in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#99:The EggChild.


Shelby was sitting in his ‘workshop’ looking at an egg. It was by far the largest viable egg he had ever seen. Possibly dinosaur eggs had been larger but that was unlikely.

This egg was large enough to contain a human infant...and it did.

“What to do...what to do” Shelby muttered to himself. “I’ve examined this situation from all angles. I’m fresh out of ideas.”

“Bring in another set of eyes” Elvira told him. “Bring in someone fresh. You’ve beat your head bloody against it and you’re no farther along than when you started...you need a new perspective.”

“Good idea.” He said “I can do that.”

He called ‘Rescue Control’ , Cody was on duty

“You got any spare bodies hanging around” Shelby asked him when he answered.

Cody looked around. Carl was backing away with his hands held in front of him shaking his head and muttering ‘no..no...no..no..not me.”

Cody grinned like an alligator looking at a skinny dipping swimmer. “As a matter of fact I do.”

“Who’iz’it?” Shelby asked. “not that it matters. I just need a new set of eyeballs on a problem I have, another point of view .”

“It’s Karl.” Cody grinned evilly.

“Doesn’t that boy ever sleep?” Shelby said. “Doesn’t matter. He’ll do. Send him right up.”

Shelby disconnected then went back to banging his head some more.


“Why me?” Karl wailed

“Because you were here.” Cody replied. “Why are you concerned. Shelby is a good guy. It’s not like he’ll eat you or anything.”

“I’m afraid of him.” Karl replied.

“Why ever for?” Cody was astonished.

“I just am.” Karl said.

“Tough Titties” Cody told him. “Cowboy up. He’ll be expecting you any minute now...so unless you want to disappoint him you’d better go...”

Karl was still in denial.

“RIGHT NOW!” Cody said.

Karl left.


Shelby had lost track of time. There came a timid knock, more of a scratch really, at his door.

“I’ll get it.” Elvira said “you just keep hammering.”

Shelby just nodded. He really didn’t hear what she said.

Elvira opened the door. Karl was standing there. He almost bolted. He might have if it had been Shelby.

“We’ve been expecting you.” Elvira told him. “Come right in. Whats’a’matter you anyway?”

Karl had the ‘deer-in-the-headlights' look when he looked at Elvira and said “I’m afraid.”

“Nothing to be afraid of” Elvira said “No one will hurt you.”

“You might if he found out about me, if you knew what I really am.” Karl said.

“I highly doubt that.” Elvira said. “You definitely can’t leave now though. You have my curiosity aroused.”

“And when Elvira is curious so am I.” Shelby said stepping into sight.

“Will you lookit that?” Elvira said “He fainted dead away.”


“Well we can’t just leave him laying there in the doorway...someone might trip over him.” Shelby muttered as he used SSmoke to levitate Karl’s body up to about waist height and move him inside the room.

“Might as well put him over by the EggChild. That’s why he’s here.” Shelby said as he did just that. A small cuddy conveniently formed from SSmoke and Karl fit into it perfectly.

“Now what?” Elvira said.

“I dunno...I guess we just....” Shelby started to say...”Oh my...will you lookit that? What is it?”

“Beats me.” Elvira said. “Hang on while I do some SoulStone database diving...perhaps I can find something.”

She vanished...Shelby sat mesmerized watching the light-show scintillate and coruscate between Karl’s cuddy and the EggChild.


Eventually Elvira ‘returned’. She’d been gone a LONG time, for her.

“Find anything?” Shelby asked.

“Not really.” she replied “exactly.”

“What do you mean by that?” Shelby said “I know that tone of voice.”

“I had to go WAY back, further back than when I found SSmoke.” Elvira told him.

“Millions of years then.” Shelby said.

“Yup...I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.” she said.

“It has something to do with me.” She told him.

“Huh?” Shelby said “I didn’t see that coming. Go on please.”

“Well as you know I’m your alter-ego, specifically designed to be a control interface for all things SoulStone tech.” she said.

“Well ya...I knew that.” Shelby stroked his beard.

“This is predecessor tech. A separate branch perhaps, more fundamental” She was explaining when the light show went away.

“Now what?” Shelby asked rhetorically

“We wait and see.” Elvira said...”very interesting.”

A small fox and a small dragon were frolicking in the air before them.

“Is that you Karl?” Shelby asked the little Dragon Avatar.

“Oh hi mister Archmage sir.” Karl’s avatar replied. He no longer seemed to be afraid.

“Who’s your buddy?” Shelby asked him.

“I dunno what her name is.” Karl said “ She can’t talk yet.”

“Karl! “ Elvira said a bit impatiently “Is it the EggChild’s avatar?”

“Well yeah.” Karl replied “I thought you knew. Isn’t that why you asked me to come up here? To babysit?”

Elvira and Shelby looked at each other...dual facepalms.

The Next Episode Is
#100: The EggChild - The Dragon Lady Arrived…
The Previous Episode was
#98: Banana Slug - Lucy Get’s ‘Splained To…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Well now isn't that interesting. Seems like maybe, karl, and baby egg, are some sort of primal throwback? Predecessors to the soulstones? This is a tangent that could get to be pretty interesting. Like learning who really built Stonehenge.

Good advice from Shelby's alter ego, to seek help when he is mentally blocked ... and apparently the quickest possible help came, the young genius Carl, who apparently already managed to establish a connection with the baby inside the egg ... Great human resource to solve problems ... Shelby must develop a strategy that allows him to keep this valuable and young human resource motivated.

Good topic I benefited

Amazing pict and story....

Haha nice story sir. You really like making post about so many different things, and that is unique and I actually kind of like it a lot.

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