. The elf inserted the specially designed pry bar into the steam car’s door latch and scrambled to one side. The pry bar was tied to the tiger...the tiger pulled. The door popped open and the elvf dived through the hatch, sword drawn.

There was hardly even any screaming. The occupants of the steam car were so totally taken by surprised that they barely had the wit to move much less put up any resistance. In seconds they were all dead, decapitated usually. The elven sword was SHARP.

The steam car gradually slowed to a stop as the demon Army marched on without it. The Kindred had killed hundreds of demon Steam Cars during the march across the Mesa.

This was just one more. Odd how skinny those demons had been. It was almost as if they were starving.

Not his problem. The demons followed the trail of the escaped Trolls...and the Kindred Guerilla's followed, and harassed, them.




nice , carry on

followed you

What a cheap article you old man, totally non seance and ugly. Never seen this type of stupid article.

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