in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#46:Banana Slug -Did I hear a 'but'?


Shelby was impressed. He was also mildly disappointed. The boys could do so much more with just a little bit more effort. He had some ideas. He gave Joshua a text.

  • Shelby to Joshua


    Joshua to Shelby

    Shelby to Joshua
    That is great boat

    Joshua to Shelby
    Do I hear a ‘but’?

    Shelby to Joshua
    Bright lad. You might not be aware of hydrofoils. The mantas will adapt to them just PERFECTLY. Also something else I’ve been working on. Are you and the boys free for lunch?

  • Joshua to Shelby

    Heh, Silly Question.
    “At your Command” ArchMage
    When and where?


Shelby groaned. This wasn’t going the way he had wanted it too. All he’d wanted to do was to make a few helpful suggestions. Guess not. Burden of command and like that.

  • Shelby to Joshua

Why don’t you and the boys get something they’d really like., Steak, or Burgers at Ernie’s maybe,
I dunno, knowing that crowd maybe both. You decide. Anything you want. You all deserve it.
My treat.
Take your time. Have a GOOD time.
Then Ya’ll drop by to see me.

  • Joshua to Shelby

At your command!

Shelby sat with his head in his palm for a few minutes. He thought of an old quotation.

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown” He didn’t have a crown. What he had was worse.

“Oh Boo Hoo” Elvira was NOT sympathetic. “ Poor you. It's your party and you’ll cry if you want to. Cry until your pity party _something, something _? Just like the song says?”

“We ain’t got time for that. CowBoy up Gramps. I have ideas in motion. I did a Cyber-Plunge into the fountain of the SoulStone chasing your mind waggles, so saddle up! It takes a big tractor to plow the fertile field of your mind and I’m just brimful with ontological commitments, instantiation and domain specifications! ” She said.

“WELL?” Elvira continued, not a bit patient.” Extending this logic, the direst scale to be less than an untoned, advised bangle of an unshrived cognitive organization. Much like the zeitgeist of millrun plants but without the understated beauty of karate or the apparel of unlined cymbals!”

“I’m in awe” Shelby said “I don’t believe I’ve ever hear such a wild mixed rant.”

“Yeah yeah.” Elvira cut in “ I bet you say that to all the girls. It got your attention. Now listen up. If you vary the resonance spectra of the tau-geek-speak techno-babble

In spite of himself Shelby listened. This was new. It actually made sense in context. He began to grin.

The Next Episode Is
#47: Banana Slug -At Ernies…
The Previous Episode was
#45: Banana Slug -Sea Trials…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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You know when you have been assimilated - - - the techno babble starts to make sense.


Shelby, for the moment looks like a man tormented and alone or at least with many worries or is the one who really understands the problem they are involved in ... Hopefully, his meeting with Naomi, will allows him to alleviate a little his weight or worries .. .Shelby, as a good leader, wants his people to give him more, I think he handled it well with Joshua ... Elvira? ... I understand that Elvira is installed in his mind?

Yup...Shelby has a split personality. One is Shelby..the other is Elvira...an alien installed interface to the SoulStone embedded in his brain.

OK. Now I understand Shelby's behavior throughout history. Thanks

Book 1: Soulstone...explains all that ...

Yes, it is certainly necessary to review the book 1. I must do it.

good story friend

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