in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#75: Joshua and Cody Have been busy.


a few days later

Carl notices that Joshua and Cody have been extremely busy lately. Curious as a cat he goes looking for them.

“Whatcha’ doing?” he asks.

sigh Do you know the reward for a ‘job well done’ Carl? “ Cody asked. He’s pretending to be grumpy but not pulling it off very well. He’s actually kind of proud.

“No? What is it? A bowl of cookies? Milk? Bacon?” Carl was in a Caloric-Centric phase of his life.

“No silly.” Joshua said “ The reward for a ‘job well done’ is another job.”

“Sounds more like punishment to me.’ Carl said, looking over his shoulder. “Say, shouldn’t the Merkle root be hashed indirectly? Are you encoding 3 bytes mantissa?”

“Ah! I hear a volunteer!” Joshua said.

“No. Really! I don’t have any idea. I was just curious about what you were doing.” Carl backed away quickly.

“It’s like this.” Joshua said “We have unbreakable copy protection. The ArchMage, bless his heart, has decided that we should install a new, optional section, in the MagLib.”

“I thought the MagLib was auto-magic” Carl said.

giggle not to Mages or Daemons it isn’t” Cody replied. “They can make it do what they want it to do.”

“And the thing his munificence want’s us to make it do,” Yvette said “ bless his hairy bottom, is to put a ‘For Sale’ section in the MageLib”.

“Yup.” Joshua said “From now on, writers like that fat old fart, what’s his name, can write an e-book, post it to the appropriate section of the MageLib and people can pay to download it. Every time it’s copied he get’s a fee. The BlockChain is useful in a number of activities, not just money but contracts and copyright protection. One you pay for something you can do almost anything you want to with it but stealing it is almost impossible.”

“Like a program for SSmoke for a new fantasy sword?” Carl asked.

“Seriously Carl? A fantasy sword? But yes, that or a new interior for a Manta, or any of a number of things” Yvette said.

“If you have enough SSmoke” Joshua said

“Cain’t never have too much SSmoke” they all four repeated in unison.

The Next Episode Is
#76: Banana Slug - Ernie’s…
The Previous Episode was
#74: CyberCoin: Groats…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Mo money fo the fat ol' fart. Not to mention more money for a cool new fantasy sword blueprint.

Have you SEEN some of those fantazy sords?

Oh yes, and with Ssmoke, they could all be carrying star wars style light sabers. But I think a lightweight bathlax (however you spell a klingon battle sword) would pretty cool too.

yup...(zing!..zing!) laser Blasts.
Gotta love those laser blasts..

I suspect that writer, fat old fart, and that could write an e-book and post it to the appropriate section of the MageLib and people could pay to download it, is someone known ... Whatever, good duo this Cody and Joshua and now working on the BlockChain revolution to eliminate banks and intermediaries and decentralize all economic management ... Shelby directing activities.

Wao nice post
I love the way you post

a very good post

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