Ride The Lightning

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Part 19:Whisky


I finally woke up. I lay in bed and thought. I began to put the fragments of my memory together. I began to remember what had happened.

A while later Officer Bob walked into the room. He took one look at me and his expression turned serious. “I can see that you are still not resting. I talked to one of the EMTs. He’s a friend of mine. We have a plan. Try to hide it, or everyone will want some. If they catch you I’ll deny all knowledge of where this came from.”

Bob grinned and showed me with a bottle of Jack Daniels Black. Ah yes…good old Black Jack Whiskey. Bob poured a generous portion into one of the hospital’s plastic water glasses, and a lesser portion into another one.

Bob took the lesser and gave me the greater.

“Drink up…. Absent comrades.”Bob toasted…and followed his own advice.

“Absent Comrades” I echoed the toast. I drank. We sat and chatted for a few minutes until I began to nod off. I barely managed to set the, mostly empty, glass onto the nightstand before I fell asleep.

To Be Continued
The Next Episode Is
Part 20 : Tel-Com with the Broker…
The Last episode was
Part 18: I struggled to open my eyes.…
the first episode was
Part 1 : Winter Storm

I surf the net, find the GOOD stuff.
and write posts about it
So you don't have to.
I also write
and comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


You left me hanging. Gripped. Now I need to read the previous posts to bring myself up to speed. Also looking forward to reading part#20.

was it the whisky that did it?

It was the whole scene. Is it a bad cop? Why is he in the hospital? Why are they smuggling jack?

nice post sir

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