in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#50:Banana Slug -(a week later, after the first 'fashion show')


(a week later, after the first ‘fashion show’)

“There certainly WERE cookies. A lot of them. They all had goooey melty chocolate centers too. No one expected the avatar puppies. Got the chocolate allllll over us.” Sally said.

“The poopy birds landing on the shoulder was worse” Mary said with dismay.

“Told Ya” Carl told her. “White pants was stoopid. There weren’t any rockets though. I’m disappointed.”

“Seriously Carl?” Sally and Mary were scornful “ He wouldn’t use rockets!”

“Would he?” Elizabeth wasn’t so sure.

“He might use a gun.” Billy said nervously.

Everyone looked around then looked back at Carl. This time they weren’t so scornful. They weren’t so sure. They were beginning to get nervous. Everyone knew that the ArchMage carried a gun.

“What?” Carl said.


“That was educational don’t you think?” The dragon lady had a positively evil look on her face. “I think we need to ramp it up to the next level”

“Chad” She said “You’re the designated bad guy. To begin with, attack my HugThugs. The children see them as protectors. We don’t want to confuse them and have my Orcs act as bad guys. Wear a disguise. I think paintball guns, blunted swords and dull pole arms would make a good show. Make it look hard when they beat you up.”

“Beat me up?” Chad wasn’t so sure about that. He looked at the two enforcers. Neither man had legs from above the knee and each on of them was twice his size. No fat either.

“Beat me up?” he squeaked again.

Marc and Captain were puzzled at first then the light dawned. They grinned. This could be fun.

“I’ll give you some pointers on the intimidation factor” Captain told Chad. “I’ve got a lot of experience”.

Chad nodded. His mind was already concocting a plan. “This is a show. It’s only a show. If this was a real fight someone would get hurt.”

“Exactly right.” Shelby agreed. “The show is for educational purposes and to have fun. One should always have fun while learning. We start by educating the children. Then we branch out to the parents.”

“Correct” The Dragon Lady agreed. “Start slow then escalate. The more we sweat in training the less we bleed if we encounter the real thing.”

The Previous Episode was
#49: Banana Slug -Have you got the faintest idea what you are doing…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


To read this fiction it's must be say that it will be liked to all and it become a very nice fiction.thanks for sharing with us to read this.keep it up

nice one post i see
great fiction
keep it up

Spoken like a true lady drill sergeant - - "The more we sweat in training the less we bleed....." - - Could backfire on them though, I saw a certain twinkle in one of the kids eyes.

We have the two analyzes of the fashion show made a week ago: one of the children (Sally, Mary, Carl, Elizabeth, Billy) and the other one of the adults (Shelby, Dragon Lady, Chad, Marc, Captain). The children visualize what were the faults or funny points of the parade; which is good because it promotes discussion among them with their different points of view; Adults, begin to visualize a strategy of development of children, placing new challenges. Good development strategy trying to take them step by step. The integration and consolidation of the team continues.

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